Today I Am A Man

Leave hovel at 8:45 a.m. Fearing that van will not fit into the Little Tokyo Mall parking structure, I grab a $6 spot a mile away.

Walking in the sunshine, I build up a nice sweat in my black undertaker suit as I pass various homeless missions and legions of the dirty and deranged. If my advertising doesn’t pick up, I might be joining them.

No surprise I am the first of four panelists to arrive for the Channel 35 public access cable TV show.

Here’s how the pitch went Sept. 5:


I produce an award-winning public affairs discussion program called "L.A. Roundtable," which airs on the city’s cable channel, LA Cityview channel 35.
Each program is an in-depth one-hour discussion with a panel of four knowledgeable folks, guided by moderator Dave Bryan of KCAL9 and KCBS2 in a free-wheeling open discussion format. All of the top pols from Arnold Schwarzenegger on down have been on the program, as well as myriad community folks.

We’re planning on taping a program about the advent of bloggers as journalists, and exactly what that means. Since you are known as one of LA’s top blogging journalists, we hope you’ll take part.

Eric Spillman (yup, the same one) has already agreed to be on the panel, and we’re working on two more players to be announced.

I hope you’ll want to join us.


My place in the L.A. media landscape has been acknowledged.

I’m brought into the make-up room and fussed over by a real live woman. I try not to let it show how much I am enjoying this.

I fear that my feminine side is a little too big.

She says my eyes are puffy.

Too little sleep and too much lithium.

And I’ve been listening to my Air Supply and crying over you, crying, crying…

I’m joined by Eric Longabardi ( and Bill Boyarsky ( and the Jewish Journal, former LA Times city editor).

Every time I say something to Longabardi, he cocks his head, cups his ear, and says, "What?"

Did I mention how good it felt to be touched by a woman? I know it’s against the Torah but I don’t care.

Longabardi and I are on one side of the table, facing off with Spillman and Boyarsky.

The discussion is spirited and goes for an hour.

I believe this show will change my life. I’ll be able to date a whole different class of women after this.

Me so horny.

Luv Torah long time though.

One confused yid.

Must be light unto the goyim.

About Luke Ford

I've written five books (see My work has been covered in the New York Times, the Los Angeles Times, and on 60 Minutes. I teach Alexander Technique in Beverly Hills (
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