Do Trump & Adelson Have A Deal?

Steve Sailer writes:

Adelson, like Trump, is a casino-owner.

Trump may be saying something like this to Adelson:

– We both have a financial interest in cracking down on online gambling in favor of making people go to specific places to gamble.

– Your wife is Israeli, so you are really into Israel. I’ll be ardent for Israel too.

– Tightening up on Israel is my thing, like Israel is your’s. It will cost me and you some higher wages, but we can afford it. So let’s trade.

* Trump can get more bang for his money by donating to alt-right webzines and bloggers like Steve Sailer than any other way. Even if they don’t support him 100%, you can be sure that they’ll heap scorn and ridicule upon other candidates.

You can’t win without modern media outlets and social media. Isn’t that how Obama kicked Hillary to the curb eight years ago?

About Luke Ford

I've written five books (see My work has been covered in the New York Times, the Los Angeles Times, and on 60 Minutes. I teach Alexander Technique in Beverly Hills (
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