The Best 10 Mosques In San Bernadino

Comments to Steve Sailer:

* Here is Yelp’s list of “The Best 10 Mosques in San Bernardino“, 5 of which are within a two-mile radius of the shooting site.

The address of the Inland Regional Center in San Bernardino, where the initial slaughter took place today, is 1365 South Waterman Avenue. Here is its location in relation to the 5 nearby mosques.

* Figured out it was Muslim in our house through process of elimination during the ten hour racial blackout. Only blacks or Muslims would attack innocents as a group of multiple shooters. Whites, Asians and Mexicans would opt out and snitch on a crazy ringleader who proposed it. Conversely, only whites or Muslims would be sporting tactical gear. Hence, Muslims.

* Let’s not get distracted! There was tape on some pictures at Harvard Law School!!! Didja hear that?!?!?! Tape!! Black Tape!! BLACK TAPE on black and white photos of black bodies !!! And there’s some wheat on the school crest or seal or logo-thingy!!! Wheat!

* In the UK a big story last night about “three white men” carrying out a massacre, this morning had become a below the fold minor story of likely “workplace violence”.

Sudden Jihad Syndrome – nothing to see here, move along…

* Gunfire keeps erupting.

Lefties in Hollywood and Silicon Valley keep railing against the NRA (example below). They’re all about restricting assault rifles, but, to borrow Daniel Horowitz’s phrase, they won’t do anything to restrict assault people.

“Let gun control be a major election issue in 2016. The NRA influence over the GOP must end so the USA can unify.”

* From Ann Coulter’s Twitter:

at 1:21 PM – 2 Dec 2015:

Former FBI asst dir. Ron Hosko on CNN predicting San Bernadino shooter will be “anti-government” “militia” types.

at 4:17 PM – 2 Dec 2015:

The longer we go without being told the race of the shooters, the less likely it is to be white men. #sorryNYT

* More effective as a cartoon, but don’t have time to draw…

Conservative: “Phew! It was a Muslim. Maybe liberals won’t talk about banning assault rifles for the next 3 months.”
Liberal: “Phew! He used an assault rifle. Maybe conservatives won’t talk about banning Muslims for the next 3 months.”

* Muslim gunfire eruption is a force of nature like an earthquake. You never know when and where it might erupt. We need a scale like the Richter Scale to measure it. You could name it after a Muslim scientist – maybe clock boy? Like the Richter Scale it would be logarithmic so the 200,000 dead in the Syrian Civil War would be a 6 or a 7 but yesterday’s “eruption” would only be a 2 or a 3. The person giving the international weather could announce the day’s eruptions all over the globe.

* Another day… another Allahu.

* One funny thing is that if lefties took their ideas about guns to their logical conclusion, they’d end up with Trump’s wall. Even if you made guns completely illegal in the US, you’d still have guns coming in from our porous border with Mexico.

* We got saturation coverage of Dylann Roof’s race and motivations from the mainstream media. We will get a terse mention of such in this case.


* An “environmental specialist” at work in San Bernadino just reduced the population of California by 14. That’s a start.

Welcome to ISIE– the Islamic State in the Inland Empire.

About Luke Ford

I've written five books (see My work has been covered in the New York Times, the Los Angeles Times, and on 60 Minutes. I teach Alexander Technique in Beverly Hills (
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