Do Blacks & Asians Share Many Common Interests?

Steve Sailer writes: “The anti-white racism that the liberal establishment has been promoting increasingly in recent years serves to unify an electoral coalition that doesn’t otherwise have much in common unless it can be given an Emmanuel Goldstein to hate. Without endless explanations in the media of why everything and anything is the fault of hereditary white guilt, African-Americans and Chinese-Americans, for example, will tend to notice that their interests don’t overlap much.”

* Republicans hold a 49%-40% lead over the Democrats in leaned party identification among whites. The GOP’s advantage widens to 21 points among white men who have not completed college (54%-33%) and white southerners (55%-34%). The Democrats hold an 80%-11% advantage among blacks, lead by close to three-to-one among Asian Americans (65%-23%) and by more than two-to-one among Hispanics (56%-26%)

* There was a pro-Liang rally in St. Louis yesterday, but it was almost entirely white cops and their families and pro-cop white St. Louisans.

* Hundreds? There were 15,000 Asians protesting in NYC! Chinese immigrants come to the U.S. and push their kids to achieve and go to the best schools. Many end up at Ivies and get law degrees and invariably work for liberal political campaigns and liberal causes. And they vote heavily Democrat. So, Chinese-American community, enjoy the kind of society you and your progeny are working to bring about, I’m sure it’ll be a little more tolerable than the stretch Liang will be doing at Rikers Island. That is, if you stick to STEM and move to lily-white neighborhoods.

Btw, Trump has been constantly talking up how police are mistreated. Is this calculated? He must’ve seen the NYC news on this. Will it win over some East Asians voters?

* I watched the Mumia march through the West Bank near the University of Minnesota whatever year that was. The West Bank had become a primarily African neighborhood by then.

But all 30 or so people in the march were white. Except for one Asian girl, who was likely the girlfriend or adoptive daughter of someone white. (She certainly acted white!) The Africans ignored them.

So even the races and other demographic groups within the fringe can be further split internally.

* What I find funny is that Asian-Americans who are more stereotypically Asian tend to be less politically and culturally liberal. In contrast, all of the Asian SJWs I’ve encountered, both online and off, aren’t very different from white liberals, aside from their physical appearance. They get really offended by microaggressions like, “Oh, sometimes I forget you’re Asian!”

I bet there’s more of a likelihood that Asian-Americans who speak Asian languages at home tend to be apolitical, while Asian-Americans who speak English at home are more politically liberal.

It just goes to show how deranged “assimilation” is in the US. Asians who are more assimilated to American culture understand that they’re supposed to feel threatened, bitter and unappreciative. You get more wealth and power from complaining about how America is a white supremacist country, instead of being grateful about what’s available in the US.

* According to CNN State of the Union today, the Democratic primary is going to be all black victimhood, all the time. Commercials from Bernie with Eric Garner’s daughter (the extremely obese man who had a heart attack when the cops were trying to arrest him). The Hillary commercials will feature 4 black mothers including the mother of Trayvon Martin. Judging by the Nevada results, Bernie will get almost nowhere pandering to South Carolina black voters.

What will his young white supporters make of that? They don’t really believe that mothers and daughters of black criminals are saints; they’re just hoping it wins some some votes for Bernie to cater to them.

* The Coalition of the Fringes will last as long as the Republican party has *nothing* positive to offer the country.

Given a choice between “endless war, cuts to entitlements, pro-Wall Street policies, and upper-class tax cuts” and the Democrats, people who don’t have some sort of tribal loyalty to the Republican party are going to vote for the Democrats.

If Trump actually succeeds and makes the Republicans a middle class friendly party, then all of a sudden a lot more Asians and Latinos, and even some blacks, would start supporting the party.

* The man the ricochet bullet killed which is just bad luck/accidental as far as I am concerned. Akai Gurley. He was a drug pusher whose time had run out. Karmic justice.

