The New Stock

Comments to Steve Sailer:

* I had a while back a conversation with a Swedish girl doing volunteer work in Africa. She had come to visit friends in a dangerous African city and traveled alone. Even on the Swedish scale she was above average in leftist internationalism. We talked about immigrants from far away places living in Sweden and at one point she remarked in an elated way that down the line there would be a day when people are mixed all around so no more blondes would exist and the world would all look the same. What was striking was her demeanor that seemed to relish this glorious vision of the future. She was blonde and had blue eyes and attractive so not one of those I want to wreck the world types because I’m not pretty and don’t get laid.

This conversation seems to me an express manifestation of probably what a lot of liberal Western Europeans want or are sympathetic to. Although others are not so blunt outside of Swedish leftism, the desire is to create a new stock of people in Europe through blending with other races. Such an idea is of course the product of a long reaction to WWII. If what brought so much destruction in the early 20th century in Europe centered on pride in Nordic supremacy, then a way to ensure that that tendency does not return is to make sure there are no longer any Nordic people.

Although when expressly stated it seems far-fetched, there’s a wide range of attitudes that are sympathetic to this end goal. So the sexual vibe you sense is real, there is a desire not for large scale race replacement but a desire to see other races amalgamated on a large scale into the European gene pool.

* This attitude must include an aspect of Nordic supremacy: we are, on the whole, more beautiful, competent, and creative than anybody else, so we must be miscegenated out of existence.

* This silly but demented girl-woman-child was travelling to Africa to get boinked by the natives. She can dress it up in any kind of crap she wants but she was already putting into practice her mixing philosophy. In civilized societies men get restrained by women but women need restraining and channeling too. As in Kinder, Küche, Kirche. Lets admit the Muslims have this part right though taken too far.

* Breitbart has a video of Merkel Youth shooting fireworks at their hosts in Cologne. Like a panzerfaust, the Roman candles are being shot horizontally at short distances.

I like combat and I’ve watched a ton of the GoPro videos of the street fighting in Syria.

The fireworks streaking past the Cologne Cathedral look identical to tracer rounds. Did any of the Merkel Youth yell “Allah akbar” as they do in all the Syrian war videos?

Are the fireworks and rapes a foreshadowing to something worse? I can hear Enoch Powell: “As I look ahead, I am filled with foreboding.”


* When people from that part of the world come to the West, they have contradictory passions.

1. Contempt. “These women are shameless whores in the obscene decadent west.”

2. Boing!!!!! “Finally, we can have massive orgies and screw anyone in sight cuz they’re just begging for it”… or at least that’s what they’ve seen from Western media that promote and hype the likes of Nikki Minaj, Kim Kartrashian, Miley Cyrus, and etc.

If space aliens were to learn about the West from the pop culture media, they would get the impression that Western women are all whores who are just dying for some action. From rappers, they’d think normal male behavior in the West is to act like thugs. They’d think the West is one big BEASTIE BOYS party. Of course, in people in the West take that stuff with a degree of irony and fun.

Can’t really blame Muslim men for thinking western women are a bunch of hookers. Just look at the pop culture.
Muslim men have been Joe-Buck-ized.

But people in other cultures(with far less sense of irony) see it as reality, even a ‘right to party’.
I knew an Assyrian family that left Kuwait after the Gulf War. Ironically, they sided with Hussein’s invasion and then found refuge in the US that destroyed Hussein. Wacky, I know.
But anyway, their three sons had such passion for American trash culture. But at the same time, their old world values felt nothing but contempt for western whores.
They are happy to be in the land of whores and treat women like whores, but they also feel nothing but derision for these women.

But to some degree, I think Bob Dylan felt it too. In some ways, he was very modern and cosmopolitan. But there was another side of him that was near-Biblical and family-oriented.

It’s partly there in PORTNOY”S COMPLAINT too. On the one hand, there is the ‘boing’ for the shiksa. But there is also the powerful pull of Jewish culture and the tribe. The Jewish guy hooks up with some shiksa bimbo and is happy to bang her… but also despises her as a slut dolt trash.
Sort of like what happens with the Sydney Pollack character in Husbands and Wives.
Initially, he likes the bimbo shiksa but comes to feel contempt for her as a bimbo who thinks King Lear is King Leo.

About Luke Ford

I've written five books (see My work has been covered in the New York Times, the Los Angeles Times, and on 60 Minutes. I teach Alexander Technique in Beverly Hills (
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