Tony Blair and Marco Rubio: Conspiracies of Silence on Immigration

Comments to Steve Sailer:

* When you land at Heathrow these days, it is like you have arrived in a Third World port. You would never know it was a nation of white British people. Worse, the kind of Third Worlders you see there – you know right away that 95% of them are on welfare, mooching off the British system.

* Back in 2013 Power Line’s Paul Mirengoff revealed that Rubio told Bret Baier that he would appear on Special Report but not if Jeff Sessions was on at the same time.

Had the pleasure of calling Michael Medved’s radio show around the end of 2013 and nominating Rubio for “Loser of the Year.” Explained to Medved that Rubio was a traitor to the country. I cited the Supreme Court, Cramer (1945) to define treason; “an act which weakens or tends to weaken the power of the [United States]. . .”

Told an agitated Rubio-loving Medved that the former senior editor of National Review, Peter Brimelow, would probably agree that Rubio was a traitor. Medved cut my mike and stated, “On the subject of immigration, Peter Brimelow is hysterical.”

* I add sugar and cream to my coffee, sometimes a little more cream, sometimes a little more sugar , but I never piss in my coffee. That is what these “multiculturalists” do. Sure, your piss used to be coffee but isn’t now. Adding it to your coffee does nothing good. Opening your borders to whomever does nothing good for your country.

* And it’s almost as if Big Business is paying these politicians to cram as many immigrants into the West as possible. But the pundits don’t like to talk about WHY this is the case.

* How does one get ahead in a profession which is dependent upon people voting for you do so by doing stuff which is unpopular? Is it the promise of being made a multi-millionaire after you leave office? And if so, from whom does this money come? Soros? An amalgamation of the folks we see at Davos every year? The captains of industry who benefit from cheap labor? If this is the case, what’s the breakdown of Blair’s income and lifestyle since he left office?

Or is it that the English electorate is heavily brainwashed to believe opposition to multiculturalism is “racist” and therefore unacceptable?

* The people of Europe, in such countries Germany, France, Sweden, Belgium, Britain etc, during the 1970′s and 1980′s would talk about the biggest problems and issues facing their societies. During this time, it might have been the Cold War, the Berlin Wall, or lack of economic growth. But no, in your local cafes and on your street corners, you would here a conversation like this.

Bob: “Hey John, what is the biggest problem we face today?”
John: “Hmm….I don’t know, Bob, what do you think?”
Bob: “Our biggest problem is that we don’t have enough inbred Pakistani goat herders in our country.”
John: “That right, Bob! I never thought of that before, but that is a huge problem!”
Bob: “I hear that the people are bringing this issue up more and more, but our politicians are slow to get the message, but if we persist we can eventually make the them see the light.”
John: “Exactly, soon everyone will see that our lack of inbred Pakistani goat herders as a huge problem, but convincing the politicians will take time.”

So eventually the people rose up and demanded the importation of millions of inbred Muslims, the politicians were wary at first, but eventually caved to popular demand. All these countries(Germany, France, Sweden, Belgium, Britain) are democracies so this process could not have happened any other way.

* Big Business wants more profit.

Mass immigration (legal and illegal) brings more profit to Big Business.

Big Business uses business profit to fund both the media and politicians.
Therefore both the media and politicians defend immigrants and facilitate more immigration, both legal and illegal.

This is the causal chain behind all of this, these bills, the media propaganda, the lax enforcement of immigration laws, etc etc.

If we don’t understand the forces in play, then this sort of political activism is just Cargo Cult activism. What is an example of conservative cargo cult activism? Believing that pro-immigration forces are just out to get more Democratic voters and that the GOP politicians are just too stupid to do anything about it. Now what internet blogger pundit has been pushing that line of cargo cult baloney for years now?

* Barbara Margolis Roche has a God-given duty to “Heal the World” and “Be a Light unto the Nations”.

This duty transcends all other national duties. Umm, except for one transcendent nation, that is.

Always remember, she is doing it for our own good.

“Cool Britannia!”

* “The daughter of Barnet and Hanna Margolis, she was educated at the Jews Free School, Camden Town and Lady Margaret Hall, Oxford where she read Philosophy, Politics and Economics. She trained to be a barrister and was called to the bar at the Middle Temple, 1977.”

And yet neither she nor the community college candidate Rubio are the real enemy. They both act in their ethnic self-interest. Or at least it is what superficially appears to be their ethnic self-interest (fuller understanding would show their behavior self-destructive). The real enemy and deadly threat to our survival both cultural and biological is the Tony Blair or George Bush. These are our own, chosen to lead and protect us, expected to safeguard our legacy and ensure a future for our children, who then act exclusively as agents for other (alien) groups. We are not hurt by other groups pursuing their own interests and fair competition, this makes us all stronger and better. But we will be a forgotten footnote in Chinese language texts in 2216CE if we don’t stop supporting traitors like Blair and Bush.

