Does Donald Trump Carry A Gun?

Comments to Steve Sailer:

* I’m actually glad to see that Donald Trump carries a gun, but the threat to his security these days is so great that if he has to use his gun, his security has already failed. I hope that his aircraft is guarded around-the-clock and his food and drink are tested for poison.

And how close is some of this talk that “under no circumstances must Donald Trump be allowed to become President,” to Henry II’s possible authorization of the asssassination of Thomas Beckett: “Will no one rid me of this turbulent priest?”

* I’m sure Trump is quite aware of the elites’ desire to stop him by any means necessary. But even if he is stopped by bullet or ballet, his mark in American politics has been extraordinary and irreversible. Trump is not our last chance but our first chance. He has inspired many and will continue to do regardless of what happens from here on out.

* I’m skeptical of future republicans imitating him and duplicating his success.

Trump is bringing in “the white working class vote” ™ and while his positions on immigration and trade are obviously a key reason, another key reason is that lots of these ordinarily non-political (but pissed off) people had already heard of Trump. So they paid attention to what he was saying. If some nobody says the same stuff, I’m not sure it gets much traction.

* The goal of this empire’s elite establishment is not to limit the elites’ power to do anything they want, but to increase that power. This implies both a decrease in the power of less privileged citizens to protect themselves from this establishment and a constant, more general erosion of such citizens’ rights. The ideal the elites are aiming for is something like pre-revolutionary France but with only three classes: the elite establishment nobility; the intelligentsia/managerial class; and the rest of us, aka the peasantry.

* Private ownership of firearms is virtually impossible in Bermuda, but when Bloomberg vacationed there, his bodyguards were allowed to carry them. Of course, as a certified elitist, the rules don’t apply to him.

* Trump is our last peaceful chance.

Take a hard look at what Trump has done – he’s unmasked the oligarchs for millions of Americans, who now see establishment as the enemies they are. And what’s scary the oligarchs have dropped any and all pretense of being for the people.

Imagine how bold they will be with Hillary in the White House. I don’t want to imagine that.

If Hitlerly gets in, our goose is cooked. The oligarchs will make sure another Trump or Huey Long never arises and they will drop the hammer on us proles. It would not take much for Hillery to muzzle the 1st amendment European style and passing amnesty with the help of Ryan and McConnell so they can really power up race replacement.

Passing TPP will be the final nail in our coffin.

About Luke Ford

I've written five books (see My work has been covered in the New York Times, the Los Angeles Times, and on 60 Minutes. I teach Alexander Technique in Beverly Hills (
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