Latin America’s Flight From Black

Dennis Prager was thrilled the day his son David told him that he wanted to grow up to be black.

Comment: Latin America has the reverse situation of North America and that is the flight from Blackness. Among Latin Americans who have some Sub Saharan African admixture, the majority of them do not self identify themselves as Black.

The percentage of people in The Dominican Republic for example who self identify themselves as Black is actually lower than the percentage of people in The U.S who self identify themselves as Black. In the U.S it is 13 percent and in The Dominican Republic it is only 10 percent.

And I am sure that 10 percent of Dominicans who self identify themselves as Black includes a lot of people with Haitian ancestry. If you exclude them, than the percentage of Dominicans who self identify themselves as Black is even lower than 10 percent it will be in the single digits.

About Luke Ford

I've written five books (see My work has been covered in the New York Times, the Los Angeles Times, and on 60 Minutes. I teach Alexander Technique in Beverly Hills (
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