Kathy H. – Family Recovery Speaker – “How to become free and at peace”

Even though I am unaware of having any alcoholics in my life, I can’t stop listening to Al-Anon lectures. They help me deal with myself and with other people. I have this unfortunate tendency to not know who I am until other people tell me (either by their words or their actions). Sometimes I wake in the middle of night worried that someone I haven’t seen in months or years has unfriended me on Facebook.

Published on Jul 17, 2013: Kathy H. is one of the best Al-Anon Family Groups speakers I have ever heard! This is a very captivating and powerful workshop as Kathy shares her experience with alcoholics, and her experience with the Al Anon recovery program! She shares about practicing patience, having peace of mind, and how the program provides an immense amount of hope to someone who knows/loves an alcoholic. Kathy is a great example of how someone can get well whether or not the other person does. Lots of great stories and you are sure to be inspired after listening to this set of speaker tapes!

About Luke Ford

I've written five books (see Amazon.com). My work has been covered in the New York Times, the Los Angeles Times, and on 60 Minutes. I teach Alexander Technique in Beverly Hills (Alexander90210.com).
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