Analyzing Neo-Con Washington Post Blogger Jennifer Rubin

The gatekeeper Jennifer Rubin is at it again. “Does Biden hurt Jeb Bush, who could be the only “dynasty” candidate? Frankly, Biden has been there so long he’s effectively an institution all by himself inside the Beltway. Compared with him, Bush is actually a fresh face (who, we sometimes forget, never served in Washington).”

Who cares what Jennifer Rubin says these days? Perhaps she had more fans when she was at Commentary?

Wait! Jennifer is totally right that 9/11 was proof of how Bush made us safe.

Rubin: “Jeb Bush’s big chance to knock out Donald Trump.”

Oh, sure. If he just listens to Rubin, he’s going to climb back to victory!

@JRubinBlogger is fully lucid and not at all spewing Neo-Con talking points.

I’m sure @JRubinBlogger’s loyalty to Neocon narrative has nothing to do with @washingtonpost tolerating her rejection of facts.

You have to give @JRubinBlogger credit for not widening scope of content since leaving Commentary. ‪#‎gatekeeper‬

I don’t want to say, “too Jewish,” but you could read @JRubinBlogger’s op-eds at a Young Israel shalosh sheudas. @OU_News

Perhaps Jennifer Rubin is right. Who is more of the peoples’ Republican than the beloved Eric Cantor? Why isn’t he running for president? “They cannot relate to a party in which John Boehner or Eric Cantor, for goodness sake, are supposed to be the enemy.”

The @washingtonpost has both types of conservatives — neocons and cuckservatives.

Good thing the @washingtonpost has both @JRubinBlogger AND Krauthammer. ‪#‎diversity‬

@JRubinBlogger & @krauthammer disagree on lots of things. Like what exactly Obama should do to Iran for Israel’s sake.

A friend says:

The fall of the white race is happening much much faster than even a pessimist like me thought would be the case.

Blame the “conservatives” with their idiotic free market obsessions.

Ain’t nothing free about keeping migrants out, but the Republican Party leadership cares more about maximizing CEO compensation, corporate profits than it does about America. And the moneymen behind the GOP won’t have it any other way.

So either Trump somehow manages to win, or the nation is SOL.

I have been thinking about where in America a man can retire on social security and nothing else. Alas, maybe South Dakota, away from the oil patch?

* Mark-Viverito is right. We need to move away from our white privilege concept of “equal time” on networks and ban those people who minority activists find disagreeable.

About Luke Ford

I've written five books (see My work has been covered in the New York Times, the Los Angeles Times, and on 60 Minutes. I teach Alexander Technique in Beverly Hills (
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