How To Police Baltimore

Comments to Steve Sailer:

* Progressive whites have never been able to accept, in fact they can’t accept, that tolerating a certain level of organized crime in the ghetto (including the great white ghetto) limits the amount of disorganized crime. Because “fixing the ghetto” is a spiritual exercise and not a civic one, Progressive whites fixate on the organized elements, thus making the ghetto less organized. The resulting chaos makes building any useful social structures impossible.

Baltimore is a good example. Way back in the day, Peanut King ran the ghetto. He was the heroin baron of the city. He also sponsored local basketball tournaments where college recruiters would show up to watch the original midnight basketball.

It was far from perfect, but it gave the cops and politicians some chance to keep a lid on the ghetto. When the nice white people busted up these gangs, they got famous and saw their careers take off. Now they all dream of having the big presser. The result has been an endless assault on the only organizing force in these areas, the gangs. Baltimore is now an urban game park and the cops are the game wardens. When the cops backed off, nature took its course.

* I annoy family, friends, and some of the people on this blog, no doubt, when I go on about the ridiculously stupid and degrading effects of being a white-fan-of-hip hop, but there it is. You become a writer, and make it to the front cover of NY Magazine, and then dignify a low-brow ghetto dog fight with the rappish, sympathetic-to-either-side elocution of “it had become a situation”. Maybe the writer is friends with the nice white woman coop board member so upset over the “clocking” of her peep tenants by “at-risk marauders”. So why not the use of passive voice and de-anthropomorphizing metaphor for inner city violence? Didn’t you just recently rave to all your friends what a brilliant album GOOD KID, M.A.A.D. CITY** was? Funny thing is the biggest white-fans-of-hip-hop tend to be upper middle class boys like those at the private school in Seattle who for the rest of their lives will have nightmares of coming to school naked, and all those girls snapping fingers at them, snapping fingers, FINGERS!

* Long ago and not so far away I resided in an oh-so-slowly gentrifying neigh(white guys say ‘neigh’).
I lived next to a family who had a son named Pee-Wee but he was not there when i first moved in as he was doing six years at Lorton out in Va. on a coke bust.
When Pee-Wee returned from jail he was treated like royalty. Everyone loved him, everyone came up to talk to him and kiss his ring. He demonstrated his nobility by occasionally parking in front of my house and distributing goods to the poor…say a trunkful of frozen chickens or some overly warm polyester Hawaiian shirts(I still have one in the closet).
The neigh loved the guy. He was usually upbeat and friendly, even after he had been spread eagled and searched by the cops at the intersection in front of us(and the cops found guns in the engine…in the engine!!..under the hood). Sounds like a bad man.
But to the neigh Pee Wee had done time at Lorton. He was the real deal.
Anyway the point is the values in the neigh are completely reversed from the values the SJWs espouse but they are too naive to see that. Pee-Wee’s Lorton degree had more value than a Harvard degree. The connections he had made at Lorton helped him in his ten square block world which had no connection to the world of the articulators at the Washington Post.
I do not think the people who write these articles about a city like Baltimore really appreciate(grok?) how different the value system is in these places.

About Luke Ford

I've written five books (see My work has been covered in the New York Times, the Los Angeles Times, and on 60 Minutes. I teach Alexander Technique in Beverly Hills (
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