Steve Sailer: Chernykh Sisters of San Bernardino Terrorism Penumbra Are Likely Subbotniks

Steve Sailer writes: As Raymond Chandler’s detective novels pointed out, spectacular murders give outsiders an excuse to snoop around in corners of society that may not have anything directly to do with the murder, but don’t otherwise get much attention. Last month’s San Bernardino terrorist massacre has shone a light on what Southern California in the 21st Century is becoming more and more like. So, more on the two Chernykh sisters from Russia, both of whom appear to have used marriage fraud to game the immigration system. From the Daily Mail:

They came in search of the American dream but nine years after Tatiana Chernykh arrived, she and sister Mariya have instead found themselves at the heart of a nightmare. …

So how did a pair of Russian sisters with close ties to Israel end up at the heart of the worst terrorist atrocity in the US since 9/11?

Daily Mail Online can now disclose the full story of the Chernykh sisters and their journey from a tiny Jewish village in remote south-western Russia to their role in the California massacre earlier this month.

Family: The Chernykh sisters Mariya (second from left) and Tatiana (right) are caught up in the aftermath of the massacre. Tatiana is married to Syeed Raheel Farook, brother of the gunman. While Mariya is in what the FBI says is a sham marriage with Enrique Marquez, the gunman’s neighbor who is accused of supplying the guns. Mariya’s real partner is Oscar Romero, a petty criminal (left). The sisters’ parents Valentina (center) and Anatoly (second from right) are from a strongly-Jewish Russian village and have a home in Israel …

Real relationship: Mariya Chernykh has two children – both born on US soil – with Oscar Romero. His immigration or citizenship status is unknown. One was born before and the other after her marriage to Marquez

Born to Anatole, 53, and Valentina, 51, in the 950-strong village of Vysokiy, the two appear to have been model students with Tatiana, now 31, achieving a silver medal for her achievements at school.

It is unknown if the family is itself Jewish and friends and neighbors were reticent on the subject when approached by Daily Mail Online in Voronezh.

From a brief search online, I’m picking up a sense that the village of Vysokiy was home to a Subbotnik community of Judaizing Christian peasants. The Chernykhs of Vysokiy are an old Subbotnik name. From the Euro-Asian Jewish Congress:

Subbotnik Jews as a sub-ethnic group
18.02.2011, Communities of Eurasia
Velvl Chernin

… Surnames of Subbotnik Jews are Russian. However, strictly limited sets of surnames and their geographic specifity allow members of a given group to identify the name-bearers as “ours” or “not ours”. For instance, for Subbotnik Jews of Ilyinka, the Voronezh Oblast, “our” surnames are Kozhokin, Matveev and Karpov, while for Subbotnik Jews of the settlement of Vysoky, the Voronezh Oblast, “our” surnames are Gridnev, Chernykh, Puzankov, Voronin, Konchakov and Yuryev. [Emphasis mine]

From The Forward:

Described as a “Judaizing Sect,” the Subbotniks (“Saturday people” in Russian) were Christian Russian peasants who dissented from Russian Orthodoxy and began to recognize Mosaic Law late in the 18th century, observing the Sabbath, keeping kosher and practicing circumcision.

Back to the Daily Mail:

Although both Chernykh parents are now thought to live in Beit Shemesh, a mid-sized city of 94,000 people in Israel, their eldest daughter chose to come to the US in the third year of her studies at Voronezh Pedagogical University.

She told her parents that she was taking part in a student exchange program although that claim has been disputed by one of her professors. ‘We did have a student called Tatiana Chernykh,’ said Lyudmila Solodovchenko, deputy head of the English language department. She was expelled for academic failures. And she was definitely not sent to America by us as part of a student exchange program.’

Nevertheless, what is certain is that by 2006, Tatiana was in the US – leaving her parents and sister Mariya, now 25, behind in Russia. On arrival, she met and married 46-year-old Peter Gigliotti, briefly moving in with him at his Richmond, Virginia home before relocating to California.

Gigliotti, a drifter who has moved from dead end job to dead end job and worked in a pizza restaurant while in Richmond, now lives in Portland, Oregon.

His sister Maria, 50, lives in a ramshackle home in Beaverton and, when approached by Daily Mail Online last week, insisted her brother, who has been living nearby since September, was guilty only of an error.

He was unavailable for comment, and she would not address the question of whether the marriage was a sham or not. ‘It happened many years ago,’ she said of the relationship. ‘It was a huge mistake.’

