Obama’s Speech

Comments to Steve Sailer:

* Obama bombed Libya, armed the “moderate” rebels in Syria, imposed sanctions on Russia, released Jonathan Pollard, and meddled in Hungary’s internal politics, and he implicitly supports the Turkish bombing of the Kurds, the Saudi bombing of Yemen and the Israeli bombing of Syria – all of which directly benefits Al-Qaeda and ISIS.

The Fort Hood shooting, the Boston bombing, and the San Bernardino shooting all happened during his presidency, thanks to immigration policies and anti-profiling policies which he supports.

He has the unique distinction of being both the worst President in the history of America, and the least worthy recipient of the Nobel Peace Prize.

* It is our responsibility to reject religious tests on who we admit into this country.

Why and what is the source of this position? We can’t have religious tests to run for office but I don’t recall seeing any constitutional provision regarding religious filtering of immigrants. We screened for communist adherents:

“There have long been ideological restrictions on naturalization in U.S. law. Nativism and anti-anarchism at the turn of the 20th century, the red scare in the 1920s, and further communist fears in the 1950s each shaped United States nationality law. Though ideological exclusions on entry were largely eliminated in 1990, ideological bars arising from each of these time periods still exist in American naturalization law.”

What is religion but a subset of the larger category of ideology? Along the same line, Islam is not a simple faith of profession so it doesn’t map over to Catholicism or Protestantism, Islam is a “religion” which transcends the boundaries of religion and incorporates ideology on how society should be structured, how law should be made, how courts should be run, etc.

* It’s our responsibility to reject proposals that muslim-americans should somehow be treated differently. Because when we travel down that road, we lose.

Actually, we win. Beaver Cleaver’s America was a higher trust society than Barack Hussein Obama’s America. Doubling down on stupid, on Obama’s multiculturlist cancer is not going to improve society. Islam changes America and there’s nothing on this road which leads to an improved civic society, Islam’s influence is toxic, so the less influence on American mores the better off we are.

That kind of divisiveness, that betrayal of our values plays into the hands of groups like ISIL.

What’s the frequency of rattlesnake bites in Nome, Alaska? No rattlesnakes, no one getting bitten by rattlesnakes. ISIL is not using Norwegian-Americans for their attacks, they’re using Muslim immigrants. If you want to defang ISIL in America, deprive them of Muslim foot-soldiers. This is what Emergency Powers are designed for, for extra-constitutional actions which are necessary to save society. We’re not anywhere close to societal mayhem but we’re most definitely on the road there, so the question becomes do we deal with our societal cancer once it’s metastasized throughout society or do we deal with it when it’s still weak and less threatening?

Muslim-americans are our friends and our neighbors. Our co-workers. Our sports heroes. And, yes, they are our men and women in uniform who are willing to die in defense of our country. We have to remember that.

I’m pretty sure that Nazi party members also had friends, also had pleasant relationships with their neighbors, etc but we still embarked on a denazification program after WWII.

Put simply, this diversity doesn’t benefit America. There are plenty of Muslim countries where Muslims can be Muslim and fit right in.

Let’s make sure we never forget what makes us exceptional.

1.) I’m not in the mood to check this but I seem to recall that Obama took some glee in making pronouncements about America not being exceptional.

2.) What made America exceptional was the society and people of the past and that most assuredly didn’t include the current conceptualization of America as a multicultural society.

Appealing to X, which was a cause of Y, as a necessary condition to preserve Z, while simultaneously invalidating X and repudiating Y seems to be a bizarre construction.

* Does it even matter what Obama says anymore? Did it ever? I just can’t find it in me to spend any time dissecting his latest speech in which he spits out trite platitudes we’ve all heard a thousand times already.

* Koran 5:51: “O you who believe! do not take the Jews and the Christians for friends….”

* President Barack H. Obama addressed the nation tonight with this important 13-minute speech.

While using only a single teleprompter, he unbobbleheadedly said (beginning at 9:50), “[A]n extremist ideology has spread within some Muslim communities. It’s a real problem that Muslims must confront without excuse. Muslim leaders here and around the globe have to … speak out against not just acts of violence, but also those interpretations of Islam that are incompatible with the values of religious tolerance, mutual respect, and human dignity.”

