Steve Sailer: Dept. of Not as Reassuring as the NYT Assumes

From Steve Sailer:

Ever since the Paris Massacres, the establishment has mounted a campaign to convince Americans who follow the news that our memories of terrorist incidents are all wrong. One ploy is to emphasize a technical distinction between refugee and asylee. But the funnier one is their assurance that: “You don’t have to worry about this new generation of Muslims; if history is any guide, it’s their sons who will be much more likely to try to kill us!”

Evidently, the Magic of Assimilation doesn’t work as well as has been promised in other contexts …

Instead of looking at this graphic skeptically, we are suppose to swell up with patriotic pride that Joker Tsarnaev deigned to become a naturalized citizen. U-S-A! U-S-A!

By the way, I see that Tamerlan Tsarnaev (lower right corner) had a Green Card to permit him to get a job in the U.S. But did he ever have a job? Aspiring MMA fighter, weed dealer, and sponger off your American wife’s affluent family aren’t official jobs, are they?

One root of this mental blindness is that the establishment sees the Terrorism Issue and the Immigration Issue as wholly separate categories.

If there’s a terrorism incident, you should, of course, Invade the World; how could terrorism raise questions about Invite the World? What do Invade the World and Invite the World have to do with each other?

But voters are starting to grasp the connection. Thus the latest Reuters poll has Trump in first at 38.0% followed by the cunning Cruz, who has positioned himself to not get into much conflict with Trump over immigration, in second at 11.6%.


* The MSM and political elites are obviously terrified at the thought they might accidentally raise public consciousness of this and related issues. They are concerned to the degree that their evasions become ever more comically obvious. Today alone, I heard and read “analyses” of Trump’s stunning poll numbers on NPR, the WaPO, and that worthless rag that still dares to call itself a conservative magazine. All managed to carefully elide mentioning Trump’s positions on strengthening border security, restoring integrity to immigration and naturalization policy, and effectively dealing with ISIS, Al Q’aida and other dangerous Islamic organizations. Most amusing is that Trump’s poll numbers show that the MSM and the elites have already lost this battle for hearts and minds even if they still have the money and clout to corrupt elections.

* Often the original immigrants from Muslim countries were glad to get out of the hell-holes they came from, so it took a generation or so for racial and religious loyalty to resurface in the form of violence against the host country. Add to this the fact that they had less time for plotting terrorism because they had to work harder than the present generation of immigrants, there being fewer welfare benefits back then.

* Fact sheet on refugees provided to the US House of Representatives briefing November 12, 2015
Posted by Ann Corcoran on November 25, 2015

~The Refugee Act of 1980 created the Refugee Admissions Program (USRAP) presently being administered to resettle approximately 70,000 refugees each year (in recent years) to the US.

~The Obama Administration increased the projected ceiling to 85,000 for FY2016. 10,000 of those slots are earmarked for Syrian refugees presently being referred to the US by the UN High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR) which says it has selected 20,000 for consideration so far.

~When the President sends his “Determination” to Congress in advance of the fiscal year (two weeks in advance is required!) it is accompanied by a report (Proposed Refugee Admissions for Fiscal Year 2016). There is supposed to be a legally required consultation with Congress.

~There will be large increases this year from Africa including (but not limited to) DR Congo, Eritrea and Sudan. The largest number of refugees arriving in recent years are from: Burma (Myanmar), Bhutan/Nepal, Iraq, and Somalia. We admitted 120,000 Iraqis since 2007.

~In FY2015, we admitted 1,682 Syrian refugees, less than 40 were Christians/other minorities.

~In 2014, the United States took in 67% of the refugees resettled around the world. The next closest country was Canada with 9.9%.

~The UNHCR refers most of our refugees. The Department of Homeland Security is charged with doing the security screening. The Dept. of State (Bureau of Population, Refugees and Migration) works with nine major refugee contractors who along with the State Dept. determine their placement in America. The Dept. of Health and Human Services (Office of Refugee Resettlement) provides grants and additional federal funding mostly through those nine non-profit agencies.

~The anticipated cost to the US Treasury of the resettlement process (not including welfare/Medicaid/education costs) is projected to be just short of $1.2 billion for FY2016.

~The nine non-profit ($$$$$$) agencies contracted to resettle refugees include: US Conference of Catholic Bishops, Lutheran Immigration and Refugee Service, Episcopal Migration Ministries, World Relief (Evangelicals), Church World Service, Hebrew Immigrant Aid Society, International Rescue Committee, Ethiopian Community Development Council, and the US Committee for Refugees and Immigrants.

~There are 312 subcontractors ($$$$$$) working under the nine major contractors in 185 locations around the country. There are 24 offices located around the country for the processing of Unaccompanied Alien Children. A placement site map is available on line (attached).

