Steve Sailer: The Statue of Liberty Should Have a Bill of Rights Plaque

Steve Sailer writes:

Here’s a video by Ami Horowitz showing Yale students signing a petition to repeal the First Amendment.

Obviously, put that baldly, most people wouldn’t go for it, at this point.

Still, it’s clear that large swathes of elites see Diversity / Immigration — the Zeroth Amendment — as trumping the First and Second Amendments. Americans can’t have the right to bear arms because Muslim immigrants are too hot-headed to be trusted; and Americans can’t have the right to freedom of speech because some American might mention out loud that Muslim immigrants might be too hot-headed to be trusted with guns, and then the Muslims will get even madder and really kill us.


* Every time some republican says “It’s not who we are” to justify something (usually a disagreement with Trump), I know we have already lost.

I am on the wrong side of history, I suppose.

* I’m afraid I have trouble understanding why “birth tourism” is such a big deal in the overall scheme of things. I’m certainly not in favor of it, but it seems like a rather insignificant issue to get distracted by.

Who cares if a handful of ultra-rich (and presumably therefore above-average intelligence) Russians and Chinese want to buy American citizenship. They will get a nasty surprise anyhow, 30 years from now, when their kids discover that they have to pay huge US taxes on their ill-gotten Chinese & Russian earnings.

Better that we should stay focussed on the urgent problem: hordes of unwashed, illiterate Africans & central Americans — not to mention Muslims.

* It’s probably not a big deal in the manner you describe, but it is very important because it allows opponents of birthright citizenship to present exhibit A to the American people, and hopefully get them to support interpreting the 14th Amendment as it was intended.

The problem is clearly with the 300K anchor babies born annually in the US to illegals. But those going after those huddled masses are easily labeled as racist or anti-family by the open borders crowd. Rich Chinese gaming our system do not elicit such sympathy. And white Russians, the least desirable whites on earth, are even better to highlight since there is zero chance of any racist blowback that could get our side off message.

If putting an evil, white Russian face on this issue helps to close this misinterpretation of the 14th Amendment, then yes, it is a big deal.

* Birth tourism is the reductio ad absurdum of our current immigration policy. The fact there exists websites promoting such a scam and nothing has been done about it shows how treasonous those responsible for protecting American citizenship are. The elites can’t even pretend we need these people since birth tourists leave after giving birth and only use their baby’s American citizenship as a tool for their own gain. Whatever the most romantic image of Ellis Island you can conjure up, birth tourism is almost the opposite.

Plus birth tourism is significant; citizens can bring their families (and extended families) to live in America with little trouble. So now one birth tourist baby means a dozen or so relatives (some of them 65+) who qualify for public assistance. The opportunities for spying or infiltrating our government only increase. Elections can theoretically be swayed by foreign powers.

* Culture of Tolerance and Guilt leads to Surrender and Apathy.

Tolerance works only when combined with Confidence, as in “This is America, we are proud of our country, and we respect minorities, but we have our ways, and we expect all to obey the rules and play fair.”

US used to be like that. Tolerance used to mean generousness and magnanimity.

But now, tolerance is associated with guilt. Whites must be tolerant cuz they should feel guilt. So, unless they show tolerance, they are ‘racist’ and evil.

So, there is a pressure to tolerate more and more. And people dare not oppose tolerance since it would mean they are evil.

After awhile, tolerating more and more crazy demands becomes the norm.
All sense of anger and outrage go out the window.
The further erosion and radicalization of values no longer register anymore.
There is no longer a confident conservative opposition.

It’s amazing at the total lack of outrage in America with all this homo stuff, tranny stuff, BLM stuff, section 8 stuff, women in combat stuff, women punching each other in UFC stuff (barbaric), tattoo ugliness stuff, pornified TV shows stuff, and etc.

Many celebrate such craziness, many are totally apathetic, and those who oppose it are too demoralized and afraid to say anything.

There is no more outrage among white conservative Americans. There was a little bit with the Muslim terrorism, but even that is ebbing away.

No outrage over release over Pollard. No outrage over nothing.
Just waiting to die.

* Forget dirt, just get on an airplane whose next runway is the USA. That cheap @ss Chinese broad did that a few months ago. Rather than pay for a 2 month stay in a wetback Chinese birth center in Law, she boarded a Chinese plane big as a cow and popped one out in flight.

As the US bureaucrats said in a news article, the sprog got a free US passport since the first landing after she squirted was in the USA.

Those Chinese chicks are smart. It saved her a bundle on birth hotel charges.

* Best thing to do would be to revoke the citizenship of all of the birth tourist babies and illegal alien babies and then permanently destroy the record of their birth in the US so that it cannot be reversed and restored in the future.

* I, for one, welcome our new Russian-Chinese Overlords. And I’d like to remind them that as a trusted internet commentator, I can be helpful in rounding up others to toil in their underground sugar caves.

* Or the first (literal) shots will be taken at Trump.

It will be as almost as open an attempt to assassinate a populist leader as with Julius Caesar. If they succeed, expect short statements “denouncing” the murder but long stories about how Trump “created” his own climate of “hate” and brought it about himself and really, aren’t we glad we woke up out of that national nightmare—even if it took a gun shot to do it?