Mr. President, thank you for these stirring words. But please be more explicit about “those interpretations of Islam that are incompatible” with our values. Do these incompatible interpretations include, for example, Quran 4:34, 5:33, 9:29, and 47:4? If you have not already done so, please have DHS come up with a complete list of your disapproved Quran and hadith passages, and publish them on a dot-gov* website that loyal Muslims can consult.

* “The ideal immigrant in this vision of infinitized moral purgation is not a social asset, but a wretched, dysfunctional parasite, or better still an arrogant, contemptuous aggressor. ‘Model minorities’ are erased from the picture entirely, because they do not exact the suffering that is so ardently desired. (‘You can wander through Chinatown late at night without being robbed, beaten, or raped — what’s the possible spiritual value in that?’) To repeat the essential, and hideously consequential point: Immigration is supposed to punish us..”

* It’s all Taqiyaa. Every word. He’s a Muslim. Both his daddies were Muslim. He wears a ring inscribed with a Koranic verse. He was raised Muslim. He has governed as a crypto Muslim and will continue to do so until his final minute in office.

Even the curtains in the oval office scream “alien culture” … the TV shot does not look like America.

Think about what he’s accomplished. He’s imported millions of Muslims. Women are wearing Burkhas and Hijabs all over America now. Many, many new Mosques have been built during his term. In the past he said “America is a Muslim nation” tonight he said essentially we are forever going to be waiting for Islam to reform itself. In the meantime we have to learn how to live with Islamic terror.

Important beyond words: The no-fly list idea is pure camel nose under the tent. Strip no-flyers of Second Amendment rights — then just keep expanding the list. And the FBI will even more stretched thin than they are now with 1000 ISIS cases being monitored 24/7. And we’ll need to confiscate already purchased weapons from no-flyers, right?

* His anti-western core shows more and more.

This outrageous, non-American president just used his words to turn our principles against us.

He has crossed a rubicon, and all we can do is wait for his term to end, while no-doubt more true Americans are slaughtered.

He doesn’t give a fuck about us.

* Where does he get this ‘Muslims are our friends’ routine? Very few Americans know any except in passing or in otherwise superficial ways. My experience with them is that they stick to themselves and don’t care to mix. They are not your friends and do not want to be your friend.

* Obama made himself the defense attorney for Islam tonight.

* Most evil moment tonight was when Barry called ISIL “thugs” when it was Barry himself and his CIA who created ISIL back in 2010 after America totally rejected the idea of troops on the ground in Syria.

Barry has spent the past years funding, supplying, arming ISIL as a proxy against Assad. Think about that capacity for evil.

Barack Obama is the actual leader of ISIL.

* I specifically heard no apology from Obama to Republicans, who he was taunting just the week before about being afraid of Muslim “orphans and women.” It’s amazing what having a young Muslim woman, who was admitted into our country, mowing down innocent Americans with a semi-automatic rifle. Suddenly, those young Muslim women he wants to admit into the U.S. don’t look especially harmless. While he did mention tightening up access to guns, he made no reference at all to the pipe bombs the couple had made. I guess he must have concluded that those were for smoking and not blowing up people.

* There’s enough smoke to warrant people suspecting something. His father’s family is all Muslim, his step-father was Muslim, his step-sister is presently a Muslim, he lived in a Muslim culture, he lived in a Muslim household. If the world around you is informed by Islam and you still refrain from joining Islam, that doesn’t mean that you’re also impervious to the influence of Islam.

This mostly speaks to how damn foreign Obama is in relation to America. He’s black but had no connection to the Black American culture until he married. His exposure to America came mostly in Hawaii and that only after he spent his formative years abroad. Hawaii is a world unto itself.

Obama’s first connection to Christianity came when he arrived in Chicago and wanted to further his political career and so sought out Rev. Wright. Up until that time the dominant religion in his life was Islam.

* With his “Muslims are our friends” line, Obama seems to be speaking to his own inner circle of State Department types, while concurrently Dog Whistling to this broader group you allude to, an SWPL “petit bourgeoisie” aspiring to be like that Obama inner circle.

In fairness to Obama, this is what he knows how to do. What else could he have said? Really.

* Reporters ask Obama or his spokesmen about ISIS, and they respond about ISIL. It’s very weird– clearly, it’s very important to this administration not to use the term for this group that everyone else seems to have settled on. I’ll bet in meetings, if any of his staff brings up the weirdness of it, Obama points his finger and says, “You say ‘ISIS’ and you’ll be out of here so fast your head will spin, mister! I will not be made to look ridiculous! We are not giving in on the ISIL

In other words, it’s another display of his vain, petty, immature, personality.

