Why Are People Voting Trump?

Steve Sailer writes:

It’s crucial that Presidential candidates be carefully vetted by insiders. It’s just not prudent for the public to be allowed to support some flash-in-the-pan who has been in the public eye since the late 1970s. Instead, the Establishment assures us that respectable candidates like Marco Rubio come without any untoward baggage.

For example, consider the career of former Congressman David Rivera, who has been a close friend of Rubio’s since they were on Lincoln Diaz-Balart’s staff together 24 years ago. Rubio and Rivera bought a Florida house together as an investment property and they shared a house in Washington DC when Rubio was in the Senate and Rivera was enjoying his one term in the House. So, you can rest assured that there’s nothing sketchy about Rivera, whose nickname, according to his recently sentenced girlfriend, is “The Gangster.” He’s bonafide! (Granted, Rivera only spent one term in the House and when he tried to make a comeback in 2014, he only got 7% of the vote in what the National Journal called “the worst congressional comeback attempt of all time.”)

Rivera is like a character out of a Miami novel co-written by Elmore Leonard and Carl Hiaasen. From Rivera’s Wikipedia page:

4 Controversies

Controversy 4.2 is particularly action-packed:

On September 6, 2002, Rivera was involved in a traffic collision with a truck carrying thousands of fliers, produced by Rivera’s campaign opponent at the time, that included a last-minute attack on Rivera’s character and detailed past domestic violence accusations against him. According to reports filed by the Florida Highway Patrol, a car driven by Rivera hit the truck and forced it to the shoulder of the Palmetto Expressway, ten minutes before the truck’s 6 p.m. deadline to deliver the fliers to the post office, preventing the fliers from being delivered in time to be mailed.

Rivera has said that he had planned to meet up with the truck on an exit ramp off the Expressway so he could retrieve a batch of his own campaign fliers. The owner of the company that produced the anti-Rivera fliers maintains that the truck driver did not voluntarily pull off the highway. According to the FHP incident report, the collision occurred in the middle of the road.

Rivera is a take-charge guy. If a truck needs to be run off the road, he won’t make a calls to a guy he knows like a stereotypical crooked politician. No, he’ll jump in his car and ram the damn truck himself.

But that’s the point: Miami Diverse is America’s future, and the GOP deep thinkers intend to replicate Miami’s political culture nationwide, thus ensuring Dave Barry plenty of material deep into his dotage.

Comments to Steve Sailer:

* they shared a house in Washington DC when Rubio was in the Senate

I see.

Marco Rubio’s Career Bedeviled by Financial Struggles

I guess those ‘financial struggles’ are the reason Rubio shared a house with another man.

Rubio and Rivera bought a Florida house together as an investment property

From what I can tell from his career, Marco ‘Pool Boy’ Rubio has not done an honest day’s work in his life, yet he was able to buy a house as an “investment property”, and pushed an amnesty/immigration surge bill that would have adversely affected the lives of millions of Americans who regularly do put in an honest day’s work.

Tell me again why people are fed up with the Wash DC establishment and are voting Trump?

* William Hague, former British FM, gave “fiscal prudence” as the reason he shared a hotel room with his driver.


* Trump should do well in PR.

1/ The Mexico wall will benefit Puerto Ricans since they can come to the mainland and do work in place of the absent Mexicans.

2/ Increased tariffs on China would make Puerto Rican factories more profitable.

* Sailer once said the only way to close the race gap is to beat white kids on the head with clubs.

Maybe White Degradation and White Death are just that. Maybe if the Lib elites cannot raise blacks higher, there is satisfaction of seeing whites sink lower, not just in US but in UK.

Well, it is a kind of racial equality if not a very dignified one.

Brits used to take pride in being racially superior to everyone else. Today, British elites feel shame in having held such attitudes. They want to believe and prove that other races are just as good as Brits. And if that goal seems beyond reach, the other way is to degrade a whole bunch of whites into lower-class slobs and pigs who are just like rest of humanity. Ahh, equality.

If white elites cannot fulfill the dream of ‘you non-whites are just as good as us’, they can at least fulfill the alternative dream ‘we are just as worthless as you’, the ‘we’ being the lower half of white population no longer to be led and guided by white elites.


* When you’re trying to determine the “whiteness” of a population, the first thing you need to ask is, “What kind of institutions do they create? What kind of a social atmosphere do they foster?”

The Miami area is a cesspool of corruption and civic dysfunction. It’s an interesting place to live, but only if you’re willing to deal with sleaze, bullshit, rudeness, and weirdness on a daily basis.

There are an awful lot of flaky nuts running around – and driving around, too. Everyone thinks that the drivers in his city are the absolute worst, but you haven’t seen bad driving until you’ve spent some time down here.

(It doesn’t help that some of the expressways are laid out in a diabolical manner. I once knew a girl from Australia who broke down in tears while trying to navigate the infamous Golden Glades Interchange – a veritable maze of one-lane flyovers veering off in every conceivable direction. She’d never seen anything like it.)

The area is dominated by a shallow, materialistic, image-obsessed mentality that holds that money and sex are the only things that matter. There’s no sense of civic purpose other than, “Get what you can take, flaunt what you’ve got, and screw everyone else.”

(Yes, this is true of America as a whole, but Dade County is nothing short of a mecca for the hard-bodied and empty-headed.)

Marco Rubio is the perfect man to represent Miami on the world stage: He’s a good-looking, soulless con artist with void between the ears.

* I think the elites are really quite stupid when it comes to judging political talent. Keep in mind George Will’s track record in the 2012 cycle. First he started off with Mitch Daniels, the governor of Indiana who decided not to enter the race, and Tim Pawlenty, who withdrew after his miserable showing in the August 2011 “Ames Poll.” Then Will switched his affections to Rick Perry (his wife was working for his campaign) and Jon Huntsman, Jr. 0 for 4, as baseball aficionado Will would put it. This cycle he started off as a Scott Walker backer (his wife worked for his campaign), if I recall correctly.

About Luke Ford

I've written five books (see Amazon.com). My work has been covered in the New York Times, the Los Angeles Times, and on 60 Minutes. I teach Alexander Technique in Beverly Hills (Alexander90210.com).
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