Reaching For Greatness

* I love you. You pay my rent.

David Brosia: Just when I thought you had reached your plateau Luke you post another dose of greatness.

* I can’t remember the last time a Jewish friend used the term “metaphysics.” Might be more than five years. They don’t use “ontological” much either. I guess they’re too carnal.

Chaim Amalek: Big words r 4 fags.

* Do you think about God when you are having sex? Why not? If you are fulfilling a mitzva, it is a holy act.

Danny Klopovic When I’m having sex, I think of Luke Ford.

Susan: Me too

Christine: Me three…

Miriam: I’m glad other people do too, I was about to get help thinking I’m the only one.

* Should American politicians and other American leaders mute their Christianity to make Jews more comfortable?

* Many if not most of my Jewish friends have no particular belief in God. It just doesn’t matter to them. If there is a God, He will make sure there is ultimate justice. If there is not a God, we have to do what we can to make things good for Jews.

Darren: We are more concerned about whether there is enough meat in the cholent.

Luke Ford God is in the chulent.
Darren: Is he in pork?
Luke Ford: If you are doing it right.
Darren: It’s always about technique!

Daniel Antinora Seems like a metaphysically indefensible position
David Kahane might need a re-think on that one, guys.

* Tell me about the miracles God is working in your life.

Chaim Amalek God has revealed to me the special role that Ted Cruz has been anointed to play in our national Passion.

* Can you make a good living selling crack to elementary school kids? Asking for a friend.

Darren: Only if they have Apple Pay on their iPads.

* The best women are the kind who Muslims and Africans want to rape.

Chaim Amalek: This will be the opening line of my next personal ad on Craigslist.

* After a severe flu, it’s not unusual to lack joy for weeks after. The vulnerability was shattering. Everything hurt. Almost no control. Best I could do for a few days was retweet.

* If our yeshivas simply taught this type of fitness, we wouldn’t have a shidduch crisis.

Chaim Amalek: The existence of such women is the fundamental driver of racism in the world.

About Luke Ford

I've written five books (see My work has been covered in the New York Times, the Los Angeles Times, and on 60 Minutes. I teach Alexander Technique in Beverly Hills (
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