* His father was a Muslim, his step-father was a Muslim, and Obama grew up in Indonesia, which is—except for the small Chinese minority—I think something like 99% Muslim. Since his mother didn’t seem to care much about religion one way or the other, wouldn’t he have automatically considered himself a Muslim as a young child, just as the natural path of least resistance?

I haven’t read his autobiography (which was very possibly ghosted by Bill Ayres), but does it provide any explicit indication that he considered himself a Christian at that young age? If not, doesn’t that tend to imply he was vaguely a Muslim?

Here’s another datapoint. Weren’t there supposedly some stories about how Obama was harshly bullied or teased by the local Indonesian children for being “different”? If he’d considered himself a Christian (or an Atheist) while maybe 99% of the other children were Muslim, wouldn’t that have become a natural focus of much of the bullying and teasing? And wouldn’t stories of such childish cruelty on grounds of his different religion have become a crucial part of his book, allowing him to explain how he himself understood the nastiness of religious oppression? Wouldn’t he have made such stories of how he was bullied for his Christian faith a standard piece of all his political stump-speeches since they would have simultaneously been so appealing both to secular voters and to Christian ones?

If he’s never once mentioned such bullying as a child, it’s because it didn’t occur. And I think the only reason it wouldn’t have occurred is if all the other Indonesian children thought that he was a fellow Muslim, so presumably he thought the same thing himself at that age. “The dog that didn’t bark”…

* Obama said, the other day, that it was “insane” not to ban anyone on the federal government’s (secretive) No-Fly List from buying guns, anywhere in the United States.

Here is the Wikipedia.org entry on the “No Fly [sic] List”:


Here is a particularly instructive section of that entry:



False positives and abuses that have been in the news include:

Numerous children (including many under the age of five, and some under the age of one) have generated false positives.[27][28][29]

Daniel Brown, a United States Marine returning from Iraq, was prevented from boarding a flight home in April 2006 because his name matched one on the No Fly List.[30]

David Fathi, an attorney for the ACLU of Iranian descent and a plaintiff in an ACLU lawsuit, has been arrested and detained because his name was on No Fly List.[31]

Asif Iqbal, a management consultant and legal resident of the United States born in Pakistan, plans to sue the U.S. government because he is regularly detained when he tries to fly. He has the same name as a former Guantanamo detainee.[32][33] Iqbal’s work requires a lot of travel, and, even though the Guantanamo detainee has been released, his name remains on the No Fly List, and Iqbal the software consultant experiences frequent, unpredictable delays and missed flights.[34] He is pushing for a photo ID and birthdate matching system, in addition to the current system of checking names.[35]

Robert J. Johnson, a surgeon and a former lieutenant colonel in the U.S. Army, was told in 2006 that he was on the list, although he had had no problem in flying the month before. Johnson was running as a Democrat against U.S. Representative John McHugh, a Republican. Johnson wondered whether he was on the list because of his opposition to the Iraq War. He stated, “This could just be a government screw-up, but I don’t know, and they won’t tell me.”[36] Later, a 60 Minutes report brought together 12 men named Robert Johnson, all of whom had experienced problems in airports with being pulled aside and interrogated. The report suggested that the individual whose name was intended to be on the list was most likely the Robert Johnson who had been convicted of plotting to bomb a movie theater and a Hindu temple in Toronto.[4]

In August 2004, Senator Ted Kennedy (D-MA) told a Senate Judiciary Committee discussing the No Fly List that he had appeared on the list and had been repeatedly delayed at airports. He said it had taken him three weeks of appeals directly to Homeland Security Secretary Tom Ridge to have him removed from the list. Kennedy said he was eventually told that the name “T Kennedy” was added to the list because it was once used as an alias of a suspected terrorist. There are an estimated 7,000 American men whose legal names correspond to “T Kennedy”. (Senator Kennedy, whose first name was Edward and for whom “Ted” was only a nickname, would not have been one of them.) Recognizing that as a U.S. Senator he was in a privileged position of being able to contact Ridge, Kennedy said of “ordinary citizens”: “How are they going to be able to get to be treated fairly and not have their rights abused?”[37] Former mayor of New York City Rudy Giuliani pointed to this incident as an example for the necessity to “rethink aviation security” in an essay on homeland security published while he was seeking the Republican nomination for the 2008 presidential election.[38]

