Donald Trump Is America’s Netanyahu

Steve Sailer writes: The stability seen in the presidential elections of 2000–2012 due to the predictability of identity politics existed largely because—while identity politics among the fringes of the population have been strongly encouraged—the core’s natural ethnocentrism had been channeled into a few respectable and futile outlets.

For example, it’s acceptable for white Christians to strongly back Likud’s identity politics for Israeli Jews. Prime Minister Bibi Netanyahu receives rapturous support from Republican gentiles. But it is not at all reputable for them to look for their own Israeli-style American nationalist to stand up for their own interests.

This fear among elites, especially among Jewish elites, of Americans getting their own Israeli-style leadership has led Trump to be denounced as an American Hitler. But a more plausible analogy is that the wily entrepreneur has sniffed out an untapped niche in the market for an American Netanyahu.


* In the antiwhite dictionary:

100% African = diverse
100% Asian = diverse
100% White = “needs diversity”

White places will be “diverse enough” when all the white people are gone. Isn’t there a word for targeted racial replacement and cultural g- of an ethnic group?

* In Kansas City tonight we have an illegal who just murdered four people. He was apparently arrested last September for a driving violation, but ICE dropped the ball and he was released.

* Trump would be the American Netanyahu except for his lack of army service and combat experience. But:
Build a fence to stop illegals? Check
Monetary and trade policy designed to secure exports, and maximum employment and growth at home? Check
Get along with anyone who wants to get along with you, including Russia and China ? Check
No nonsense with the Muslims? Check
Favor the demographic of the country as it exists? Check
The lack of army service though should not impede Trump here though. It isn’t as if Hillary and Bernie or Cruz have any.

* Wow the jews sure played their Hitler card early, its not even April. What happens if Trump withdraws and someone further right takes his place as an alternative to the two faced system? Are they going to call him the Pharoah Ramses?
I thought Hitler was their TRUMP Card.

* According to a Jewish friend who keeps a close eye on Israel, Trump is favored by 61 percent of the population there.

On NPR’s “On the Media,” Nate Silver, who has contributed to that program since this primary season began, was asked why he got Trump so wrong. His excuse: there is a major political realignment going on. If Trump makes it to the general, he could turn blue states red. Therefore, Silver’s standard way of analyzing races is no longer relevant. As he observed, on a checklist of “what would make a candidate unelectable,” Trump checks most of the boxes yet triumphs nonetheless.

* Nate Silver made his reputation by studying and analyzing various polls back in 2012. He abandoned that method this cycle. Had he been paying attention and using his old method, he surely would have noticed that the polls strongly and consistently favored Trump since last summer when the Republican debates started and Trump started hitting on some popular themes. (He also showed clearly that he lacks the judgment to be a good theater critic. I don’t know how anybody could watch those debates from the beginning and not recognize that Trump stood head and shoulders above his competitors and made them all look small and insignificant by comparison, regardless of what you thought of his political positions. That’s called stage presence.) I think it was Nate Silver’s refusal to believe the polls (which is pretty funny considering his reputation was built on his successful reading of the polls when they favored Obama) and his distaste for Trump’s positions that have reduced Silver to a relatively meaningless figure on the political scene. Anybody who has been investing in the stock market for a number of years is familiar with the phenomenon, a guy who lucks out and makes a good call on the market or a stock and is immediately placed in the Pantheon alongside Warren Buffett. Joe Granville, anyone? The really good ones make good calls consistently over a long period of time, even if they make an occasional bum call along the way.

* The first law of politics could well be the Conservation of Hitler. So Trump is now Hitler. Hafez al Assad used to be Hitler. Before him it was Khaddafi, I think. Or maybe he was only Mussolini. However I’m pretty certain that Saddam Hussein was once Hitler. Of course, once Hitler was Hitler, but he wasn’t very good at it, so they had to find another one.

Tag! You’re Hitler!

* Trump is an example of a gentile who assimilated to NY Jewish culture. Maybe that’s what the US needs, maybe not. But one thing I detect about the anti-Trump hatred is some of the “it’s all behind me” snobbishness of deracinated Jews who assimilated to some fictitious WASP ideal.

Wouldn’t surprise me at all if unapologetic ethnic Jews had an affinity for Trump.

* I’d guess in his day to day life going back decades a good quarter of the people Trump interacts with in business are Jewish, as well as many people he grew up with. In that sense he’s more culturally Jewish than I am, having grown up in the midwest and south in towns that were less than 1% Jewish. “Schlonged” is not a word I’d ever use, and to the extent I know any yiddish slang like this I got it from TV.

It may also be way Trump is so blase about offending the hypersensitive neocon Jews, who are very little like the Jews he interacts with.

As far as accents, secular Jews my age who grew up in Manhattan speak normal General American English, but Long Islanders and NJ natives still have the “cauwfee” accent.

* This might end up being big news for Trump. Regular readers here may remember I’ve mentioned the Richman family of economists before, and their work on balanced trade. Ann Coulter just tweeted one of their essays in which they argue in favor of Trump’s tariff idea and against Mitt Romney’s criticism of it.

Trump’s got the right instincts on trade, but the Richmans can give him an intellectual framework for it, like Sessions did on immigration. And we know Trump listens to Ann Coulter, so this could be good.

* Trump can’t be Hitler because Pat Buchanan is:
Pat Buchanan: Hitler Resurrected?

In addition, Vladimir Putin is also Hitler:
Is Vladimir Putin Another Adolf Hitler?

Reagan was also Hitler:
Berkeley study links Reagan, Hitler

* I remember being told by the media that Rock n’ Roll was over and that Disco was going to rule forever. As Disco became an increasingly Gay and elitist genre (remember the “Velvet Ropes”, door bouncers, guest lists) working class and young people looking for a cheap night out rebelled against it.

* And why does nobody ever mention Dave Brat’s win over Eric Cantor in 2014? Ten to one that’s what gave Trump the idea. Not a single analysis of the Donald that I’ve read has ever mentioned this.

* Rewatching HBO’s Rome, it is incredibly clear that Trump is a non-military version of that show’s construction of Julius Caesar. At one point in series, the young Augustus, criticizing the Catonian politics of the day remarks “the aristocrats own all the land, people beg and starve in the streets of Rome and the slaves have taken all the labor from ordinary Romans.” It’s a bit of stretch to compare it to today’s environment, but it sounds somewhat similar.

It’s also interesting on the show how nearly the entire branch of Roman elites is against Caesar while the lower classes universally love him. In another scene, Cato declares that the Pompeian side has nearly all the men of substance in Rome as opposed to Caesar having the support of Plebs. As the show progresses, increasing numbers of elites kiss the ring of Caesar as they see his popularity is unstoppable.

Clearly the show take a lot of liberties with the historical accounts we have of Caesar. However, most histories depict Caesar’s politics and standing in the Roman Republic as being similar. So, it would seem apt to compare Trump in many ways to Caesar.

* Netanyahu gets most of his support from the poorer half of the Israeli population, the relatively low IQ Mizrahi of Middle Eastern origin, whom the European-Ashkenazi elites look down upon with a certain amount of disdain and distaste. So that part rings true.

I’m waiting to see how many African- and Hispanic-American voters Trump will be able to attract to the Republican Party. Let Hillary play the race card. We may be seeing a fundamentals realignment of American politics based on class interest instead of ethnic identity. In which case the Democrats may find themselves in the political wilderness for a long, long time to come — sort of what happened to the Republicans after Roosevelt.

About Luke Ford

I've written five books (see My work has been covered in the New York Times, the Los Angeles Times, and on 60 Minutes. I teach Alexander Technique in Beverly Hills (
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