* The (Obama) administration has decided to let immigrants with three sexually transmitted diseases known for causing sores or lesions on genitalia to enter the United States, an expansion of a previous decision to let in those with HIV.

* I’m coming more and more to the belief that humans have an innate requirement for religion (it’s built into the brain structure) and modern multicultural PC is very much a religion, complete with cathedrals (universities).

Maybe that explains the 60s. The old religions are no longer believed, so the young, in an ad-hoc shambolic way, invent a new religion, without even realizing that is what they are doing, though all the details aren’t necessarily worked out. The details don’t really matter. And of course there are always plenty of “wise men” around ready to take advantage and trying to impose as much as they can on the process.

* Feel bad immigrant story from Iceland. Iceland allows 2 Sri Lankans to settle in their country and it seems operate a garment business (work Icelanders won’t do). They were found to be keeping 3 slaves, so it is work Sri Lankans in Iceland won’t do.

* They don’t even try to hide their desire to flood the US with aliens of every shade and creed.

Perhaps our Jew supremacist friend here should consider whether a third world US is really in the interests of the Jews. I’m not convinced of this.

* I’m shocked, shocked.

The strange thing is, while that reinforces my opinion of Jews, I don’t hate her that much for that. She’s Jewish, that’s what Jews do. In a sense, I don’t think she’s much of a moral being: a pit bull kills a baby, do you hate the pit bull?

Tony Blair, on the other hand, is a traitor. He did it to his own people. He put Barbara Roche in her position.

* Interestingly Israel Zangwill, author of The Melting Pot, also went to the Jews Free School where a ‘house’ is named after him.

The largest Jewish school in Europe, the JFS was originally based in the West End, later it moved to Camden and then in 2002 to a new base in North West London, following the Jewish demographic shift which itself will in part be a response to immigration at replacement levels into London.

Roche – an eccentric rhinoceros of a character – bangs on tendentiously about Britain being a nation of immigrants but has never been asked why the JFS would never consider any kind of return to the East End, now dominated by Islamic new Britons.

* The fact is the more serfs the better for big business since it drives down wages and benefits. Whereas a stable and homogenous population equates to higher wages and bennies which big business hates.

Ramzpaul commented on this in one of his u-tube videos. He asked some executives why they were supporting open borders and they said profits. He pointed out it would eventually wreck the West for good, but the executives pointed they’d be all dead by then.

* Jews are easily smart enough to have agency. Jews have held higher positions in Britain and not done what Roche did.

* They have agency, but, for the most part, very little self-awareness. They don’t really understand that what they do is based on their ethnic hatred towards gentile whites and that it’s very very bad for gentile white nations, so bad that if they will eventually survive this, Jews might have to pay a very heavy price for this. And if gentile white nations won’t survive as such, how beneficial will a Muslim Europe be to Jews?

They never thought it through. Intelligent, but stupid, and blinded by hatred. I can’t get myself worked up over this. Their gentile white collaborators are much worse.

* The most salient aspect of Ms. Roche is not her Jewishness but being a White woman. Why wouldn’t she be obsessed with the religion of our time, PC-Diversity, and the sacredness of non-Whites? Why wouldn’t she be happy to screw over her Jewish male compatriots by importing lots of Jew-hating Pakistanis as “revenge” for the well known White beta male lack of sexiness, of which Jewish men are the champions, even more than Finns and Danes and Swedes?

We have the perfect storm — Christianity (and Judaism) being replaced by the noxious religion of the elites — “Diversity” and its PC enforcement; Big Business wanting lots and lots of cheap service labor at places like Wal-Mart and Tesco; Big Politics wanting lots and lots of voters for social welfare schemes ripping off natives in favor of “migrants” and the pure Globalist dynastic hatred of the historic nations by the Tony Blairs, Bill Clintons, Bush family, Hillary!, Obama, etc.

This last is key — politics is controlled by a series of dynasties, supported mostly by White women and non-Whites (Hail Mary’s exit polls from the Hillary!/Bernie SC thread show IIRC, 60/40 breakdown between White women in favor of Hillary! whereas White men voted the reverse nearly for Bernie — Bernie is a socialist but not a DYNAST and women love love love aristocracies and dynasties). These Dynasties operate not just in politics but in NGO/International areas — from things as diverse as FIFA to the EU unelected bureaucracy to the UN to the Red Cross or Greenpeace.

