How Do You Stop Rape Culture?


* The irony here is that it is the very racial homogeneity that people here love so much that is causing the inability to speak of the large scale sexual assaults committed by Muslims.

Hans Christian Andersen (the Dane who wrote the individualistic ‘The Emperor’s New Clothes’ and ‘The Ugly Duckling’) understood this aspect of Scandinavian life well back in the 19th century, namely that group agreement trumps anything else including reality.

And since Scandinavian group agreement (as decided decades ago by the various SoDem governments and institutions) includes ‘anti-racism’, that’s that.

The Swedish Democrats and similar groups will not win, unless and until native Scandinavians lose their homogeneity.

* Nobody is willing, anymore, to put in the kind of effort and sacrifice that’s required to maintain a woman-friendly safe, clean, orderly society. Not only to put in that kind of effort, but to put in that kind of effort in the face of white women spitting in your face for your trouble.

It’s time to give white women what they’ve been demanding for so long – break down the “patriarchy” and renounce the bad-old ways. Let them stay inside after dark because they can’t walk down the street without getting dragged into an alley by the orcs they’re demanding be imported into formerly clean, safe (but racist!) white societies.

* Isn’t it strange though that all these young Syria and MENA men who are going to become engineers and scientists and quick study service workers allegedly need to be told – v.e.r.y. s.l.o.w.l.y. – that dragged a local girl into the bushes, tearing her clothes, punching her and raping her is wrong?

* This has nothing to do with education or culture. This comes down to 2 traits.

1. Sociopathy. Muslims are, on average, much more sociopathic than Northern Euro whites.
2. Sexual frustration. Muslims are, on average, much more sexually frustrated than Northern Euro whites (due to sexual constraints with their own unmarried women).

No amount of education or instruction will change the above traits. Perhaps assimilation might, but there’s no evidence of Muslims assimilating to Euro cultures.

In Muslim nations, rape is uncommon because male relatives keep tight control over their females. Also, because if you did rape a female from one family, their entire clan would visit violence on you and your clan.

* Bringing a lot of sexually frustrated Muslim men into sexually liberal Western countries is crazy. It’s like bringing a hungry man into a grocery store, then getting shocked when he starts stealing food.

* Occam’s Razor instead of Butterknife says that instead of Extreme Guilt cultures, which I haven’t seen much evidence of in Europe or here, the motivating factor is the HATE HATE HATE of White women for White beta males (90% of White men) who don’t know their place and get all uppity.

Somewhat related, the FT this weekend had the “Lunch with the FT” series featuring Jeremy Clarkson. The interviewer stated that before the lunch he mentioned his appointment to otherwise sensible and calm female BBC producers and they went ballistic with rage. Spitting Cobra were the words he used IIRC. The interviewer found Clarkson merely a softer version of the person he appears on TV, funny, but really does wear the old jeans and shabby jackets he shows up on camera with; and bloke-ish. Which translates to a semi-beta male who is uppity and does not know his place.

Rather than say, the 22,000 Jews in Sweden being responsible for Multiculturalism, Occam’s Razor suggests that is the half the Swedish population that is female and is fed up with beta male-ism among their male peers at work.

Not mentioning Third World colonizers propensity for violence against women is merely a society-wide aspect of women making excuses and ignoring violence against them by their thug partners. It is the same female behavior, over and over again. No, of course its Haven Monaghan who is the bad guy, and not Tyrone the Basketball player or Hassan from Morocco. Haven is just the proxy for that nervous, nerdy nice guy who awkwardly asked a woman out for coffee despite having the original sin of being nervous, not famous, not handsome, and not extremely dominant. By contrast, both Tyrone and Hassan treat women like disposable objects and White women particularly can’t get enough of that dominance, since they are treated entirely too nicely by their supplicating male counterparts.

This suggests that this excuse making by White women will go away very rapidly if White men just up their Game. Be more assertive, more dominant, treat women more cavalierly and do whatever they can to gain more status over their female peers.

As a White man here are my objections to Muslims and why I HATE HATE HATE THEM and want them all to go back to Muslim countries:

1. Muslims aggressively Muslimize my society, and create the No-Fun League. Muslims forbid alcohol, pork, dogs, uncovered, unveiled women, dress in ugly, third world clothing designed to mark me as an outsider easily preyed upon, and in all ways aggressively colonize my First World Society with Third World trash and failure.

2. Muslims bring nothing good with them — no math, no science, Clockboy Ahmed merely took apart a clock and pranced around with it pretending it was a bomb to get the Muslim lottery — a lawsuit. Tell me again what Muslims created in the 500 years that swept the globe, apart from IEDs and Suicide Bombers? No one goes to Muslim countries for anything but sucking up oil money — the places are Third World hellholes of misery, violence, and corruption. By contrast even a place like Denmark has nice places to see — the Tivoli Gardens, the Little Mermaid, etc.

3. Muslims aside from rape, which they do in abundant and massive numbers compared to Whites, are surly, obnoxious, demanding, ugly, and violent. Muslim women are renowned for their ugliness, in both physical and spiritual dimensions. Muslim men are known for cruelty and brutality, not inventiveness or creation of beauty. Japanese men perpetrated horrors previously unknown in scale: the rape of Nanking and Manila, an orgy of brutality and murder and rape. They also create exquisite things of beauty, from handmade paper umbrellas to ceremonial tea sets and delicious food. There are Japanese film series from Godzilla to gentle comedies that appeal to people the world over, as well as detective novelists and the like. Even Korea has given the world K-Pop. Muslims can’t even do that, let alone create a Sony or a Samsung.

In short, I find Muslims fairly unique among Humanity, having no good points whatsoever, and nothing but bad ones. I have no desire to rule among them, or have anything to do with them really. Now that the US has fracking capacity, I say let Muslims slaughter each other to their hearts content, and lets all kick them out — the US and the West will be better for it.

Why would I want to pay for some old Sudanese man? He’s not my responsibility, let Sudan pay for him. The same with Somalis. I don’t like, respect, or have any interest in Muslims, other than sending them all away, far away, where they can create their own past-times of beheading, burning people alive, and the like.

About Luke Ford

I've written five books (see My work has been covered in the New York Times, the Los Angeles Times, and on 60 Minutes. I teach Alexander Technique in Beverly Hills (
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