Steve Sailer: Rubio, Cruz Denounce Trump for Failing to Denounce KKK, Bavarian Illuminati, and Knights Templar

Comments to Steve Sailer:

* Cruz and Rubio are getting more and more ridiculous as they watch their “presidential” hopes drain away. As typical cuckservatives notice how they go straight to the Democratic Party playbook of name calling – racist! – xenophobe! – despicable! – abhorrent!
They are both to stupid to realize that using the Democrat’s playbook only helps Trump with the voters.

* More point-and-sputter guilt-by-association. What Trump should do is say “Look, candidates get endorsed by all sorts of people. I’m not beholden to the desires of David Duke or anyone else. If he votes for me that’s his business. I welcome all votes, as
any honest politician would admit to. Only a fool would turn down political support.”

Not that David Duke says anything all that bad anyway. His antipathy towards Jews is comparable to mainstream antipathy towards white goyim.

* This pissy name calling that is occurring now in the Republican primary is nothing compared to what will occur in the general election. It will be non-stop race baiting / charges of sexism lobbed by Hillary and her surrogates. The fun part is that not only does the Donald seem unfazed but that his supporters are as well. In fact, it seems to have the opposite effect. This is what the Democrats probably fear the most.

It is not an accident that Meghan Kelly tried this right out of the gate. Like everything about Trump, it is hard to tell if this miscue about the David Duke was contrived or accidental. He must have known this was coming at some point.

* Trump’s defense is that he is a NYC developer who gave Don King and Al Sharpton a helicopter ride, whose entire staff is Jewish and has a Jewish son in law and grandkid and has been twice named Israel Day Grand Marshall — how the heck was he supposed to know who David Duke was?

* Trump should hold a presser and say something about seeking the endorsement of every type of American group, from the NAACP to La Raza and the Log Cabin Republicans and #BLM and the SCLC and the KKK and John Birchers, homo and hetero, Moose, Elk, UAW, AFL-CIO, We are all Americans, all in this together. Something like that. It would be a big hit.

* As usual, the media is lying through its teeth. The entire premise is made up. Trump repudiated Duke immediately, and now, reasonably, is bristling at the ADL and SPLC’s attempt to force him to utter words. It’s their usual technique to humiliate people. “Workers of the World Unite” is not Trump’s style, and neo-Bolsheviks pushing him around could lead to some humor. This is their best card they’re playing, so we’ll see how it goes.

* Get ready for 24/7 Trump = Hitler for the next eight months.

* The media is focusing on Trump’s need to repudiate Duke’s support but has closed ranks on Hillary’s bizarre demand that the media not witness her boarding her campaign plane? What could explain her bizarre demand? I suspect that there was some form of medical emergency.

* Refusal to jump through media hoops which gives them the power to set the narrative. Trump made some statement on Duke a while ago, so a reporter (you know, someone who is supposed to be well versed in background material) already knows Trump’s position, but by constantly asking for Trump’s position, they keep a story alive in order to make “news” which isn’t exactly news.

If Fox News asked Obama to denounce Van Jones at every press conference Obama ever held, despite Van Jones, the communist, no longer working in the WH, the fact that Fox was asking for a denounciation wouldn’t make the question a legitimate news question, rather it would be a tool drawn from a propaganda toolchest, a question designed to reinforce the notion that Obama loves communists and communists love Obama.

* I’ve never understood why this line of reasoning has any traction whomever’s ox is gored.

Trump is the one running for office, and who would hold power. Not Duke. Isn’t it altogether good for the country that extremists of whatever variety endorse the democratic process as the means to achieving their objectives, regardless of how distasteful anyone else might find them?

While a proven moneymaker for the SPLC, we’re all better off without the reputation routine.

The news here is that even David Duke wants to catch the Trump wave.

* Nobody is pointing out what a crazy world it is where the biggest and richest hate group in America are are hounding Trump for not stating the obvious fact that he doesn’t agree with David Duke.

I remember MSM making a big deal of it in 1996 when Duke endorsed Pat Buchanan, seemingly harming Buchanan’s bid for the nomination. I hope things are different this time, and it looks that way so far – most Trump supporters couldn’t give a damn, by the looks of it.

* New York media types talk about “the KKK.” The KKK, they say. They always use the definite article. Notice that?

There is no “The” KKK, and there hasn’t been since the 1920s. A gaggle of mostly tiny groups have used that name in recent decades but there is nothing like a national organization. Talking in conspiratorial tones about “the” KKK is a mark of either serious ignorance or pure malice.

* Trump flirted with the Reform Party in 2000 and disavowed Duke back then.

What’s interesting and amusing is that Trump’s response was that he “know[s] nothing” about Duke, which of course harkens back to the Know Nothing Party, whose members would reply that they “know nothing” when asked about associations that they were familiar with.

* David Duke, a truly repulsive creature, has been on the fringes for decades and now CNN and the ADL want to make him a household name again. Great job.

Trump obviously was trying to make the point that he has absolutely nothing to do with Duke so he shouldn’t have to make any comments about him. Otherwise, he’ll be stuck playing this game endlessly.

* David Duke is sort of the Neil deGrasse Tyson of White Nationalism: he’s well-known by the public but not one of the ground–breakers in his field. They’re both popularizers and creatures of the media more than anything.

