Do the benefits of Muslims in America outweigh the cost? Asking for a friend.

Comments to Steve Sailer:

* Nobody here, or anywhere else, is scared of the vast majority of Muslims either. It’s just that the vast majority of non-terrorist Muslims don’t provide any benefit to this country that outweighs the problems caused by the terrorist minority, so there’s really no reason to have any of them here.

* I would like to see Trump for President and Cruz for AG. I don’t know why more people aren’t talking up this rather obvious synthesis.

Trump would not give Jeb any job in his administration more prestigious than serving carved meat at a pool party, and even that would be an honor.

* Trump isn’t David Duke. Trump has spent yeeeeaaaaarrrrrss (Trump voice) on TV. As the laughable butt of jokes on Oreo commercials with the Manning brothers (“Double Trump!”) or hosting the Apprentice or feuding WWE style with Rosie O’Donnell. NBC promoted him for years, and now he’s an un-person?

The problem with that is that 99.9999% of US entertainment idolizes rebels. The street cop who does it “his way” with the loud Black superior screaming at him. Bruce Willis as a “rascal” (in the clean-for-tv version) in Die Hard 2, or all the Die Hard movies, Liam Neeson in Taken 1-23, every action movie ever made, most TV shows, etc. Conformity, toeing the line, going along, have been shown in American entertainment to be the province of either villains or weaklings.

Trump is just playing Dirty Harry, the Man with No Name, John McClain, Captain America, and Iron Man all in one. He importantly says “I love Muslims” and “I love Mexicans and will get the Hispanic vote,” so he’s not the bad guy. The difference between the villain and the hero is the latter is motivated by decency and former by power. Trump knows this story has been playing out in America for more than a century and plays to it very well.

Duke was a Klan member, he didn’t offer much of anything but the Klan, so he went nowhere and lost to the crook.

It seems that the GOP is planning a “floor fight,” with the establishment just throwing out the rules and refusing to acknowledge Trump delegates/votes, and choosing its own candidate. Rubio acts like he’s got the deal to be the nominee. Presumably the GOP can do that if it wants.

Which means it would be Trump vs. Hillary vs. Rubio. By no means is that a certain victory for Hillary. Many suspect that Bill Clinton out of rivalry with Gore sandbagged his electoral effort against W. Would Obama be happy to remain the Democratic Big Man leader instead of President Hillary? Does Rev. Wright live by a golf course in a lily White area? Moreover as noted above, Trump draws substantial amounts of support from Democrats. If you are a White union voter, would Hillary! be your candidate? If you were a lesbian, maybe. Outside the pantsuit set, not much. Nor would Boy Rubio be a choice either. Trump, Northeastern, employs union labor, fairly liberal in social attitudes but embracing Nationalism and White identity? Sure.

Trump would lose the Romney set, and also the Lindsay Graham Log Cabin Republicans (all five of them), as well as the cuckservative insiders. His gains among blue collar Whites however would IMHO more than offset losses. That’s because Trump is liberal enough in social areas to get blue collar White votes, while being assertive for White group rights but not pursuing racial conflict.

Indeed the coming defenestration of Rahm Emmanuel*, who is toast in Chicago and WILL be replaced by some Black candidate, is going to be instructive. The go along, get along, White leadership and Black votes of the past is no longer tenable, as divided as Republicans are Democrats face an outright racial split with Whites in the Northeast and Midwest being purged out of Universities and City leadership in favor of … Blacks. Chicago going full Detroit, with a general White purge of leaders in favor of Blacks, only gains more White blue collar votes for Trump and away from Hillary!

About Luke Ford

I've written five books (see My work has been covered in the New York Times, the Los Angeles Times, and on 60 Minutes. I teach Alexander Technique in Beverly Hills (
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