Republican Consultants

Comments to Steve Sailer:

* God, these consultants are the greatest waste of space on this planet. You watch them on TV the last 3 months, and every day they’re talking about how Trump is going to be done after the next poll. They end up being wrong, but it’s just the same faces on TV, again and again. No accountability at all for their positions, no reason to believe that any of their opinions have any empirical basis. Miraculously, what is good for the Republican Party always happens to be the policy positions they prefer.

Now they’re telling us that Carson can never be president because he doesn’t think there should be a Muslim president. The only people offended are either in the Beltway or already voting Democrat.

The wonkset like Ezra Klein at least try to live in the world of empirical evidence, even if they have their obvious blind spots.

The kind of man the consultant class has created inspires contempt in the general public and for good reason.

* There’s also the fact that Team Bush has hoovered up all the “talent” because they have all the money. The guys who plan to stay connected to party politics after this election understand they can’t sign on with a threat to the family business. Walker, Jindal, Perry, Christie and Kasich are guys who could plausibly fill the part of the Donor Party Candidate so they have to be dealt with in order.

If you look at the polls, it’s not hard to see the strategy. Team Bush will force out the governors and that vote will go into the Bushy column. That will put Bush into the mid to high teens by the holidays. They know the Carson and Farina vote are not going to hold and will break to the party candidate. By Iowa the word “inevitable” will be used a lot to describe the looming Bush victory.

Bush – Clinton 2016 will be a long debate about how fast we can invite the world to settle in your neighborhood.

* A big reason Trump is unthinkable anathema to the establishment is because he doesn’t throw the crusty soft state of GOP consultants any bones, and makes a point of saying they’re useless (I say that speaking out of school). Andrew Ferguson wrote an outstanding piece in the Weekly Standard some years back about how the movement conservatives who came in with Reagan have stuck around town and get along primarily by doing each other favors. It’s all horseshit, but the media and consultants are so damn incestuouse by now that the wisdom and necessity of these consultants is taken for granted.

* Walker’s campaign was top heavy with staff and spent a lot of money on consultants.

The consultant class doesn’t care whether you win or lose, they only care about the candidate being able to raise a lot of money so that the candidate can pay consultants. That’s why consultants have candidates take positions favorable to big money donors.

About Luke Ford

I've written five books (see My work has been covered in the New York Times, the Los Angeles Times, and on 60 Minutes. I teach Alexander Technique in Beverly Hills (
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