U.S. Representative, former Freedom Rider, and Chairman of SNCC John Lewis (politician) (D-GA) has been stopped many times.[39]

Canadian journalist Patrick Martin has been frequently interrogated while traveling, because of a suspicious individual, believed to be a former Provisional Irish Republican Army bomb-maker, with the same name.[40][41]

Walter F. Murphy, McCormick Professor of Jurisprudence at Princeton, reported that the following exchange took place at Newark on 1 March 2007, where he was denied a boarding pass “because I [Murphy] was on the Terrorist Watch list.” The airline employee asked, “Have you been in any peace marches? We ban a lot of people from flying because of that.” Replied Murphy, “I explained that I had not so marched but had, in September 2006, given a lecture at Princeton, televised and put on the web, highly critical of George Bush for his many violations of the constitution.” To which the airline employee responded, “That’ll do it.”[42]

David Nelson, the actor best known for his role on The Adventures of Ozzie and Harriet, is among various persons named David Nelson who have been stopped at airports because their name apparently appears on the list.[43][44]

Jesselyn Radack, a former United States Department of Justice ethics adviser who argued that John Walker Lindh was entitled to an attorney, was placed on the No Fly List as part of what she [45] believes to be a reprisal for her whistle-blowing.

In September 2004, former pop singer Cat Stevens (who converted to Islam and changed his name to “Yusuf Islam” in 1978) was denied entry into the U.S. after his name was found on the list.[46]

In February 2006, U.S. Senator Ted Stevens (R-AK) stated in a committee hearing that his wife Catherine had been subjected to questioning at an airport as to whether she was Cat Stevens due to the similarity of their names.[43][47]

U.S. Representative Don Young (R-AK), the third-most senior Republican in the House, was flagged in 2004 after he was mistaken for a “Donald Lee Young”.[48]

Some members of the Federal Air Marshal Service have been denied boarding on flights that they were assigned to protect because their names matched those of persons on the no-fly list.[49]

In August 2008, CNN reported that an airline captain and retired brigadier general for the United States Air Force has had numerous encounters with security officials when attempting to pilot his own plane.[50]

After frequent harassment at airport terminals, a Canadian businessman changed his name to avoid being delayed every time he took a flight.[51]

In October 2008, the Washington Post reported that Maryland State Police classified 53 nonviolent political activists as terrorists, and entered their names and personal information into state and federal databases, with labels indicating that they were terror suspects. The protest groups were also entered as terrorist organizations. During a hearing, it was revealed that these individuals and organizations had been placed in the databases because of a surveillance operation that targeted opponents of the death penalty and the Iraq war.[52]

In April 2009, TSA refused to allow an Air France flight from Paris to Mexico to cross U.S. airspace because it was carrying Colombian journalist Hernando Calvo Ospina. Air France did not send the passenger manifest to the US authorities; they did however send it to Mexico who forwarded it to the US.[53]

Bollywood actor Shah Rukh Khan was held for extensive questioning by US Immigration and Customs officials in August 2009, because as he reported, “his name came up on a computer alert list.” Customs officials claimed he “was questioned as part of a routine process that took 66 minutes.” Khan was visiting the United States to promote his film My Name Is Khan, which concerns racial profiling of Muslims in the United States.[54]

In June 2010, The New York Times reported Yahya Wehelie, a 26-year-old Muslim-American man was being prevented from returning to the United States, and trapped in Cairo. Despite Wehelie’s offer to FBI agents to allow them to accompany him in the plane, while shackled, he was not permitted to return. The ACLU has argued that this constitutes banishment.[55]

A U.S. citizen, stranded in Colombia after being placed on the no-fly list as a result of having studied in Yemen, sought to re-enter the U.S. through Mexico but was returned to Colombia by Mexican authorities.[55]

Michael Migliore, a 23-year-old Muslim convert and dual citizen of the United States and Italy, was detained in the United Kingdom after traveling there from the U.S. by train and then cruise ship because he was not permitted to fly. He said that he believes he was placed on the no-fly list because he refused to answer questions about a 2010 Portland car bomb plot without his lawyer present.[56] He was released eight or ten hours later, but authorities confiscated his electronic media items including a cell phone and media player.[57]

