Steve Sailer: Farooked: Some People Just Aren’t Cut Out for a Life of International Intrigue

Steve Sailer writes:

He’s been confessing to the FBI pretty much nonstop ever since the Farooks went off, and now the Bureau has posted the criminal complaint against him.

Reading it, it’s evident that some people just aren’t cut out for a life of international intrigue. For example, Marquez seems to have had a thing for his hot Russian blonde fake wife. In a new report, the FBI summarized one texting session with the fake wife “M.C.:”

M.C. states that she is at “home” and MARQUEZ asks if he can come over. MARQUEZ states that he is “just a little anxious and want to talk more about the Interview.” M.C. responds, “Omg!! Enrique I’m the one freaking out here!!! Relax I’ll see u Monday and we’ll talk.” The conversation continues and M.C. states that he should “relax” and states “[i]f they decline me its my problem not yours.” MARQUEZ states that he had a list of questions he thought might be asked at the interview and continues, “[t]he only reason why we’re anxious is because we haven’t hung out that much.”

The fake couple appear to have had differing opinions on whether not hanging out much was a feature or a bug of their nonrelationship.

… MARQUEZ also communicates with another person about the interview, and states that if they don not pass, M.C. will get deported and he will face “fines and imprisonment for fraud.”

Poor Enrique not only had premonitions that all the madness would end badly for him, but he couldn’t even get his Facebook friends to realize he wasn’t speaking metaphorically, with them responding to his confessions with condescending “In a way, aren’t we all …” platitudes. A month before Mr. and Mrs. Farook went all jihad in San Bernardino, Marquez got into a Facebook discussion:

[MARQUEZ]: No one really know knows me. I lead multiple lives and I’m wondering when its all going to collapse on M[e]

[Facebook User]: incidentally

[MARQUEZ]: Yeah. My life turned ridiculous

[Facebook User]: I think everyone leads multiple lives

[MARQUEZ]: Involved in terrorist plots, drugs, antisocial behavior, marriage, might go to prison for fraud, etc.

I like the response, “I think everyone leads multiple lives.” What movie or TV show did that “In a way, don’t we all …” trope come from where the main character can’t get anybody to realize he’s telling the ridiculous truth? It’s like an anti-Being There. It’s kind of an El Guapo Speech, but a little different.


* Marquez being sent up the river is expected. What I’m waiting to see is what the Feds do with the Russian “wife” and if they’ll go so far as to indict her sister for conspiracy to commit immigration fraud and deport her too.

If that hand plays out it’ll result in the odd outcome of an Islamic terrorist attack resulting in the imprisonment of a Mexican and two Russian women.

Now that I think about it, the Feds could probably indict Farook’s family for knowing about the marriage scam or possibly facilitating it, and maybe even round up the Mexican boyfriend of the fake wife.

Immigration law could be the way to put the whole family away, just like tax law put away Al Capone.

* This guy converted but remained a sap who, with just a little pressure, spilled the beans to the feds and renounced his Islamic omerta.

Incidentally, I was just watching an episode of Lockup this weekend that had an Hispanic inmate who converted to Islam for a few months, but then wanted to chuck it because all the washing and praying 5 times a day was too annoying for him and gave him no peace.

And we can’t forget that, despite 700 years of Muslim rule over the Iberian peninsula, Spain and Portugal really didn’t take to Islam and forcibly kicked it out—and Spain became the most Catholic nation in Europe, complete with controlling many popes.

So I’m going to say something pretty racist: it seems as if Hispanic and Portuguese cultures really don’t mix with Islam all that well.

So, if Trump doesn’t close the border and deport the illegals, we can at least bet on the Latin Americans invading to have no problems themselves dealing with Islamists by making it extremely unwelcome in their neighborhoods—and not converting to Islam at all.

It would be a consolation prize, I guess: gang violence beats terrorism.

* This Mexican guy wanted a Russian mail order bride because he couldn’t get a Mexican girlfriend in The Inland Empire. Which makes sense because Enrique Marquez looks like a total square nerd/geek and the vast majority of Mexican women prefer the bad boy Vato Cholo look that you see in Mexican gangsta films like Blood In Blood Out, Sicario, and End Of Watch. Mexican women are like African American women in that very few of them are open to dating guys who look as geeky nerdy as Mr. Marquez and Rick Moranis for example from Honey I Shrunk The Kids. Where Russian women associate the square geek male nerd look with being a good financial provider. Hence why it is not unusual for some Russian women to marry an extremely nerdy looking Jap or Chinaman that they meet online.

