“Brownshirts are back” as Muslim “sharia police” patrol German streets — with official approval

Ezra Levant, a smart Canadian Jewish lawyer, writes:

We’ve told you before about Germany’s national suicide.

About how Angela Merkel the German chancellor, wracked by liberal guilt over the Holocaust, has decided that as some sort of karmic punishment, Germany must now be handed over to Muslim migrants.

She actually blames Europe in part for creating ISIS.

As Germany kills itself, sharia police have filled the void.

Muslim theocrats, walking through the city of Wuppertal at night, wearing jackets saying “Sharia police,” bully people into following sharia law.

No drinking, no music, no breaking Mohammed’s laws, just like they do in Iran and Saudi Arabia.

I’ll tell you about the notorious leader of these sharia police, and how Germany’s courts have actually granted him permission to set up this parallel police force.

PS: I’ve got a few comments on TIME magazine choosing Merkel as their “Person of the Year” as well.

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READ The Enemy Within: Terror, Lies, and the Whitewashing of Omar Khadr, Ezra Levant’s new book about domestic terrorism and radicalization.

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About Luke Ford

I've written five books (see Amazon.com). My work has been covered in the New York Times, the Los Angeles Times, and on 60 Minutes. I teach Alexander Technique in Beverly Hills (Alexander90210.com).
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