Abe Mashal, a 31-year-old Muslim and United States Marine Veteran, found himself on the No Fly List in April 2010 while attempting to board a plane out of Midway Airport. He was questioned by the TSA, FBI and Chicago Police at the airport and was told they had no clue why he was on the No Fly List. Once he arrived at home that day two other FBI agents came to his home and used a Do Not Fly question-and-answer sheet to question him. They informed him they had no idea why he was on the No Fly List. In June 2010 those same two FBI agents summoned Mashal to a local hotel and invited him to a private room. They told him that he was in no trouble and the reason he ended up on the No Fly List was because of possibly sending emails to an American imam they may have been monitoring. They then informed him that if he would go undercover at various local mosques, they could get him off the No Fly List immediately and he would be compensated for such actions. Mashal refused to answer any additional questions without a lawyer present and was told to leave the hotel. Mashal then contacted the ACLU and is now being represented in a class-action lawsuit filed against the TSA, FBI and DHS concerning the legality of the No Fly List and how people end up on it. Mashal feels as if he was blackmailed into becoming an informant by being placed on the No Fly List. Mashal has since appeared on ABC, NBC, PBS and Al Jazeera concerning his inclusion on the No Fly List. He has also written a book about his experience titled “No Spy No Fly.” [58]

In November 2002 Salon reported that the No-Fly program seemed “to be netting mostly priests, elderly nuns, Green Party campaign operatives, left-wing journalists, right-wing activists and people affiliated with Arab or Arab-American groups.” Art dealer Doug Stuber, who ran Ralph Nader’s Green Party presidential campaign in North Carolina in 2000, was prevented from flying to Europe on business in October 2002. He was repeatedly pulled out of line, held for questioning until his flight left, then told falsely he could take a later flight or depart from a different airport. Barbara Olshansky, then Assistant Legal Director for the Center for Constitutional Rights, noted that she and several of her colleagues received special attention on numerous occasions. On at least one occasion, she was ordered to pull her trousers down in view of other passengers.[59]

The No-Fly List is a secretive, bureaucratically contrived list of names, to which anyone’s may be added, without either notice or judicial oversight; and, anyone bearing the same name, or even a merely similar name, may be similarly deprived of the ability to travel by air, in or into the United States and its territories. Only when someone is actually refused boarding does he or she even learn that he or she has been added to the list– but not even why he or she has been added!

If someone’s Second Amendment rights may be limited, or outright repealed, simply through the secretive bureaucratic practice of adding a name to the No-Fly List, then the Second Amendment becomes a de facto dead letter– a la the Ninth Amendment.

* Why is it that in 2015 the most famous Muslim veteran in all of American history, ever, is Nidal Malik Hasan?

And from where do these values come which Obama keeps referencing, vis-a-vis immigration? They were not our supposed values for the overwhelming majority of American history, from 1795 (“The Act specified that naturalized citizenship was reserved only for ‘free white person[s]‘”) to 1965. For the majority of American history our immigration laws were what the Left would today describe as racist.

* The word “exceptionalism” is not even in my 1985 American Heritage Dictionary. Why is such a crappy, ambiguous, weasel term used to describe our country?

* Islam, like Judaism, is heritable. If a Jewish woman’s child is a Jew, then the child of a Muslim man is a Muslim.

Why is it that everybody called Bobby Fischer a Jew despite his protests that he was not? Because his mother was Jewish. We accept that a Jew can be born a Jew but a Muslim cannot be born a Muslim? Ridiculous. Muslims are pretty specific about this. When taking female captives (only non-Muslims can be enslaved), a Muslim man is instructed not to have sex with them until they have had their period to be sure that he does not raise a heathen child as his own.

According to Muslims, one cannot unbecome a Muslim. One is a Muslim for life. If there is any dispute about this, it is settled with a trial for apostasy. If found guilty, the accused is to be put to death. Better dead than un-Muslimed, you see.

So Barack Hussein Obama is a Muslim. To Muslims, there is no question about this. ISIS thinks he is an apostate and openly says so (I suspect this is why Obama honestly doesn’t like them), but a lot of other Muslims probably want to give him the benefit of the doubt, because, well, apostate is kind a harsh label because of that death penalty thing.

Daniel Pipes lays all doubt to rest.

The American idea that people choose their faith some time in early adulthood and can then exchange it at will throughout life is not the global norm. It isn’t even entirely the norm in the US. It’s a kind of mass delusion, really. Americans have this idea that their beliefs and customs came entirely from their own choices and free will, which is impossible and an absurd idea. But it’s a part of our own “religion,” so to speak. So when we argue about whether or not Obama is Muslim, it only displays our own curious creed as the global aberration that it is.