* I’m continually surprised by how these Muslim terrorists chose their targets, just ordinary people, so all they accomplish is instilling fear of random violence. Anders Breivik though had strategic vision and his terrorist attack struck at the heart of his enemies.

Imagine how terrorists could influence society if they targeted the high and mighty? In this regard, these terrorists are like black rioters who riot in their own black neighborhoods, destroying the shops that they and their family use on a daily basis instead of taking a bus to Beverly Hills and destroying that neighborhood.

* Re: Four Lions

Your review of that film in Taki’s Magazine was, as ever, absolutely spot on, Steve: Chris Morris, despite his reputation in Britain as a taboo-breaking satirist, proved that he was just as PC and left wing as all the other comedians in this country.

In addition, it’s interesting to note that Four Lions was:

a) made before the Pakistani grooming gangs were really known about.


b) filmed in Sheffield, which neighbours the forever-tainted town of Rotherham.

I doubt, then, that Morris will be heading off to South Yorkshire again to put the Pakistani “community” back on the big screen.

* Including the two Russian sisters in the marriage=visa=permanent residency scams. Including all the legal/illegal immigrants who believe that paying taxes is for suckers (an iSteve line I believe) meaning native born Americans. All immigrants are fiddling and diddling until proven otherwise. Partly because that grand prosperous (for average middle classes) America they saw in movies in Guatemala and Pakistan does not exist anymore. With easy to make money. With easy to score white women with big tits. Gone! At least for you, Jose and Achmed.
So they resort to scam ways of making a living, cash businesses, and paying nothing in taxes or as little as you can can get away without the law/IRS getting after you.

* This whole situation has the feel of a Coen Brothers movie. It has that memorable juxtaposition of absurd characters and mass murder.

* Even though I want him to go to prison for a long time, there’s still a part of me that feels sorry for Enrique. He was probably so thrilled to have a dangerous and daring friend (or any friend at all) that he was willing to do anything to maintain that friendship.

* This sordid story is about as anti-American as a story can be.

But while reading about it, a tune plays in my head.

Because as anti-American as this plot and terror were, the whole cast of characters and the event is wrapped in all the happy-go-lucky themes of neo-Americanism.

Ah, the immigration experience, not from one nation but from three or four. Mexico, Russia, Pakistan, etc. The diversity! The melting pot (or the vibrant pressure cooker).

The interracial marriage(even if farcical and fraudulent, but hey, symbolism is what counts.)

The culture of ‘inclusion’. Give us your huddled, wretched, enraged, bitter, resentful, hateful, fanatical, demented, criminal, pregnant(esp if Chinese), etc.

Multi-culti friendship. New Opportunities. Don’t just shop at Walmart; work at Walmart. What is good for Walmart is good for America. (Why not call it’ tear-down-this-wall-mart’?)

It has all the neo-American themes that could be set to Diamond’s schlocky anthem, yet all these themes that are thought to be so ‘American’ were in the service of something most anti-American. And the horror happened at a X-mas party of all things. (But then, I guess this is just a hardcore war on X-mas. A softcore version has been going on from corporatism that totally commercialized it and by PC that tells us ‘happy holidays’ is good, ‘merry christmas’ is bad.)

(yellow principal bans ‘christmas’ in the name of neo-Americanism which is to americanism what neoconservatism is to conservatism).

This disaster sort of reminds me of ERASERHEAD, BLUE VELVET, and MULHOLLAND DR.

ERASERHEAD has themes of family movie. BLUE VELVET of American suburbia with green lawns and happy families. MUL DRI of the American Dream of fame and success.
But, those themes seen them through the glass darkly. Dream becomes nightmare.

This recent terror shows that for multi-culti to work, we must all seek deracination, mindless consumerism, and hedonism and NOTHING ELSE.

Suppose Farook gave up Islam and became just another Walmartian. Just another Black Friday nut running riot for video games. And suppose Marquez were the same way. Both would be alive and their victims would be alive. They would all be consumers and getting along cuz they have only one thing in common: consume, consume, consume. No identity or loyalty beyond that.

But Farook had a loyalty higher and deeper(and more darker)than that.

