Hollywood’s Racial Programming

Comments to Steve Sailer:

* I already receive this conditioning on a routine basis: every time I see a commercial or program on TV, everytime I see a movie made after 1990, or look in a trade publication, I see images of black scientists, mathematicians, doctors, computer programmers, judges, generals, all of them paragons of virtue and probity – why I’ve even seen a black God. I also see images of women who are super-competent engineers or battle-hardened warriors, all of them steely-eyed and coldly rational. By the same token, I see images of bumbling incompetent white men who can barely tie their shoe-laces.

And yet, this conditioning seems to have the opposite effect as that found in this study. This conditioning, which we all receive on a daily basis, seems only to reinforce those bad old biases. Propaganda, when recognized, can often have an effect the opposite of what was intended.

* Get with the program. Prejudices are only bad when held by whites and when those prejudices discourage whites from handing over everything they have to non-whites.

* This appears to be an attempt at amygdala training. The brain’s first response team to visual clues sits right behind the eyes, before being sent upstairs for further review. The early warning system. Fight or flight, but much more. A woman drives by a church and sees another woman sitting on the steps, crying. So sad, a death in the family. Upon further review, a wedding, tears of joy.

Like a commenter said, therapy might last until your next experience at 10 am. Or maybe you’ll just be dead and problem solved, because, racism.

* We already have a technology that puts the brain to sleep and installs globalist goodthink: It’s called television.

It’s abuse as a mass brainwashing tool began when two “New Yorkers,” Sarnoff and Zworykin, stole it from the western farm boy Farnsworth who invented it.

Everything’s been downhill since then.

* This altruism evolved in high-trust societies where co-operation with people outside your family was essential. Communities were small enough for everyone to know each other, so cheating or freeloading would be impossible. Unfortunately, the instinct lives on in today’s industrial societies with massive welfare systems, and the results are grotesque.

* Some years back Neil Postman wrote a book about the Cyclops in the room called “Entertaining Ourselves to Death” quite a good read about the mind f**k that is television.

I’m old enough to remember a time before TV targeted young people and left us alone. It was a good time to be alive and young compared to today where every evil corporation is targeting kids for a variety of reasons and none of them are good, both on TV and via the internet.

* I noticed that the series ‘Manhattan’ has brought back the black scientist from last year, the one that saved the Manhattan project from going teats up. Completely made up, but does give the program some imagined diversity. It’s hard to suspend one’s ‘powers of disbelief’ when such obvious propaganda is thrown into historical dramas, fictionalized though they be.

About Luke Ford

I've written five books (see Amazon.com). My work has been covered in the New York Times, the Los Angeles Times, and on 60 Minutes. I teach Alexander Technique in Beverly Hills (Alexander90210.com).
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