Boston Globe: Taking stock of the presidential race

Steve Sailer quotes this op/ed:

Donald Trump: There have been plenty of hand-wringing stories seeking to explain Trump’s rise. Is it wall-to-wall press coverage? Social media? The key to understanding the contest for the Republican nomination is immigration. Once you have the key, you can unlock all the mysteries of the race. The Republican Party started out encouraging candidates to support comprehensive immigration reform, a massive error in political judgment. Trump went in the opposite direction, and has been rewarded with a commanding lead. Now Trump is threatening to resurrect Bill Clinton’s checkered history with women as a way to answer Hillary Clinton’s gender attacks. There’s a reason why Apollo Creed’s trainer didn’t want to fight a southpaw like Rocky. Unorthodox opponents are unpredictable and hard to beat.

Ted Cruz and Marco Rubio: In the battle for second place, the mainstream money is betting that Rubio will emerge as Trump’s main challenger. But remember, immigration is the key to understanding the Republican race. Rubio’s greatest vulnerability isn’t missed votes or his messy personal finances. The reason Cruz is pulling away from Rubio is that voters have sorted out who was on which side during the ill-fated battle over the Gang of 8 immigration bill, which critics derided as amnesty. Despite Rubio’s attempt to muddy the waters, he voted for the bill and Cruz voted against it. And as the poet said, that has made all the difference.

Comments to Steve Sailer:

* In all seriousness, for me this is where Occam and Hanlon cross razors.

Occam says globalist-pandering politicians would run rough-shod over such obvious and overwhelming public opinion at great risk to their personal careers only if there was some hidden cabal with both carrot (money) and stick (incriminating evidence of sexual deviancy) to prod these politicians to do their globalist bidding.

Hanlon says, politicians are idiots that are just parroting the stuff all the “cool kids” in their social circle say to each other as an in-group status display.

I suppose they don’t have to be mutually exclusive, but sheesh, it takes a total outsider and semi self-made billionaire to run on and win the presidency with an anti-immigration message?? No one else thought of that before Trump? I reckon Occam would say any traditional politician that may have been clean enough to pull off what Trump has is never able to make it out of the minor leagues in the first place.

* It only means they never foresaw a Trump, an anti-immigration outsider, coming along to muck things up. They thought they’d be able to sell amnesty to a shrinking Republican base, and Rubio was right in line with the future they envisioned.

* Money.

Problem is, when you can’t finance your own campaign out of your own pocket you have to rely on Wall Street money men and billionaires who want amnesty and open borders. I might add embrace the Neo-con view of the world as well. Trump and Paul are about the only ones who don’t want to start WWIII with Russia. The rest want it.

The sad fact is, all pols who lack the $$$ are constrained as to what they can say and support.

Trump can say the things he doesn’t because he isn’t owned by the Chambers of Commerce, Club for Growth or some pro-globalist billionaire as the rest of the GOP candidates are.

This money issue is also why the GOP has turned against the American people and by extension Trump. They don’t represent the people but a select elite that is willing to sacrifice the U.S. in the name of profit and power.

However this breaking of the social-political contract by the political establishment is also very dangerous. Outside of Pat Caddell I know of no one who wants to bring this up. Caddell has admitted the establishment is playing with dynamite by blowing off the public.

Once people realize they have no say so either politically or legally. Well as they say “all bets are off”. Won’t take much to set it off.

* It probably had something to do with his sponsors like that South Florida used car dealer and potential sponsors like Adelson. Rubio is genial but not very bright and doesn’t seem to want to work too hard to make a living. On top of that he has a lot of debt. So he was probably more eager to do what the sponsors wanted.

* Destruction of the [white, Christian, cis-male-or-whatever-nonsense] country is, as we all know, a feature, not a bug. And the fate of the Republican party is, of course, a non-issue. I think the elites simply 1) underestimated the goy rubes’ intelligence, and 2) overestimated their own.

* If Rubio was an Arizona politician, maybe he would have sensed which way the wind is blowing better. But Miami is a disaster for would-be Presidents like Jeb. Miami is the best possible version of a Hispanicized America (and it’s still pretty awful).

* You say that but both AZ Senators voted for Gang of Eight. McCain is looking at being primaried and Flake’s future is dim.

* So this guy has come around to the Kaus/Coulter/Sailer theory about the success of Trump. What are the other current theories?

Alt Theory 1: Trump succeeds because of the Left’s PC jihad

Alt Theory 2: Scott Adams’s view that Trump is a “master persuader”.

Maybe all three theories apply. The way Tom Tancredo’s candidacy fizzled years ago suggests that maybe it’s not entirely about immigration.

* Tancredo didn’t succeed because he confirmed that immigration is a low-status issue for losers. Trump succeeds because he makes it a totally classy issue for winners.

Rubio isn’t just a political athlete who adopts views that people whisper in his ear. He’s a true believer. His campaign tagline is “New American Century.” He really does believe the invade the world/invite the world ideology. He supports more surveillance, more wars, more immigration. Rubio is smart enough to know where the base is, that’s why he ran against amnesty in the senate primary. But he’s a true believer in new american century/cannon fodder/american dream/proposition nation version of America. That’s who he is. It’s no accident that the “greatest generation” are some of his biggest fans.