* Whoah! 1 in 4 Americans have a Muslim friend! That means Muslims are extra-friendly! At 1% of the total population, each Muslim has over 70 kaffir best friends! No wonder Americans can’t get enough Muslims to enjoy their warm friendship. I’m sure Farook was the life of the party. He also knew when the party was over. Just ask his surviving co-workers. “Crazy Farook!! Friendly as hell! Lovely wife too!”.

* In the most flattering interpretation, B. Hussein Obama (a.k.a. Barry Soetoro) is an Islamic-friendly Indonesian who has great disdain for Western civilization and Christianity. At the worst, he is a “closet” Muslim who is discreetly acting via government policies to hasten the end of Western civilization and Christianity through massive immigration on the part of non-Western and/or non-Christian peoples.

Let’s hope that eight years of B. Hussein Obama will mark the end of his likes in American politics.

* List of Islamic State West Africa/Boko Haram suicide attacks utilizing women since the beginning of June 2014:

Dec 2, 2015 – Two women attacked the town of Waza in northern Cameroon, killing six people.

Nov 28, 2015 – Two women detonated in the town of Dabanga in northern Cameroon, killing five people.

Nov 23, 2015 – A teenage girl killed 11 people in an attack in a vegetable market in Maiduguri.

Nov 22, 2015 – One women detonated near a checkpoint in Maiduguri for people fleeing violence caused by ISWA, killing eight people.

Nov 21, 2015 – Three women and one man detonated in a village near Fotokol, Cameroon, killing four civilians.

Nov 18, 2015 – Two teenage girls killed 15 people in an attack on a mobile phone market in Kano, Nigeria.

Nov 9, 2015 – Two women detonated on a Cameroonian military truck carrying refugees near Fotokol, Cameroon, killing three people.

Nov. 8, 2015 – Two women detonated in the Lake Chad area of southwest Chad, killing two people and wounding 14.

Oct 24, 2015 – One female suicide bomber detonated in the Dala Yazaram neighborhood of Maiduguri, killing three people.

Oct 16, 2015 – Three teenage girls killed 39 people in an attack on Friday prayers in Maiduguri, Nigeria.

Oct 10, 2015– Two women and two young children killed 38 people in coordinated attacks on a market and refugee camp in Baga Sola, Chad.

Oct 2, 2015 – Five female suicide bombers killed nine people in coordinated attacks on a mosque and a vigilante leader in Maiduguri.

Sept 20, 2015 – A police officer and two civilians were killed when two female suicide bombers detonated themselves in Mora, Cameroon.

Sept 3, 2015 – Two female suicide bombers killed 30 people and wounded over 100 in an attack on a local market in Kerawa, Cameroon, and close to a nearby army camp.

Aug 25, 2015 – A 14 year old girl suicide bomber killed five in an attack on a bus station in Damaturu.

July 25, 2015 – A 40 year old woman, described as “mentally unstable,” detonated in a crowded market in Damaturu, Nigeria, killing 14.

July 25, 2015 – A 12 year old girl killed 20 people in a suicide bombing on a popular bar in Cameroon.

July 22, 2015 – Two girls killed at least 20 people in separate suicide bombings in Maroua, the capital of Cameroon’s Far Northern Region.

July 17, 2015 – A 10 year old girl and an elderly woman killed 50 people in separate suicide attacks in Damaturu, Nigeria.

July 16, 2015 – A young woman suicide bomber killed at least nine people as they gathered to mark the Muslim holiday Eid al-Fitr in Damaturu.

July 12, 2015 – Two women suicide bombers killed 10 civilians and a Chadian soldier in an attack in the Cameroon border town of Fotokol.

July 7, 2015 – A woman killed at least 20 people after detonating her vest in a crowd of Nigerian government workers in Zaria.

July 7, 2015 – A female suicide bomber detonated her explosives after she was stopped at a roadblock in Zaria.

July 5, 2015 – A woman suicide bomber killed five people at a Christian church in Potiskum, Nigeria.

July 3, 2015 – A teenage woman suicide bomber killed 12 worshippers when she blew herself up in a mosque in Malari in northeastern Nigeria.

July 3, 2015 – The Nigerian military said that six women suicide bombers killed scores of civilians and one soldiers in separate attacks in the village of Zabamari Muna near Maiduguri.

