White Autogenocide Is A Massive Loss Of Frame

From the Chateau: Framing and reframing are core Game concepts that every Chateau guest should by now understand and have internalized. The topic has been discussed frequently here at CH, and deserves that level of scrutiny because framing has broader applications beyond seducing women.

A frame is a system of interpretation that an individual or group uses to understand a certain event/situation.

Frame is important in pickup, because it communicates the PUA’s mindset as well as the underlying psychology behind his words and actions. For example, Swinggcat advocates a “prizing” frame, whereby the PUA always assumes the girl is interested in him as the prize. In this frame, a chick can say, “I really like the tie”. The PUA can respond, “Thank you, slow down a little bit. At least buy me a drink before you hit on me like that.” […]

“Framing”, [or frame control], in the context of media studies, sociology and psychology, refers to the social construction of a social phenomenon by mass media sources or specific political or social movements or organizations. It is an inevitable process of selective influence over the individual’s perception.

In pickup, as with mass media, there are always certain levels of interpretation of a specific event that can be reframed based on frame control, and your emotions and conviction in your beliefs.

Pay attention to that word conviction. It’s critical to knowing why cuckservatives are so cucked, and why they can’t ever seem to go on the offense against anti-White leftoids.

For now, a helpful (and amended) reminder of a relevant CH maxim:

Maxim #45: Any conversation with a woman/leftoid/Hivemind jackboot that is not explicitly framed by you to maximize your perceived status will lead to her/the leftoid/the Hivemind forming a negative perception of your value over time.

Which brings us to a comment left by reader Moses,

I’ve said it before and I’m gonna keep saying it:

White self-immolation is nothing more than a loss of frame on a massive scale.

When whites began elevating other groups’ interests of White interests it was a loss of frame on a societal level.

Other ethnic groups saw an opportunity to exploit White guilt and did so — and continue to do so — brilliantly.

Non-Whites have only the power that Whites give to them. It’s true that Whites deserve whatever they get. And they will get it good and hard.

Moses is right. A massive loss of frame will not just send you home alone a (self-)beaten incel; it will also send your civilization and your race to an incel defeat.

About Luke Ford

I've written five books (see Amazon.com). My work has been covered in the New York Times, the Los Angeles Times, and on 60 Minutes. I teach Alexander Technique in Beverly Hills (Alexander90210.com).
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