Trump Has Judged The Moment Better Than I Expected!


I’m stunned by the lack of a response to his latest provocation.

A friend says: Just think of him as Crocodile Dundee on steroids.

I never thought that Trump could relate to ordinary folks the way he has.

Although Trump never backs down, other parts of his personality that play well are his arrogance, confidence, brashness and narcissism. Also, he is pretty upbeat. Even when he outlines problems, he always has a solution that will be “great,” and he seems to be enjoying himself immensely.

They always say that the candidate who wins is the one you could most easily see yourself having a beer with, and on that score, even though Trump doesn’t drink, he seems like a guy I would much rather hang out with than any other presidential aspirant, Republican or Democrat.

Maybe you could see yourself davening with Sanders before drinking your Manischewitz from a Kiddush cup, but can you imagine sitting down with John Kasich, let alone Marco Rubio, or Carly Fiorina? Jesus, I would slit my wrists.

Maybe it is that he has spent more time in the public limelight and on television than anyone else. Maybe because he promotes his brand even more than politicians seeking election.

About Luke Ford

I've written five books (see My work has been covered in the New York Times, the Los Angeles Times, and on 60 Minutes. I teach Alexander Technique in Beverly Hills (
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