Akai Kareem Gurley (c. 1986 – November 20, 2014) was born in Saint Thomas, U.S. Virgin Islands, the Caribbean, and moved to New York when he was a child.[6] He was a resident of the Louis H. Pink Houses, where he lived with his girlfriend and two-year-old daughter. He has 24 prior arrests on his record, which consisted of drug dealing arrests.[7][8]

********Shows where “the community” is at to make heroes out of these repeat offender low lifes.

* The darker scenario, however, is that Asians and blacks form a durable high-low coalition against us. The Asians to complete their conquest of the universities and the tech industry; to open the door wide to immigration by their coethnics; and to facilitate the entry of plenty of servant-class Hispanics (Asians, especially Indians, feeling entirely comfortable living in a highly polarized society).

The blacks, well, out of spite as always.

* In terms of political consciousness, East Asians are ethnocentric. They are not Wannabe-Whites or Defacto-Whites or whatever. In a prestige election — and nothing has more prestige than a presidential election — whenever it is or appears to be ‘White’ vs ‘Color Coalition’ thing, East Asians will reliably and strongly side with the latter. Note their overwhelmingly lopsided support for Obama, over three to one, if memory serves.

In a Bush vs Gore, they might go Bush, but they will be firmly anti-White (politically) in a context involving a hint of Ethnopolitics.

* I’m tired of working. Give me my “entitlements”. Tax the upper class, which is everyone who makes a penny more than me.

There are an awful lot of white folks in this country that think like blacks.

* Everybody knows that in Asia, the Chinese look down on the South East Asians, and the Japanese look down on the Okinawans, Koreans, and Chinese, while the Vietnamese and Thais think they are better than the other South East Asians.

* I have it in my bones to desire a cohesive middle class society. Want to know my neighbors, participate in the community, have opportunity for all. Yes, the smart and hustling moving up economically, the slow and lazy falling behind but generally being part of a big high-trust middle class society. All of us part of it; all of us benefiting. It’s a white thing. But people coming from stratified societies–and i know a lot of Indians–do not have this mentality. They’re fine, with their family pushing–make sure your kids get into top schools and marry well–ahead, and a dystopian slum of lumpen proles over there to be the help. Essentially they are unconcerned with the society doing well, as long as they keep themselves in their (high, successful) caste within it.

Though i confess, i realize this is the mentality that i have to adopt now as well. It’s not the 1960s i grew up in. It’s not a cohesive middle class society. I need to look after my kids and insure they end up in the high caste–though hopefully the white and highly fertile end of it.

Diversity is balkanizing us and making us more like these Asiatic societies.

* Wow. He had it all: immigrant; color; unmarried parent; public housing; rap sheet; victim of the war on drugs. Might be some Islam involved. A hero has been raised and delivered.

* This is strong evidence that Asian immigration is very dangerous for Whites. Asians vote pro-”immigration” as if they were the beachhead in a conquest of White homelands.

* People once understood this. Both Canada and the USA had long-standing total bans on Chinese immigration.

* East Asian Man is much more collectivist, tribalist (broadly speaking), than Western Man. They are also much more conformist. Add these together in the context of the U.S. Multicultacracy, and you’ve got a significant group of considerable talent and means that is”politically anti-white,” reliably. They won’t commit street crime, and they’ll be polite to your face, yes. East Asians save face. A lot of otherwise-bright Sailer commenters dream of a “White-Asian political alliance” but it’s just not gonna happen in the present dispensation.

* The GOP’s own coalition of the fringes seems to be coalescing around Marco Rubio. I was struck by the triumphalism in the Nikki Haley quote in the FT below. The daughter of Sikh immigrants was elected governor, and an African American was elected to the US Senate, by the overwhelmingly white Republicans of South Carolina. In response, Haley and Scott endorse the Cuban-American POTUS candidate who wants to elect a new people.


* The Chinese and Japanese perceive Koreans as being violent and thuggish, sort of like Blacks, I remember visiting Osaka and the tour guide warning to keep an eye out for certain people there, basically the Japanese view Koreans in the same way whites view black people.

* Prediction: a standard high school history exam from 2075 on will contain a version of the following question:

Explain how and why the notion of “a proposition nation” failed. Illustrate your answer with examples.

* Orientals are not us. They look down on us. They are discivic. We build a society that runs on rules, and they establish a sub-society that cares only to games the rules when they must, and cheat when they can.

Not to mention that you’d have to be an idiot to not recognize that they practice technological espionage on a massive scale. China does not allow its people to come here in order to strengthen America.