America says it is open to ALL cultures, but if every ethnic group really practiced their cultural values and loyalties, US would blow up. Multi-culturalism only works if various people give up their own cultural values and loyalties.

Cultures are different and at odds. They cannot live side by side as equals. A dominant majority culture can tolerate a weaker minority culture, but when everyone is told that his culture should have equal representation and power in a nation, there will be resentment if that isn’t the case.

So far, multi-cultaralism has worked politically for the ‘left’ cuz of the KKKrazy Glue. Different groups with very different values have been pulled together in common hatred of whitey. And white Libs have joined this coalition as ‘good whites’ at war with ‘bad whites’.

But as whites get weaker/smaller and with Obama as two-term president, the idea of all-powerful white ‘racist’ as bogeyman is no longer compelling. Already, the colored folks are turning against Jews who seem so powerful in elite colleges.

Multi-cultism works if various groups are made to favor consumerism and pop culture hedonism over all else. Above Allah, above race, above nation, and etc. And if they kowtow to PC that says all ‘victim groups’ must support ‘gay marriage’ in solidarity against the ‘right’.

This is a harder sell to Muslims, and this makes Muslims both more dangerous and, in some ways, admirable.
Muslims do have a higher calling than ‘gay marriage’ and consumerism. They have Allah.

In contrast, most Latinos and Asians don’t. They may gripe about their ‘victim’ status, but they really just wanna be a part of the ‘cool culture’ of America. Their identities become superficial as their highest value becomes listening to Jay-Z and living the sex and city lifestyle.

They have no higher value than what they see on TV and get from globo-professors.

So, they assimilate better to neo-Americanism. And as white Americans have been deracinated and de-cultured, they too easily become Black Friday zombies brainwashed by PC as the highest religion.

But Muslims will never give up their faith for neo-Americanism even as they take advantage of it.

Of course, white Americans must not become as crazy and barbaric as Muslims.
But they have something to learn from Muslims, namely that they need to believe in something higher, deeper, and more powerful than PC, Oprah, consumerism, hedonism, fashion, and MTV.

White Americans must submit to the needs of their own race, culture, and history, not submit to globalism.

PS. Most Americans, even Libs, will admit that Farook’s action was anti-American. But what is ‘American’ in our world? Far more dangerous and depressing than Farook’s blatant anti-Americanism is the fact that a soft form of anti-Americanism is now the official Americanism of America.

Barack is the prez. He’s for open borders, ‘gay marriage’, anti-white policy, blowing up other nations, PC, praising Bruce Jenner as a woman, instigating black urban violence, and etc.
How are those things ‘American’? Yet, such things now have the official stamp of approval.

As for Trump saying we need to strengthen borders and take tough measures to ensure no more terror? The entire spectrum of the ‘American’ Establishment says that is ‘un-American’ or ‘anti-American’.

Institutional Terror against True America is the new Americanism. Farook is small potatoes.

Globo-elite terrorists with briefcases filled with legal paper did more damage to American than terrorists with bombs in suitcases.
The Rahm Emanuels and Paul Ryans of the world are worse terrorists against America than the likes of Farook and his minion Marquez.

* Notably the plan which was abandoned was to throw pipe bombs on the 91 Freeway where there were no exits, to block traffic, and then go down the freeway killing everyone, police first, then firefighters, lastly civilians. Abandoned after unrelated terrorism arrests of other Muslims in the Inland Empire.

Muslim Jihadis don’t want to attack elites — elites already agree with them. They want to kill ordinary people so they will surrender and submit. That’s the whole point. That is how Muslims have operated since the beginning. Elites surrender immediately and the ordinary people are terrorized into submission.

* Muslim terrorists living in The U.S never commit terrorist attacks at locations mostly frequented by Liberals like Planned Parenthood abortion clinics, Black Lives Matter Rallies, and Gay Pride Parades for example. Is this just a mere coincidence? The conspiracy theorist in me says it is not. Jihadists are afraid the pro-open borders invite the world elites will turn against Islam, if Muslims start terrorizing places that are considered sacred to Liberals. So far Jihadists have not done anything to piss off people who plan to vote for Hillary Clinton in the 2016 presidential election.

* SoCal federal prosecutors spend about 40% of their time deporting alien criminals. The modal deportee is a 50 yesr old Mexican who has been deported before and has drug and alcohol issues.

