Diversity Is Destroying America

From the Chateau: Two suspects identified in mass shooting that left 14 dead and scores wounded. Syed Farook and Kinda Atallah Tayyeep Bin Ardogan (female). Third suspect is reported to be Farook’s brother.

Shitlibs experiencing mass depressive episode right now after their hope of a White shooter dashed.

Preplanned, coordinated Muslim terrorist attack on a facility serving the mentally retarded. Motive “unknown”. HAHAHAHA.

It’s almost as if The Vibrancy is working overtime to get The Trumpening the nomination.

Meanwhile, the usual disingenuous crisis actors are calling for repeal of the 2nd Amendment, haranguing passersby about the dangers of Islamophobia, and basically playing the part of filthy traitors pushing for anything that would further alienate White Americans from the nation they and their ancestors built. The garden variety shitlibs are just sticking their heads in the ground waiting for a snarky Narrative hook that’ll carry them through another dreary day of ethnomasochism.

Diversity™: the curse that keeps on befouling. Open borders is White genocide. Racial cleansing. Spread the Rude Word.

About Luke Ford

I've written five books (see Amazon.com). My work has been covered in the New York Times, the Los Angeles Times, and on 60 Minutes. I teach Alexander Technique in Beverly Hills (Alexander90210.com).
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