* The police have switched from revolvers to semi-autos for several reasons. First, they were utterly outgunned by criminals, almost all of whom these days are carrying large-capacity semi-auto weapons. Second, the self-cocking, single-action semi-autos actually give much better overall likelihood of accurate shooting if used properly. (Even out of the box, striker action semi-autos have a consistently lower trigger pressure than most unaltered revolvers.)

Third is the fact that in a firefight, or even a one-on-one exchange of pistol fire, it is the number of rounds fired that determines who will win. If you’ve shot a pistol on a range and never been in combat you cannot appreciate this. You don’t gain a target picture and then fire in combat situations. You don’t have time and your body is shaking with adrenaline. You point your gun in the right direction and empty it hoping that you’ll hit a bad guy or at least keep him ducking so he can’t hit you.

Within the past three years I was an eye-witness to a firefight where over three hundred rounds were fired at ranges of less than twenty-five yards. Of the dozens of people who were involved, one bad guy was fatally wounded and the other was wounded. One officer was badly wounded by friendly fire. I’ve heard of cases where two men emptied their pistols at each other from a distance of six feet and neither was touched. Anybody who claims that eight rounds is more than sufficient to take out an opponent in a real life combat situation is not just ignorant; he is an idiot.

* When I arrived in Asia 35 years ago I saw how popular McDonalds was and by extension naively assumed a great affection or at least empathy for American culture and, perhaps, Americans.

Not so. That overpriced fast food represented modernity, aspiration, international standards, whatever. It became clear to me fairly quickly that the great majority of those customers would have very little enthusiasm for being joined at their tables by caucasians, or any other ethnic group.

East Asians are highly chauvinistic and steeped in ethnic awareness. To be, say, Chinese is to be a privileged member of a giant club, as the old quip goes.

This is not criticism: it is just how it is. If this is not incessantly and openly discussed by the in-groups themselves this is not a conspiracy but merely reflects the fact that this tendency to look ethnically inwards is an stunningly obvious fact of nature and culture for the people concerned.

Sure one can can rank ethnicities for prickliness and point to exceptions and argue that sashimi has been a boon to the world but it doesn’t change any of the above.

PS My experience in dealings with Asians generally, mostly in Asia but also in the west, is that there is no much connection between fluency in English, cosmopolitan style and technical skills and empathy for democracy, enlightenment values, transparency and so on.

Some of the most stunning, bigoted crooks I have met have been extraordinarily suave Asian-Americans wholly at ease in America’s big cities.

(PPS Been to Vancouver lately?)

* Asians just got here or parachuted in here (look up California parachute students in the San Gabriel Valley) so I am against Ron Unz’s spergy efforts to shame Harvard/Ivies into higher Asian enrollments. They don’t play by rules when it comes to paying taxes for their all cash and cash oriented businesses so why should Harvard play by mechanistic admission standards the Asian pressure groups (and Unz) want to put in place? Especially in California state universities and in California where they are more numerous, more organized and have the power to nullify public high school admissions policies pushed by Hispanic legislators.

* The most recent Fresh Off the Boat takes a jab at Jews in the form of mixed race (Jewish mom/Chinese dad) kid Phil Goldstein.

Phil sort of out-tigers Eddie’s family in everything with a smug talmudic arrogance. Remember the series is set in the 90s. And Phil starts Phil’s Faves and trashes the Wong’s restaurant in the reviews.

The Wongs come to speak to him at his house. He speak Yiddish to his mother and she says,
“I told you it’s not polite to speak Yiddish in front of Gentiles” , at once correcting Phil and being dismissive of the Chinese Wongs. And Phils rolls his eyes in dismissal of the Wongs.” He is a cross of both Jewish and Chinese arrogance, feeling superior to all, the true master race in his own mind.

The Wongs counter with their own page. The punchline from the mom, “Hard to believe the site “ was available”. Phil’s counters with a typical jewish move. He creates a massive campaign about Web bullying of children online, entirely bogus, but effective. The school introduces it in the PTA meeting complete with a cop promising to find the offenders, these bullies.”

About Luke Ford

I've written five books (see My work has been covered in the New York Times, the Los Angeles Times, and on 60 Minutes. I teach Alexander Technique in Beverly Hills (
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