If Trump is smart on this, he’s got his own security force running dark-operations that the Government-SS doesn’t know about. That is, Trump’s paying some high-level security guys to secretly run his security and be in the crowds that the SS doesn’t know about. That way, when the Government-SS “accidentally” let’s some nut set up a sniper’s nest or get close to Trump with a bowie knife, Trump will at least have his own security jumping in to save him.

* Many overseas Americans I know have a hard time justifying their continued citizenship and its costs especially with respect to the unsatisfactory quality of service; whether public healthcare, education or the very basic task of government of providing personal security through law and order. Many of the readers here make much of immigrants “taking advantage” of the in-state tuition for already overpriced public state higher education. However citizens in other OECD countries probably enjoy much better quality of public services, even if the higher tax burdens are considered. Indeed if the trajectory of American decline continues, these the adult dual-citizens that these “anchor-babies” become may regret their mothers’ decision to have them born in the USA.

No disagreement that juris soli birthright citizenship is probably an anachronism and anchor babies make it obvious. If a future administration wants to put pressure on the birth tourism industry, all it needs to do is vigorously enforce the tax code that applies to overseas dual citizens, and the treasury could sic the IRS on these overseas “Americans” born to birth tourism. These people may not contribute much to the common treasury, but a vigorous enforcement of tax rules for these “new Americans” could 1. compel these citizens to contribute in exchange for any benefits that they will enjoy increasing their very tenuous link to the country of their citizenship. 2. discourage the kind of abuses of the birth tourism industry. 3. raise some nice additional revenue. Finally the closer scrutiny and vigorous enforcement of tax responsibilities could be applied without significant protest. Indeed the ability to enact and enforce FATCA to support the application the extraordinary extraterritorial taxation of overseas Americans shows that these already don’t have much of a lobby.

* I’ve been wondering if the Obama administration assigned Secret Service protection to Trump and Carson in order to spy on them.

I don’t think that Trump met all the qualifications the law requires to merit this protection, strictly speaking—he doesn’t appear to have met the requirement for minimum campaign contributions (!).

* I believe it was a commenter here (on unz/iSteve) that had some professional dealings with Trump and indicated that he (read: everyone who works for him) is incredibly buttoned-up. I would wager that that’s true–that he’s 10 steps ahead of everyone else on everything. Sure seems that way given his out-of-nowhere domination of the GOP field. If that is the case (and I hope it is), he’s had an A-team security setup before he even threw his hat into the ring.

* Trump spends a certain amount of time around rappers and other celebrities who wear a lot of bling, which makes them targets for armed robbers, so, yeah, I imagine he has long had a security nucleus. Probably old NYPD guys with good sense about who looks suspicious in crowds. Probably not terribly high tech.

* I moved to the US at the end of the 90s and it was an ok place to live. Got a degree and landed a tenure track. By 2005 something was already wrong (creeping totalitarianism and pc that was a bit too familiar to me since i came from a former commie state. My fellow Americans were laughing when i was telling them that the states are well on the track to the most horific totalitarian anti utopia in human history (never ever totalitarian state have had the technical means for propaganda, brain-wash and surveillance so perfect. It was over, nothing would break such state, it was too late already. So i asked myself if i would be willing to rise my kids in such a state. Then moved out to a place backward and obscure – kissed my tenure goodbye on my way out. Never felt better. Had do spend half of a year in the states later on, back in the 2010s. It was horrible. The things were gone quite mad. It was an asylum. The fear had arrived already, i could see it in the eyes of the people i once knew – they were just not the same people anymore. A single wrong word could cost them everything.
You mean anyone would stay voluntarily in an asylum, *knowing* it is an asylum? Perhaps it would make sense if you are from Mexico, Latin America or some place wet in the jungle, spending your days fighting lions tigers black mambas or whatever to make a living. Otherwise? To go into the most sophisticated surveillance, brain washing reality distorting and total mind controlling (from the child care on) machinery in the world ever existed that is nearly unbreakable? Good luck, guys.

* Radical Muslims have a lot of back up of moderate muslims. They can hide in the masses, they enjoy some kind of security amongst them. Radical muslims would never be as successful as they are without the support by a substantial fraction of moderate muslims. But moderate muslims also benefit from radicals. Every time radicals attack the West, western leaders try the same old broken Aikido stunt, by reacting not with counter-force (the dreaded backlash) but with even more inclusion. In effect the West simply backs down. Thus after a attack muslims always get something: a new mosque, new halal lunch at public schools, etc. Moderate muslims then take it happily, and the win-win deal between moderate and radical muslims goes on.

* The concept of ‘who, whom’ is actually a good one.

We should accept it.

Take the notion of ‘Diversity is Strength’, one that Orwell forgot in 1984.

We need to ask ‘for whom’?

‘Diversity is Strength’ is a half-truth. It is an advantage to some, a disadvantage to others.

So, for whom is ‘diversity’ an advantage? And why?

So, Identitarians need to embrace ‘who, whom’. Indeed, identitarianism is about ‘who, whom’.

