The Smart States

The Overton Window is shifting with more mainstream discussion on the importance of IQ.

From today’s Washington Post:

Iowa is one of the smartest states in America.

This is necessarily hard to figure out, of course, given that “stupid” is inherently contextual and subjective. In order to figure out how smart each state was, we looked at objective measures we had at our disposal. Specifically:

  1. IQ, as estimated by Virginia Commonwealth’s Michael McDaniel in 2006
  2. 2015 SAT scores, compiled by The Post
  3. 2015 ACT scores, via the company that administers the tests
  4. The percentage of college graduates in the state, compiled by the Census Bureau

To create an intelligence score, we determined the percentage-point difference between a state’s score and the national median score. Then, since IQ seemed to be the most on-the-nose metric, we doubled that value and then added it all up.

The results? Iowa is the eighth-smartest state, behind, in order: Massachusetts, Minnesota, New Hampshire, Connecticut, Wisconsin, Kansas and Vermont. Donald Trump’s home state of New York came in 17th. The bottom five states were Florida, Alabama, Mississippi, Nevada and, in the 50th spot, Hawaii.

Comments to the WP:

* Did you notice the correlation of latitude and SAT scores? I’d bet you could translate that into temperature and intelligence as well, at least in our own borders.

* A respectable mainstream publication such as the Washington Post now resorts to contributors employing metaphor from the Pick-Up Community? My stomach churns to think that this kind of writing is endorsed and published by your formerly respectable publication. The writing in this article is base, shameful and ugly, well below even your newly-lessened standards, and it represents your “brand” quite poorly. Give a wonk a soapbox, and he’s still a wonk. H. L. Mencken is rolling in his grave.

* They were investigating a claim by a candidate, not insulting your heritage.

About Luke Ford

I've written five books (see My work has been covered in the New York Times, the Los Angeles Times, and on 60 Minutes. I teach Alexander Technique in Beverly Hills (
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