Obama’s Muslim Faith

From Lion of the Blogosphere:

The ridiculous Washington Post article about Obama’s alleged “Christian faith” inspired me to view the video above.

I think it’s a pretty weird slip of the tongue. Who would say “my Muslim faith” by accident? I couldn’t imagine accidentally saying that. Even though I am sure Obama is an atheist, I think that maybe he considers himself a cultural Muslim. Remember that he grew up as a little kid in Muslim Indonesia with a Muslim stepfather. He didn’t leave Indonesia until he was nearly 10 years old, which is old enough for him to feel some sort of fond attachment to Islam.

I’ve never previously touched on an important aspect of Obama’s likely atheism. Living in a place where everyone believes in Islam, and then being moved to a place where everyone believes in something extremely different, this makes a smart person realize the arbitrariness of religious belief. It’s also the reason why so few Jews take Judaism seriously, it’s the juxtaposition of being taught one thing in Hebrew school but then being immersed in the Christian world of the United States where no one believes in anything they taught you in Hebrew school. The Hasidic elders understand this very well, which is why they wall the community off from the secular and Christian worlds to ensure their children are not influenced by anything except for Jewish brainwashing.

Obama, of course, realized that if he wanted a career in politics, being an atheist or a Muslim wouldn’t cut it, so he had to demonstrate that he had “Christian faith” (by attending Reverend Wright’s church) and then he no doubt discovered the usefulness of using Christian language to support his left-wing agenda.


* Although Black atheists are extremely rare, Obama probably is one himself. His attachment to Islam is based on the view that it is anti-colonial and linked to third-world liberation. Similarly he would regard Christianity solely in terms of liberation theology and social justice. By the way, this ideology is no different than the one espoused by the mainline Protestant churches like the Episcopal, Presbyterian, ELCA, etc.

* I always get a kick out of this one, especially how Snuffulupagus jumps in instantly to save the flub. I’m looking forward to about ten years from now when we finally start to learn something about this empty vessel President of ours.

* Not only was Obama smart enough to become a nominal “christian” for the benefit of his political career, he was also smart enough to know that he’d have to marry a black woman to be electable in those Southside Chicago districts where he got his start. (See the decline of Harold Ford, Jr’s political career to see what happens to a black politician who marries white) Let’s not forget him getting trounced badly in his 2000 Illinois congressional bid by Bobby Rush – a real, authentic mandingo with a more resounding “African big man” sort of countenance and demeanor.

I see ZERO evidence that Obama was ever the least bit involved (or attracted) to black women before Michelle. And there’s ZERO former black ex-girlfriends that have ever come forward.

It had to really pain Obama to give up white women and get with that wooookie. I guess that’s the definition of sacrifice.

* “Muslim faith” wasn’t a slip of the tongue as you can see when he corrects his media assistant for correcting him. The slip, if any, was to say “my Muslim faith” instead of “my alleged Muslim faith.” I still agree that it’s a strange slip. Can you imagine him saying “at least McCain hasn’t talked about my incompetence and failed policies”.

Even more damning is the famous NYT interview where he gives the dog whistle message to Muslims that he is one of them by reciting the Shahada in a “first-rate accent” and saying that the call to prayer is “one of the prettiest sounds on Earth at sunset.”

Also, his father was a Muslim which makes him Muslim according to Islamic law and indeed his religion in grade school was listed as Islam.

Finally, polls show that people in Muslim majority countries consider him a Muslim.

I’d describe him as a secular Muslim or a cultural Muslim atheist.

* I did Peace Corps in Azerbaijan, and almost everyone there thought that Obama was a Muslim. (Azerbaijan is majority Shi’ite Muslim but they’re not especially fanatical given their history under the Soviet Union.)

Their reasoning was that his father was a Muslim, which means that he himself would be Muslim, and Barack and Hussein are Muslim names. I said that Obama had a Muslim father, but he converted to Christianity and is likely an atheist. I don’t know how many people there understood how that worked.

About Luke Ford

I've written five books (see Amazon.com). My work has been covered in the New York Times, the Los Angeles Times, and on 60 Minutes. I teach Alexander Technique in Beverly Hills (Alexander90210.com).
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