June 24, 2015 – A girl, who is thought to have been 12-years-old, killed 10 people after detonating her explosive vest at a market in Yobe state, Nigeria.

June 23, 2015 – A teenage girl killed 20 people at a bus station in Maiduguri after detonating herself.

May 16, 2015 – A woman killed 10 people in a suicide attack in Damaturu, Nigeria.

March 12, 2015 – A woman killed at least 34 people after detonating an explosive device at a market in Maiduguri.

Feb 22, 2015 – A young girl killed five people and wounded dozens more in a bombing at a security checkpoint outside a market in Potiskum.

Feb 15, 2015 – A woman killed at least seven people in a bombing at a crowded bus station in Damaturu.

Feb 12, 2015 – A woman killed seven people in a suicide attack at a crowded market in Nigeria’s Borno state.

Jan 10, 2015 – A female suicide bomber killed 19 in an attack in Borno.

Dec 10, 2014 – Two female suicide bombers kill four in Kano.

Dec 1, 2014 – Two women suicide bombers kill five in Maiduguri.

Nov 26, 2014 – Two women suicide bombers killed 45 people at a crowded market in Maiduguri.

Nov 16, 2014 – A woman suicide bomber killed at least 12 in an attack at a cellphone market in Azare, Nigeria.

Nov 12, 2014 – A woman suicide bomber detonated her vest at a teacher training college in Kontagora in Nigeria’s central Niger State.

July 31, 2014 – A woman killed three people after detonating her explosives at a college in Kano, Nigeria.

July 30, 2014 – A teenage girl killed six people after blowing herself up among a crowd of students at a college campus in Kano.

July 28, 2014 – A young woman killed three people after detonating her bomb at a kerosene queue in Kano.

July 28, 2014 – A teenage girl injured six people after detonating a bomb at a shopping centre in Kano.

July 27, 2014 – A teenager with an explosive device concealed under her veil detonated her bomb up at a university campus in Kano, injuring five police officers.

June 25, 2014 – A woman detonated her bomb after parking her car next to a gasoline tanker at a fuel depot in Lagos, Nigeria.

June 8, 2014 – A middle-aged woman killed a policeman in a suicide attack at a military barracks in Gombe, Nigeria.

* Americans’ average number of friends: 8.6, standard deviation something like 5 (Gallup poll, 2004). Muslims in America may be 2% of population. I calculate the chance of having a Muslim friend at thus 15% for the average person, given a completely random distribution of friends.

But given that friends tend to be culturally compatible, given that Muslims are relatively geographically concentrated, and as some of those answering “I have Muslim friends” may themselves be Muslim, we have to slash this estimate by some degree. I’d say even 5% of White Americans with a true Muslim friend may be an overestimate.

Amended estimate for geographic concentration of Muslims. If two-thirds of Whites live in 0.5% Muslim areas, their chance of having a Muslim friend (random selection of friends): 4%. If the other one-third of Whites live in a 4% Muslim region, the average such White person has a 29% chance of having a Muslim friend (again, given random selection of friends from nearby population). This more reasonable estimate pushes the overall “Muslim friend” rate down closer to 10%, but for cultural reasons even this is certainly going to be way too high.

* Family heirlooms like watches or jewelry are also heritable. They can also be discarded, lost, or sold and no longer be heritable.

Fischer was part ethnically Jewish. Thus while he renounced cultural or religious Judaism, he remained partly ethnically Jewish.

Like most religious, Islam is a strongly heritable cultural and religious artifact, meaning that it tends to be passed from parent to child. But it’s not an ethnicity in the sense that one remains Muslim even after renouncing the artifact, or that one can’t adopt the artifact and become a Muslim through conversion without inheriting it. That’s why they kill you for it, and why Cat Stevens could become Yusuf Islam.

* George Washington signed the 1795 immigration law limiting naturalization to free white persons.

George Washington was not much familiar with Islam, and certainly not with Wahhabism. The questions surrounding freedom of religion in his day were mostly restricted to disputes between Protestant sects and between Protestantism and Catholicism and, to a lesser degree, between Christians and Jews. Pretty sure George Washington never encountered a 16-year-old burqua-wearing Muslim girl in a suicide vest.

About Luke Ford

I've written five books (see Amazon.com). My work has been covered in the New York Times, the Los Angeles Times, and on 60 Minutes. I teach Alexander Technique in Beverly Hills (Alexander90210.com).
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