NYT: Body Blow on Texas Referee Shakes School and Sport

The New York Times article does not mention that the players who hit the referee were latino, and their assistant coach who encouraged them to do it, was black, and the referee was white.

Among the students, parents and faculty at John Jay, reactions were varied. Several students interviewed last week agreed that the two players had crossed a line, but some also expressed frustration that the racial slur allegations were being played down and asserted that John Jay was being unfairly painted with a broad brush for the actions of two players.

VDARE reports: Here’s the video of the San Antonio players targeting the ref:

The story about this doesn’t mention race. While the James Blake story will be presented as Former tennis champ ‘slammed’ to ground by white officers, or Black Tennis Star Tackled By 5 White Police Officers, you are not seeing “Black Players Brutalize White Referee.”

But if you want to know the race of the players, this will give you a clue: Texas high school players allege referee in incident used racial slurs, ESPN, September 9, 2015.

And a coach at John Jay High School has been suspended for allegedly encouraging the players to do this:

According to WFAA, the players told school district officials that Mack said, “that guy needs to pay for cheating us,” or “words to that effect.”

That’s from Mack Breed: 5 Fast Facts You Need to Know, Heavy.com, September 8, 2015. Of course, they don’t mention the one fast fact you want to know, but here’s a picture:


On, and one more picture:

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About Luke Ford

I've written five books (see Amazon.com). My work has been covered in the New York Times, the Los Angeles Times, and on 60 Minutes. I teach Alexander Technique in Beverly Hills (Alexander90210.com).
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