It does happen, in large numbers, and they often get long prison sentences before their deportation. the problem is one of numbers and funding, we are set up for about 100,000 real deportations a year, and the annual number of illegals is much higher.

We also do a lot of “agree to leave immediately so we don’t have to formally deport you, and that way you avoid jail and are not banned from the USA for life.”

* Everyone was convinced because that is what Charles Moose, the inept head of the task force, told everyone. D.C. Police Chief Charles Ramsey concurred, “We were looking for a white van with white people.” They were very disappointed when it turned out to be two black guys, but they responded by downplaying any connection John Allen Muhammad had to the Religion of Peace. My home state of Virginia did have the cojones to execute Muhammad after his conviction. His youthful sidekick was tried in Maryland and is a ward of the taxpayers for life.

* The San Bernardino situation, if comic at all, is the blackest of comedies. This doofus reminds me of William H. Macy’s character from Fargo. He got in way over his head and was too stupid to realize it until it was too late.

* Like all armies, including the U.S. Army, Islam doesn’t send its Best & Brightest into the self-selected ranks of its expendable infantry for small unit action.

Islam gulls or incites its least brainy, least capable to commit the small unit action jihad attacks. For its showpiece big impact jihad attacks Islam sends its Best & Brightest – as with Mohammed Atta in the 9-11 attacks. All the rest of the small unit action jihadis are nothing but expendable infantry doing their koranic job to “strike terror” into the kuffar/kufr/kaffir.

Be not misled by Islam’s least competent – yet no less lethal – ordinary self-selected small unit action jihadis, because they, like all the rest of Islam’s multiple jihad prongs, serve Islam’s purpose. Even the dumbest jihadis serve Islam’s stick-prong of Islam’s carrot-&-stick multi-pronged jihad. You saw the effect of these small unit jihadi attacks this earlier this week, as that one San Bernardino jihad slaughter prompted the L.A. United School District to waste millions of dollars to shut down classes for a single day – and this, too, serves Islam’s jihad purpose and ultimate goal.

Moreover, by compelling its non-organized (i.e. , not connected to major Islamic jihad divisions such as Al Qaida or ISIS) expendable self-selected small unit infantry to commit jihad attacks, Islam takes advantage of its self-selected small units’ ability to get through Western security. Even when the small jihad units are caught in pre-attack or jihad-support by Western security, they too serve the purpose of spreading Western security thin and driving up the cost to the kuffar of kuffar security; and Moslem inmates the purpose of pursuing dawa (proselytizing) in prisons while forcing the kuffar to pay for the imprisoned Moslems’ shelter, clothing and food (and Moslem inmates demand and get halal chow, at extra expense to us kuffar). Plus, from each successful and unsuccessful small jihadi operation, jihadis of every sort learn more about how to outfox Western security and defenses.

* Liberals can blame Walmart and it’s low wages for why Enrique Marquez decided to become a gun runner for Jihad. Yes poverty was the root cause for the San Bernardino terrorist attack. Not a liberal immigration policy that lets in any 3rd world person with a working pulse. This is entirely the fault of the Walton family. Poverty breeds Jihad. That is why poor White trash people in Appalachia are converting to radical Islam in alarming numbers. The only way Enrique could pay the bills was to become a gangsta for Jihad.

* Think of Mishima and the young man who committed ritual suicide with him. The young lad was some naive farm boy who felt so flattered to be chosen by the great writer that he just blindly went along… But deep down inside, he was just a wuss. When the time came for the Big Act, he totally botched it and he barely scratched his belly before his head was cut off.

But then, are GOP cucks all that different? They are such sappy toadies to the oligarchs who fund them and order them about.

When under the will of someone stronger, approval from the master trumps all else.

We see this in DOWNFALL. The German officers are so much under the spell of Hitler that they follow him to the end. If such capable and intelligent men do that, it’s hardly surprising for someone like Marquez.

“You’re my amigo? Really?”

Mexican saps are willing to serve anyone who has more will and power.
It could be something good or something bad.
But morality and ideology are not the main issue. It is personality and will.

But then, same goes for white cucks. They will serve the power that is pushiest and meaniest. So, GOP serves pushy Neocons, and white college deans all cave to the demands of BLM. Jews are pushy, and blacks are fisty.

About Luke Ford

I've written five books (see My work has been covered in the New York Times, the Los Angeles Times, and on 60 Minutes. I teach Alexander Technique in Beverly Hills (
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