Teacher Assault


* I know an ex-Philadelphia teacher who was nearly killed in a Philadelphia high school and was left with terrible PTSD. He apparently said something to a student that the student interpreted as “dissin’ him” and the next day the student brought his fren’ to school to take revenge. The fren’ knocked the teacher out cold and broke his jaw. The fren’ was arrested but let go on some technicality – it was clear that the justice system had no interest in locking him up. This probably demoralized him more than anything and he was left in fear that the fren’ would return someday and finish the job. Needless to say he no longer works in the school system.

There are about 700 or 800 assaults against teachers each year in Phila. Please beg your niece to quit – the job is not worth her life.

* The Anti-White gvt of SA force Afrikaner businesses to employ Blacks. Funny how they never want to get “representative” #s in:

1) Necklacing
2) Interracial rape
3) Interracial murder

* Ahh, whites. Like alcohol, the cause and the solution to all life’s problems.

* In the discussion of this minor event on the news, no one even suggests that perhaps the black girl bears some measure of responsibility for what happened in that classroom. Are blacks entitled to ignore authority whenever they please? How do liberals propose teachers manage their classrooms with miscreants like this girl given free rein to act out?

Popular newspaper columnist James Kilpatrick asked a question a half century ago that no one has the temerity to ask today: “The law-abiding majority of this country, imperfect as it is, ought to put a hard question to large elements of the Negro community: When in the name of God are you people going to shape up?”

About Luke Ford

I've written five books (see Amazon.com). My work has been covered in the New York Times, the Los Angeles Times, and on 60 Minutes. I teach Alexander Technique in Beverly Hills (Alexander90210.com).
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