* As far as I know, there’s no copyright on the Klan name, so anyone can set up a chapter with its own rules. As the name does have a strong attraction for certain types of people, I suspect many of the chapters are set up by federal agents or informers in order to attract these people and keep them under surveillance.

* On Twitter, the other big news is that vile homunculus Alex Pareene and his fellow Gawkerites got Trump..or whoever runs his Twitter retweet a saying of Mussolini, on an account attributable to “ilduce2016.” They are trumpeting (pun intended) this as a big ‘gotcha’ moment, getting Trump to agree with Mussolini. By their own admission they’ve been running this account since December, and this is their first ‘ bite.’ It’s a pretty anodyne quote, “Better to live a day as a lion than 100 years as a sheep,” and one that a lot of men, especially alpha “doers” like Trump would agree with, anyway. But somehow, according to the mental dwarf Pareene, it shows Trump’s fascism.

I suspect that a lot of the old “Journolisters” have decided that they are going to try to undermine Trump with a lot of little “gotcha” moments like this, so we should expect to see more of this BS.

* Trump should ask the media why they give Clinton a pass on appearing with the BLM bigots.

* “Condemning David Duke and the Ku Klux Klan at every opportunity should be the easiest thing anyone can do,” said Heidi Beirich of the Southern Poverty Law Center.

Strictly speaking, you have an opportunity to condemn David Duke every time there’s a pause in the conversation, so that doesn’t seem like the easiest thing to do by a long shot. But I guess until someone does that, the SPLC reserves the right to call anyone a racist.

* I have to say I’m really impressed with how Trump handles this question. It reminds me of how he handled Ali G — just no patience for the BS of it. It couldn’t be more obvious that he thinks the whole denouncing thing is as stupid as it gets.

* Kudos to the commenter here a couple weeks back who joked that Trump was on his way to reconstructing the Know Nothing party. Now, as Jonathan Chait noted today, Trump’s responding to these questions with “I know nothing…”

* I’d wager David Duke will not have an open-invitation to the Trump White House the way Al Sharpton currently does.

Is David Duke responsible for getting people killed has is Al Sharpton? Does David Duke have access to the media and seats of power as does Sharpton? Is Duke anywhere near as vile and hateful?

* I’m always somewhat surprised by otherwise intelligent people who go insane at the thought of climate change. I’m a rational person. The evidence for man made climate change is (IMO) far stronger than the evidence against. I also believe that the evidence for HDB is far stronger than the evidence against. So, until evidence changes, I believe them both. I’d honestly prefer that they both be wrong (it would give me a lot more hope for the future) but I’m not going to let my personal preferences override what I see to be fairly convincing evidence.

* I hope the Trump movement becomes strong enough to have McCain, McConnell, and Graham recalled from office. Then after that the rest of the cuckservatives will fall in line.

* I saw him speak at the rally today; his accent is so thick as to be almost incomprehensible and his speech was mediocre at best.

Compare to the incredible, mesmerizingly-high-energy Trump/Christie press conference.

Sessions is great as a Senator or in the cabinet. Not as a running-mate.

* I think Sessions is the best VP insurance Trump could buy. He’s a hardliner on immigration and has proven it. Therefore, if the TPTB take a shot at Trump, they’re only replacing him with a dude who will follow through on Trump’s plans.

Christie, however, would be a bad choice, since he would not do anything Trump promises on immigration, so TPTB wouldn’t mind bumping off Trump for him.

Trump let’s Sessions run the legislative interference on his immigration plans while he does the rest via executive orders.

All he needs now is a younger, hungrier dude who is proven hardline on immigration to be Homeland Security dude. Then he can get some namby-pamby career pol to be his Secretary of State to go around smoothing over his immigration hardlines to Mexico, Europe, and Central America.

He can also make Cruz AG, although that’s a bit dangerous, since Cruz may use it to block Trump’s actions and make himself the NY Times favorite “maverick” Republican.

Sessions for VP. Who for Homeland Security?

P.S. Christie might make a good Sec of State; as a former lobbyist, he’s very good at schmoozing. Or he could be AG (he’s a former US Attorney), since, but again, Trump has to weigh the possibility of him turning on him for NY Times points.

* Sessions ALONE held off Mitch McConnell and his Amnesties. He’s Horatio at the Bridge and a national hero and treasure. [Yes I AM a single issue voter — the border.]

I love Trump. But he has to complete the sale to White women, and particularly enough Upper Class White women who seemed in the Exit Polls for SC to be really on Hillary!s bandwagon.

Hopefully he can connect the dots for Upper Class White women — enough Open Borders and hordes of Muslim men will be pawing or raping them enabled by mass flash mobs via smartphones. As Brenda Walker noted in Germany the other day. Sure Upper Class White women are in an eternal moral outrage over the lower classes not behaving, and needing a good dose of moral lecture, but do they really want to have to have bodyguards to venture out anywhere? Given that retail shopping in person is a big Upper Class White women thing, see Sex and the City, that’s a good selling point for Trump.

About Luke Ford

I've written five books (see My work has been covered in the New York Times, the Los Angeles Times, and on 60 Minutes. I teach Alexander Technique in Beverly Hills (
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