The Atlantic: ‘Stephen Colbert’s Writing Staff: 17 Men, 2 Women And all 19 of the Late Show’s writers are white. So.’

Comments to Steve Sailer:

* Lee Daniels, the creator of Empire, thinks white people writing for a black audience is offensive. If Colbert expressed a similar sentiment about black writers for his show, how many seconds would pass before he was escorted off the premises? His feet wouldn’t touch the ground.

* Whites are the only race you can ever have “too many” people of (unless those whites are Jewish, in which case you have a choice of how to play it). That’s why some people say that “Diversity means hunting down the last white person.”

* What’s the Jew percentage Megan?

Also what’s the Democrat vs Republican breakdown?

Long wait for the Atlantic response to that.

* Question of such moral importance that only an evil person would not ask it: What race are the writing staffs of network television shows?

Question of such complete irrelevance that only an evil person would ask it: What ethnicity are the writing staffs of network television shows?

* “That diversity is … a signal of the value his show places on … differing modes of understanding and processing and representing the world.”

This is an encouraging article. The author grasps that “diverse” people are inherently different and presents that knowledge as self-evident.

It’s not too far a conceptual leap to perceive that certain groups (judging by their behavior) rely on incompatible “modes of understanding and processing and representing [?] the world”.

A black comedy writer and a white one will, all other things being equal, still interpret the world differently. The central nervous system would have to play a part in that.

Doesn’t Jared Taylor say the same thing?

* If only diversity meant just differing opinions. In fact diversity seems to mean uniformity when it comes to opinions.

They lump whites into one giant category, but whites are the essence of diversity of opinion. In fact the reason we even have competitive elections is because whites don’t bloc-vote.

As for experiences, whites are all over the place. We have rural whites, urban SWPLs and suburban types. We’ve got whites who come from every economic and social strata. We have whites who are atheists, agnostics, too many types of Christian denominations to count and Jews for starters. If that is not the essence of diversity, then the internet meme that diversity mean less white and less male must be true.

* That writer seems to be yet another naive person wishing that there was no such thing as a BUSINESS MODEL.

Could she convince advertisers and others with real money to invest to chase after her notions of social justice, and still turn a profit?

Has she ever thought about, let alone met, a payroll?

A journalism professor back in the Dark Ages told me that his students were required to take classes in the areas they wanted to cover. Write about business, then understand it. Write about sports, etc.

* I’m very surprised at how bad Colbert’s new show is. I don’t know what the fuck Garber is talking about when she says its trying to bring intellectualism to late night. Quite the opposite. Colbert’s been acting really stupid. For one bit he couldn’t stop eating oreos till he just poured them on his face. Retarded.

But then he got really sincere and poignant with Joe Biden. Which was worth watching in my opinion. In fact after that, I think there’s going to be too many loud voices telling him to run for him to not. He is a very, very genuine man. Hard not to more than like him. And his gaffes and tall tales rather speak to that too. In other words, he’s very, very Irish, and prone to blarney. America would be so unspeakably awful without us.

But when are one these click-bait bozos going to man up and do an expose on Steve? That would be really interesting and luminous clickbait. The piece by Yglesias that’s currently on the front page quoted Richard Spencer, and it was a great quote. But Steve is actually influential, and that would make a great lead. Which gives me an idea…

* They don’t mention Sailer because they don’t want to reveal they read him and they don’t want to steer anyone toward such an effective critic of their schtick. Guys like Richard Spencer are still impolitic enough for them to think they’re “exposing” something when they quote him I suppose. But note the SPLC’s recent attack on Henry Harpending–everything they quote is convincing argument to anyone not so far beyond reason as to have rendered themselves moronic. They really should be more careful.
They’re wise to leave Sailer mostly alone and unquoted. I came across something in an interesting old book “Ancient Pagan and Christian Symbolism” (Thomas Inman, 1876) that I thought relevant to our times and its relegation of interesting dissent to the shadows of obscurity: “The dislike of inquiry ever attends to those who profess a religion which is believed or known to be weak.” He was referring to Moses in Deuteronomy decreeing the Jews should not inquire too much into the practices of other religions–for fear they might find similarities to their own religion. Rule one of SJW tyranny should be: “do not humanize our enemies”.