Meanwhile Tatiana, by now divorced, had moved to Corona, California where she met and married Syed Raheel Farook. …

But neighbors have offered up a very different picture of the couple’s life together and say the police are regular visitors to the house. The most recent visit, said 47-year-old Shery Medina, came on the Saturday prior to the San Bernardino shooting. She also told Daily Mail Online that the visit was far from being an isolated occurrence and pointed to another two incidents earlier this year. ‘There have been at least three incidents since January with the cops,’ she said. ‘Domestic violence. They argue. I’m like, ‘oh God the cops are there again’. …

For all Tatiana’s domestic troubles, recent years have brought her an extra source of support in the shape of her sister Mariya who arrived in the US in 2009.

Initially just intending to visit, she soon got a job selling mobile phone cases and found herself a boyfriend in the shape of 5’7” Romero, with whom she has a daughter.

Hoping to cement her immigration status, in November 2014, she married 24-year-old Enrique Marquez in a sham wedding and, until recently, paid him $200-a-month for the privilege.

‘It’s easy to check that Enrique Marquez is not her real husband. Mariya’s social networks show that her husband is called Romero, and they have a daughter,’ a source told Russian channel NTV.

They added: ‘The black market price on bogus marriages meant that Mariya needed to pay several thousand dollars to arrange the deal.

‘How could she know that her kind relatives that helped her cover the costs would turn into religious fanatics?’ …

Marquez is also thought to have helped Farook formulate plans for an attack in 2012 which would have seen the pair target the SR-91 highway from Riverside to Long Beach with pipe bombs and automatic weapons. …

Romero, who has remained at the couple’s home, also declined to speak when approached by Daily Mail Online on Saturday and asked about Mariya’s $200-a-month sham marriage to Marquez. The 33-year-old, who became aggressive after being approached, possesses a criminal record featuring multiple counts of DUI, disorderly conduct and resisting arrest.

Although Romero’s immigration status is unclear, Mariyah faces having her visa revoked, although with a child who is an American citizen – so-called ‘anchor babies’ – she will be able to fight any attempt to remove her.

Despite her close connections to terror, friends in Russia remain unwilling to countenance the prospect that the woman they knew could have had anything to do with the shooting. ‘There is no way that she [Tatiana] could have converted to Islam,’ Lyudmila Gridneva who once taught the Chernykh sisters history at the village school, told NTV.

‘Her parents live in Israel, and as you know relations between Arabs and Jews are…’


* Subbotnik is a blanket term which covers a variety of beliefs and practices. Some subbotniks did not circumcise their male children and still recognised Jesus Christ as the messiah, only holding their services on Saturday and rejecting the Trinity. Others, like those who gathered in Vysokii and Ilinka, went the whole hog (if that expression is appropriate) and tried to follow Judaism faithfully.

* Man, I have dark thoughts toward scammer immigrants like these. They are all over the place in mostly coastal SoCal towns, some more inland.

Amazing how so many small shops in surfer towns along the PCH are now run by nasty gold chains immigrants. Easy to see that these are people who have spirited/lifted funds out of one country in order to launder them overseas.

* Judaizers have always been a opponent of Orthodox Christianity:

The phenomenon of Gentiles following jewish practices is older than Christianity, there was the ‘God-fearers’:

Tacitus also mentions jews being wealthy thanks to gentiles who abandoned their practies and started following jews when he wrote about the Roman-Judean War:

* In the Daily Mail article halfway down the page there is a closeup clear photo of the sisters and parents standing at a cash register in a discount store.

The mother has totally gentile euro facial features. Like a Soviet poster girl for raising the morale of the workers. Likely very hot when younger maybe a beauty queen. No non-white admixture.

The father is Asiatic or Semitic in appearance. Turkic?

This photo shows both daughters sporting the facial features of the father. The mother’s genes seem suppressed in their faces.

* For what purpose would the Mossad run mall kiosks in the Inland Empire?

I heard a more likely story recently from a guy who installs credit card processing systems in malls. He said there are entrepreneurs who like to hire young Israeli girls just out of their IDF stints to sell stuff in malls (presumably, these girls are doing this off the books, on tourist visas). I guess they are more confident than other girls their age and so take to retail sales better.