After the 1950s, Political/Cultural/Social affairs dynasties reasserted themselves in everything from Hollywood to politics to business. Reversing the 19th and up to mid Twentieth Century trend of democratization and meritocracy and middle class dominance. That this coincided with the rise of women is no accident. Rather than Jew-bashing (Jerry Seinfeld, Howard Stern, and Patton Oswalt are not your enemy though arguably Woody Allen is) it is more profitable to examine the role of female domination of the consumer culture through influencing or making most of the purchase decisions. Leading to a female-dominated culture that enhances and celebrates dynasties and globalism.

Indeed if Steve Sailer has one blind spot it is the inability to see that the War between the Sexes has of late little fraternization with the enemy as most White women are lurching towards the Black family formation: Single mother with two or more kids by different fathers.* White women mostly save the Upper Class don’t need** beta male support and are free to play the carousel and express their Emma Thompson-like hatred of lack of male sexiness (Thompson suggested that older White male Oscar voters be hunted down and killed).

*Bob Marley had three different women give birth to his illegitimate kids in the same month. That is the model all but the most upper class White women are moving to per Charles Murray’s “Coming Apart.”

**The most Upper Class White women seethe with resentment at the lack of sexiness in their mates who nevertheless provide “Summer” as a verb involving the Hamptons not a season of the year. They generally remain married but are not happy with their husbands lack of male dominance and charisma. As Upper Class White women they drive the agenda of the Yankee/Puritan class as they have since the Salem Witch Trials and Prohibition and Mothers Against Drunk Driving.

* The Daily Mail article on Tony Blair is awesome. Simply must reading, even if you already know a lot of the details. Remarkable stuff in there on Tony’s personal klutziness and technical/domestic incompetence, a feature of contemporary elites. Also entertaining are the pictures of Tony’s personal assistant (nudge nudge, wink wink) Anji Hunter, who looks remarkably like the character Amelia Bly (played by Kim Cattrall) in Roman Polanski’s The Ghost Writer.

BTW, Steve once reviewed The Ghost Writer, a film starring Pierce Brosnan as a British Prime Minister who might as well have a nametag reading Tony Blair. (That was Roger Ebert’s description IIRC.) That film is looking better in retrospect.

* It seems to me that Jewish antipathy to whatever society they live in is a way of remaining distinct as a race (it doesn’t necessarily mean that they’re conscious of that). They’re a people who would easily blend and disappear into the gene pool of any white population if there were no friction between them and the rest. Consider all the other outsiders who came to Europe in small numbers over the millennia – Arabs, Huns, Mongols, etc. The only trace left of them is the tiny admixture of their genes in the general population. Hostility towards the indigenous population has an evolutionary function in and of itself.

* I remember that Andrea Dworkin supposedly disagreed with how the hard life in Israel made tough men out of a subset of the population, as opposed to the effete Woody Allen type that she preferred society would mold. Say what you will, but Netanyahu, Ehud Barak, Moshe Dayan are not your ordinary Academic or liberal profession type of Jew. Maybe Ms. Roche would do well to move to Israel and be among more testosterone laden members of her group. I think part of the early argumentation for Zionism was that it would force Jews to assume all roles in society, including protector, and thereby regenerate the race after its many years in the (sometimes self-imposed) ghetto, where they bred themselves into a high caste living in other peoples’ societies. It’s certainly one reason to support the state of Israel, even admire its sheer determination and its accomplishments within that sea of mediocrity.

* I’m an American Jew who thinks that people like Barbara Roche are crazy. Unfortunately, many Jews are sympathetic to mass immigration from the third world, but not all of us are. Mass immigration could really be a disaster for the West that will not spare us. I hope that politically liberal Jews realize this before it’s too late, but the psychological trauma of the Holocaust still exerts a lot of influence on opinions about immigration.

* We Jews don’t all have ethnic hatred for gentile whites, not even the immigration enthusiasts. There is common conventional wisdom among liberal Jews that multi-ethnic societies are safer for Jews than mono-ethnic societies. I strongly suspect that Jewish pro-immigrationists focus on the good for Jews part and don’t even consider that it might be bad for non-Jewish whites. I consider that a major deficiency in the conventional wisdom, and I think that lack of attention to the types of immigrants allowed to come to the West is another deficiency. Given where most of the immigrants to Europe are coming from, mass immigration is likely to be disastrous for European Jews and native European gentiles alike.

* Non-Orthodox American Jews are in the process of blending in to the larger population, supported by an intermarriage rate that is over 50%. The British Jewish community has a higher percentage who adhere to Orthodoxy, but the smaller numbers of secular and liberal Jews in the UK have also started to intermarry. One hundred years from now, the only Jews left will be Orthodox.

About Luke Ford

I've written five books (see My work has been covered in the New York Times, the Los Angeles Times, and on 60 Minutes. I teach Alexander Technique in Beverly Hills (
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