* Rubio’s wife’s hot.
I (and Donald Trump) do think a disproportionate number of Latinas are hot, particularly the South American ones. Trump was on with Howard Stern a couple years ago and Stern brought up some celebrity female known for her looks (forget whom) . Trump was saying how this particular female celebrity was at most a 7. He then said if you look at beauty pageants in Venezuela and Colombia, all the women are 10′s.

* I seem to recall that Pat Buchanan was making a lot of enemies using that message long before Trump came along. In fact, I strongly suspect that Pat Buchanan is a behind-the-scenes adviser to Trump on immigration and foreign policy. Of course, Buchanan lacked both the large fortune and the stature of Donald Trump. As I noted before re Trump and Rand Paul in the foreign policy area, Paul may have the better message, but Trump is clearly the better messenger when it comes to a non-interventionist foreign policy. Sort of like Nixon goes to China, where nobody could question Nixon’s anti-Communist credentials. If Trump stays true to his often repeated and consistent foreign policy positions when and if he becomes President, who could possibly question his manliness and toughness? That, imo, is why he is a much better messenger than Rand Paul.


* “So Rubio’s foreign policy and national security strategy is to invade Middle Eastern countries, create power vacuums for terrorist organizations, allow their people to come to America unvetted, give them legal status and citizenship, then impose a massive surveillance state to monitor the problem,” Alice Stewart, a national spokeswoman for Cruz, said in a statement to the Guardian.

“I’m trying to figure out if it is more incoherent than dangerous or vice versa.”

* “Our team” is supposed to spend our time following Trump, but the real bellwether is Ted Cruz. He’s a very smart guy and a very calculating guy. Most of the GOP candidates are dumb actors owned by billionaires. Cruz is smart and he’s thinking he will be the ABT (Anybody But Trump) option for the party men as long as he remains just inside where Trump is operating.

If Cruz is playing the old paleo card that suggests he thinks it is safe to do so while not upsetting the party men too much. It’s as if the tide went out in 1992 and is just starting to come back in all these years later. No one remembers what was once called normal and they are furiously baling as the tide relentlessly comes in.

* Cruz has been against both invade and invite since before Trump showed up. Temperamentally he’s the exact opposite of Trump: a brainy nerd who bores and annoys people when he talks.

* There is some overlap in the sanity Venn diagram between Trump, Cruz, and Paul, though it’s tough to figure out what Cruz actually believes. In any case, more of this from his campaign is welcome.

* You posted recently about how dumb Rubio is compared to Schumer. Cruz is a lot smarter than Rubio. Rubio seems like a friendly, good natured guy, but not very bright.

* Prior to Trump, I looked Cruz, didn’t like what I saw which was another Obama – a junior senator with no real track record but with the ego of the Hindenburg. Much like Rubio and Paul.

Three stooges who have more in common with each other than they care to note.

His vote for TPP and support of increasing H1-B’s 5x shows he’s no Paleo-con or even pro American. He’s a tool for Goldman Sachs.

Right now all Cruz is doing copying Trump’s positions after he takes all the heat for them. It makes him look like a jackal with no real base of his own outside of the evangelicals and dominionists that his father has courted for him

And he’s dead wrong if he thinks most Trump supporters would ever support a evangelical nut job like him. He’s a fool if he thinks Jeb and the RNC will give him the nomination. Won’t happen. That’s been promised to Jeb, not McConnell’s foot stool.

* Paul is very WYSIWYG, a sincere libertarian and anti-neocon. Trump is a wild card – is his campaign politics or entertainment, how many of his promises would he try to keep, does he even know that himself at this point? Cruz is somewhere in between.

* Cruz comes across to me as a cynical weasel. I heard an interview with him recently, and he did the whole congenial colleague schtick about Rubio. What he said was something like: “I like Marco. He’s my friend. But he is lying about my record.”. How many normal people could say of a man who was lying about us to gain advantage, that: I like him. He is my friend.

A normal, sane person would be offended and would dislike someone who told lies about him. A lot of these guys are just sociopaths. They have no real respect for the truth.

* Cruz is dangerously smart. He is a doner’s pet but knows what we want to hear.

People in high places read our esteemed host.

* Invade/Invite is coldly rational thinking if you’re a post national globalist. Attack any cohesive group identity relentlessly. Strong group identity provides protection and protection is for the innermost Inner Party only.

Everybody outside of the Inner Party gets unprotection. Not protection. This treatment ranges from status marker labeling {slurs, insults, mockery} to mass murder.

And remember the goalposts are always moving in this vicious status game.

Someday if you only have Earth citizenship {and no other planet citizenship} then you will be considered backward, provincial, a hayseed i.e. a very dangerous person politically speaking.

* The degenerate witch Merkel gave her holiday speech (in a shiny dress!) with this background prop setup: EU flag deliberately positioned to mostly eclipse the German flag.

These people are the most vile traitors.

* The Trump can’t/won’t win crowd is desperate.

Trump will stomp Hillary. He already shut them both up this weekend on the war-on-women issue BY SIMPLY FIGHTING BACK.

Bill is a huge liability unless you’re running against weak cucks like Bush/Romney.

The secret to recent democrat success has been to run against spineless dickless balless cuckservatives. THOSE DAYS ARE OVER.

About Luke Ford

I've written five books (see My work has been covered in the New York Times, the Los Angeles Times, and on 60 Minutes. I teach Alexander Technique in Beverly Hills (
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