* Don’t understand all the hate and/or fascination with these two girls. They are not that pretty, especially the older sister who seems to have a hideously pronounced chin in one of her less staged photos. And the worst either seem to have done is commit immigration fraud- boo boo, when the President himself on behalf of all Americans wishes to apologize to you if you even CONSIDERED stooping to this sort of chicanery and your name ends with a ‘z’ (‘We have a long way to go still…’ Jeb: ‘Hispanic immigrants hardly ever commit this sort of crime. Told you it was an act of love!’)

Yeah, they’re vulgar and grubby by our standards in the first generation, but produce fully-assimilated if not spectacularly successful children in the next- seen a lot of dental technician Russian girls in my area- it’s a decent and productive living. Plus the gold chain-wearing, spade-nosed men might actually provide assistance in case you are ever polar bear’d – unlike the spindly but tasteful Portlandia hipster who’ll swear you must have said something racially derogatory to have so incited those yoofs.

‘There is no way that she [Tatiana] could have converted to Islam,’ Lyudmila Gridneva who once taught the Chernykh sisters history at the village school, told NTV.

And at least these people have the sense to be appalled at even the suggestion of Islamic conversion. Has anyone, even her own Mayflower-stock family, broached the topic of it perhaps being time to drop the chador to Mrs. Tamerlan Tsarnaev? Or will we soon see a follow-up human interest story on how she’s admirably raising Tamerlan’s baby to be true to its father’s heritage, regardless of the awful Trump-inspired backlash gripping the country (“the Boston Marathon bombing is the story of the bravery of love…)?

* This is brilliant reporting — a lone blogger scooping the NYT and WaPo due to the timidity of their staff in sensitive areas of the news. A very interesting perspective and good insights on contemporary America and its massive blind spots about immigration. Will the LA Times, at least, start to copy Sailer’s, maybe with a short interval to hide the fact? The NY Times is hopelessly lost in fantasy land on immigration-related issues.

* Mothers genes prevail in their pale almost sunburned body as shown in the beach-bikini photo with the Muslim husband.

Me saying that the mother prevailed in that these pale girls were highly desirable in today’s America and unfortunately to brown skin 3rd world adventurers….they had high “market value” and could have done much better but pregnancy intervened.

Seriously, these Russkie girls are paler and softer than most Hollywood babes …… so close yet so far away/ Hollywood talent agents need to do more combing through the local mall kiosks. They might even find a beautiful Circassian babe.

* Enrique should’ve married a Chinese national. I hear they pay more upwards of $50,000 for the process not including baggage that’s not yours aka stepkids. Then again the guy never seemed to bright.

Assume it take’s 3-4 years to complete until removal of conditions (roc) where the invader gets a 10 year green card. 6-12 months for adjustment of status. 2.5 years for the roc backed up by evidence such as joint returns, leases, utility bills etc. The simp was only going to make $7200-9600. Even a cheap East Asian was going to pay him $15k upfront.

* We can argue till the cows come home about whether “Messianic Jews ” are “really” Jewish. As best I can tell the ones who don’t want them to be accepted as “real Jews” are ALREADY on a payroll as a Pro Jew (e.g., rabbi), and don’t want too many other pigs’ noses rooting around in the feed barrel.

The rabbis in Israel have better stationary, being actual government apparatchiks – but the Euro/Anglo -spheres are where the serious money is.

About a dozen LARGE Messianic Congregations in Israel. They also aren’t at the center of (in this case, Christian) power in Israel. The Greeks & the Maronites are. Nice articles in the Hebrew press these past few weeks about Jewish Israelis visiting Aramaic villages, buying “christmas paraphenalia” as novelty gifts. We may someday see as many Hanukah Bushes in Jewish Israeli homes as we now see teenage players of American-football. Pub talk has it that the football leagues are a good way to network your way into the more elite infantry units. And the benefits of being in those circles are real, throughout your entire working career. Don’t forget that Golani Brigade only has room to accept 1 out of three of guys who pass the physicals.

Am I the only one who knows that Beit Shemesh is mostly a (slightly upscale) Anglo ghetto? And yes – their kids do register for the US Selective Service.

Anglos are a vanishingly small percentage of the Security Organs. And the Security
Organs are the only center of power in Israel. Anything else is window-dressing for the tourists from out-of-town.

Since about 2500 BC, Jerusalemites have made good money off of pilgrims. Pretty much like the Bahraini economy is mostly about renting alcohol & pussy to Saudi guys.

We all have our rice bowls, you know?

About Luke Ford

I've written five books (see My work has been covered in the New York Times, the Los Angeles Times, and on 60 Minutes. I teach Alexander Technique in Beverly Hills (
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