So, if anyone says ‘diversity is strength’, White Identitarians need to say, “maybe for you(globo elites and cuck-laborators), but not for us.”

* What we are now classifying as Islamic terrorism has existed as a historical phenomenon in the Middle East and South Asia. Random acts of violence by devout Muslims is common and has been common for centuries.

There is something in the religion that gives followers a sense of ecstasy when they see themselves as true believe, oppressed by their societies for their religiosity. Very few contemporary Westerners appreciate the ecstasy of being a martyr for God.

In this sense the believer is a “rebel without a cause.” The believer is looking for a reason to be angry and feel oppressed. This is why pondering what we did to get them mad is futile. The believer wants to be offended and he will find a reason to be no matter how much Western society appeases him.

* The leftist cult of culture has been transmitted to so many young voters because so many were told, “You MUST go to college.” So they did since there were no other great choices for them, the industrial base of the country gone as it is. True, it’s community colleges and state colleges (at least in CA) that so many millions of these kids have attended, but it’s there they get the same pc indoctrination that Ivy kids have gotten.

The only way to undermine the leftist cultural revolution is to take their jobs in the pulpit of the college classroom from them or to reduce in great number the students held captive by them.

I’d love to see college budgets cut to shreds, ridding the “academy” of social science rot. Tech schools, whether to train welders, carpenters, electricians or ITs should take the place of the indoctrination centers we now call colleges and universities. The latter should be left with pared-down departments and course studies concentrating math, science, and what used to be called the humanities.

* There will never be enough Muslims here to take over or enforce Sharia.

They will just be part of the diversity allied against whites.

Also, on occasion, some will use terror, and that will make whites side with Israel and Jews more.

It’s win-win for Jews.

Most of these terror attacks kill no Jews. But they make America identify more with Israel… even though no group pushes mass immigration(even of Muslims) more than Jews do.


“Hey Muslims, come here and join our fight against whites; we will even give you affirmative action at the expense of whites. And, hey whites, look at those violent Muslims. Please protect us Jews, esp in Israel, from them.”

It’s like bribing and working with someone to threaten a people, and then pretending to side with those people against the one making the threat.

* Your point about staffing a Trump Administration is excellent. The Reagan Administration had a saying that “Personnel is Policy.” I used to work on Capitol Hill and my impression was that the key person is at the level of the assistant secretary, or equivalent–he or she is the person who must work with the career bureaucrats to get the President’s agenda implemented. The career staff will be almost uniformly hostile to a President Trump, even more so than they were to Reagan and that was a high level of resistance. It’s very easy for a political appointee to go native under such circumstances. If I had any idea how to find the people with sufficient Washington skills to handle the career bureaucrats, but who haven’t already been co-opted by the Washington Establishment, I’d call Donald Trump and tell him, but I don’t.

* I recently gave my girlfriend Mark Steyn’s “America Alone”. She called me a couple nights later to tell me that she was 10 pages into it and already depressed about the future of the country. She felt even worse when I pointed out that it was published 9 years ago and the situation today, as Steyn predicted, is even more dire.

The West needs to get a clue about “moderate” Muslims. The only one I know personally has a history similar to the Berdoo Bride: born in Pakistan, lived for a couple years in Saudi Arabia and move to America with her family when she was 8. She worked as a barista at the coffee shop I frequent, and she seemed like the archetypal American teenager in look and affect; she got a lot of attention from the guys because she was a cute little thing with DD breasts, and, unIslamically, dressed to accentuate the positives. After college she took a job in VA and moved away.

Fast forward about five years. I ran into her in town, and we sat and caught up a bit. She said she was home visiting her parents for the first time in 3 years. They hadn’t spoken to her since she refused to marry a Pakistani cousin 20 years her senior. She was happy that they forgave her for being polluted by Western values and dating nothing but haram American guys.

Which brings us to spring of this year, another 4 years after our last meeting. I’m sitting in the coffee shop with my girlfriend, and I hear a woman’s voice squealing my name and feel two very large breasts pressing into my back. She was back in town to stay, living with her parents and starting grad school in the fall. She became fast friends with my girl; they had deep discussions of Tory Burch shoes and other lux accessories. She said she was going to friend me on Facebook, which she did.

I was surprised that her page was mostly about the experiences of “a little brown girl in America” and “America disrespecting Islam”. I puckishly asked her if I should take lectures on Islam from a woman whose entire wardrobe seems to consist of yoga pants, fuck-me pumps and blouses exposing 4 inches of cleavage.

Every religion has their hypocrites, but there’s only one pursuing the death of nonbelievers. And their “moderates” are just silent supporters of their cause.

* So some Sephardic bitch in unrequited love with her cousin who murdered his father scribbles some doggerel, and because grandpa founded the stock exchange she has enough connections to get it scratched into the base, the base which her humbler neighbors she’s betraying once crowdfunded for very different reasons, all because help is hard to find and those raggedy girls escaping the famine can make good, inexpensive maids.

About Luke Ford

I've written five books (see My work has been covered in the New York Times, the Los Angeles Times, and on 60 Minutes. I teach Alexander Technique in Beverly Hills (
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