~The states receiving the highest number of refugees in FY2015 were in descending order: TX, CA, NY, PA, FL, GA, MI, AZ, WA, and NC.

~States receiving no refugees in 2014 or 2015 were: WY, MT. Delaware received none in 2014.

~State and local elected officials have virtually no say in the resettlement process. This is especially so in the so-called Wilson-Fish states where the state doesn’t even have a refugee office under state government and the program is completely run through the US State Department and a non-profit organization. Those states are: AL, AL, CO, ID, KY, LA, MA, NV, ND, SD, TN, VT and San Diego County.

~Refugees are a special class of legal immigrant which permits them to receive virtually all forms of welfare upon arrival.

~Grassroots opposition is growing throughout the US to the resettlement process mostly due to the lack of transparency and the fear of Islamic radicals who might get in through the program.

Some points regarding the proposed Syrian resettlement and the European migration crisis:

~Only about 50% of the migrants flooding Europe today are Syrians. The next highest number are from Afghanistan.

~These are a mix of asylum seekers and economic migrants. Asylum seekers must prove that just as refugees, they fear returning to their homelands for fear of persecution (escaping war per se has never been a part of the refugee definition).

~We are not expected to get refugees from the European flow (Malta exception). Ours will come through UN referrals from mostly UNHCR camps and regional offices.

~The refugee resettlement contractors (NGOs mentioned above) working with the US State Department began advocating several years ago for the resettlement of 15,000 Syrians per year for each of the next 5 years. They then modified their request to 65,000 Syrians before Pres. Obama leaves office. Subsequently they have demanded 100,000 Syrians before 2017.

~Earlier 14 US Senators wrote to the President asking for 65,000 Syrians. A total of 84 Senators and Members of Congress have subsequently urged the President to speed up security screening.

~FBI Director James Comey has told Congress that Syrians cannot be thoroughly screened because the Administration has no access to data (biographic or biometric) on most of them.

* This election season has already been pretty amazing, and it’s only going to get better. It’s the first time I remember Americans telling the government, loud and clear, exactly what they want, and the establishment of both parties telling them “Of course that’s not what you want! What you want is this!”. And then they simply cannot understand why they’re losing votes to some upstart candidate.

* “Nidal Malik Hasan, who killed 13 people in a mass shooting at Fort Hood, Tex., in 2009, was born and raised in Virginia. Mr. Hasan had exchanged messages with Anwar al-Awlaki, an American radical cleric who was later killed by a drone strike in Yemen.”

Despite nearly everything in these two sentences relating to Islam and Arabs, the NYT expects us to ask: “What IS it about Virginia that drove these poor men crazy?”

If they were to apply this same absurd logic to the Charleston church massacre, they would have us asking: “What was it about the sermon that day that drove Dylann Roof to go on a killing spree?”

By the way, all of the U.S. mosques where Anwar al-Awlaki served as imam (Virginia, California, Colorado) are still open and the slightest suspicious glance cast in their direction is framed as bigotry and Islamophobia. This despite the fact that Anwar al-Awlaki was the spiritual advisor and/or directly preached to Fort Hood shooter and three of the 911 hijackers.

But we are expected to place direct blame on any website that Dylann Roof perused that may have even the slightest, most ephemeral link to his twisted ideology.

* Simple Argument: If the 19 hijackers never entered our country, there would have been no attack on 09/11/01.

If Major Nadal Hasan’s parents never entered our country, there would have been no FT. Hood Massacre.

If the Tsarnaev brothers never set foot on American soil…

* The NYT logic reminds me of those who argue that we have to take in unlimited numbers of immigrants because the early American settlers pushed aside the Indians. “Oh, so you’re saying we have to let other people do to us what our ancestors did to the Indians? Makes totally perfect sense!”

* Option #1: Police your borders and who is entering them.

Option #2: Have a police state.

France is going for Option #2 now (constitution suspended; police powers expanded), and the Marco Rubio-John McCain wing wants to join them.

* I am fairly sure no Republican candidate has had a large persistent lead in all New Hampshire and national polls and lost the nomination.

This year looks just like the last election: very rich guy from the Northeast almost always in first and fends off a rotating case of Christian Right flavors of the month. Except Trump’s leads are much larger than Romney’s.

There is no reason to think the field shrinking will hurt Trump. In all the polls I’ve seen that ask the question, he is usually not only the number one choice, but is also the most popular second choice candidate.

About Luke Ford

I've written five books (see My work has been covered in the New York Times, the Los Angeles Times, and on 60 Minutes. I teach Alexander Technique in Beverly Hills (
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