Ann Coulter & The Jews

* I count only 6 ‘Trump, Big Loser’ stories on the @politico home page. They’re slacking off. (Mickey Kaus)

* “There’s a momentary guilty hesitation, a tell, when Fox personalities (eg Megyn Kelly) gratuitously/insincerely say Rubio was a winner.” (Kaus)

* “Christie said the magic word that shows a candidate isn’t serious about border control. The word is “drones.” (As in “Oooooh, drones!”)”(Mickey Kaus)

* Mickey Kaus: “Re Coulter: Issue of GOP grandstanding on Israel was enough of an issue in 2013 to be subject of this SNL skit

* I keep telling everyone who will listen that sex is a byproduct of love and commitment.
Friend: “Not if you’re married to a Jew. She’d rather buy a purse.”

* A human being in my life has contempt for me because I’ve never tried to steal from him. He says that shows a lack of initiative. I won’t identify his ethnicity for fear of perpetuating hateful stereotypes.

* Ann Coulter: Every GOP (other than Trump) wants to start between 5-7 wars, then import every single displaced Muslim into U.S.

About Luke Ford

I've written five books (see My work has been covered in the New York Times, the Los Angeles Times, and on 60 Minutes. I teach Alexander Technique in Beverly Hills (
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