I came to like Biden on 9/11 when, as the vice president cowered in his underground lair and Bush only appeared for a few minutes to deliver some shell-shocked, insufficient remarks, Biden was telling an interviewer first thing we need to do is “get these bastards.” I didn’t see a single other pol express honest outrage.

* “Steve is way too low key. Maybe that’s the German introvert trait in him.”

Low key? Steve makes Jeb Bush look like a coked up Robin Williams or Bobcat Goldthwait by comparison.

Look at Steve’s photos. He looks half dead.

Steve’s a literary guy. Other people need to take the texts and deliver them.

* Colbert’s interview with Vice President Biden about the death of Biden’s son was especially moving. Colbert’s greatest strength is his capacity for empathy. He is a man of Faith who has an incredible reservoir of compassion.

Irish American Catholics are pretty good at pathos. Colbert is one of the few celebrities, along with Martin Sheen, a fellow Catholic, that is allowed to openly express their Christian Faith without much blowback in popular culture. I think the mutual Catholic Faith between Biden and Colbert greatly enhanced the interview.

It’s hard not to admire Biden’s declarations that one should “Never Complain” or that “No One Owes You Anything.” These both sound like expressions from a foreign, more ancient, noble culture at this point. The whole Ethos of the Left in this country is to always complain and demand that you are entitled to certain things. It was refreshing and frankly shocking to hear Biden express virtues of a different America. Perhaps, there is hope in this.

Interesting that Biden is America’s first Catholic Vice President. There has only been one. When it comes to Late Night, there is now a definite Catholic bent. Colbert, Fallon and Conan O’Brien are Irish American Catholics. Jimmy Kimmel is an Italian American Catholic. The former CBS host, Craig Ferguson, my personal favorite Late Night host, while a Scottish born Presbyterian, he was certainly a Celt with some interesting tattoos.

* I recently said Steve being alienated is a law of nature obtaining, because you don’t engage the Alpha if you can’t win. He’s too totally transparently sane. Not to gush, but this guy really does strike me as the most normal high-IQ man in America. Whittaker Chambers’ best essay was titled The Sanity of St. Benedict; someone will have to pen The Sanity of Steve Sailer one of these days. And he’s changed my opinion of sarcasm from universally cheap to potentially deadly. (I guess that’s because sarcasm is, when you think about it, extremely rare in writing relative to how much its spoken, and spoken sarcasm always does seem cheap.) They can’t win.

I’ve never heard of Thomas Inman and that’s a great quote. The context reminds me of Hegel’s position that the Jews are inoculated against the Greek tragic sense, because their fate is entirely the necessity of servitude to a tyrannical God, or “alien being” in Hegel’s term. Hence it is essential to sustaining the Jewish faith that their misfortunes be exaggerated in retrospect, as opposed to Oedipus, who keeps the faith of freedom until he must admit defeat, making him a true hero when he does, rather than a slave. If I was a Jealous God, I wouldn’t want my slaves to inquire either, to know that I was really an artist, not the devil.

* I don’t find Biden likable. Aside from his putting his hands on women and girls without their consent, when his wife caused the car accident that killed her and their daughter, he blamed the unfortunate truck driver of the other vehicle, suggesting he had drunk his lunch.

The dead son, Beau, locked up Larry Sinclair for publicizing his coke-fueled sexual encounter with Obama; I suspect this is how Biden got to be VP. The other son just washed out of some military commission a month in for flunking a drug test.

* We laugh at Colbert’s hypocrisy but really it’s quite evil. Colbert adamantly believes that some white guy in Saginaw should be denied a job with the Saginaw Fire Department in order to hire a far less qualified black candidate because we need to approach fire from every possible ethnoreligious angle because Duhversity – and who gives a shit if people die as a result? – but how dare you expect him to take a small hit to his 7-figure paycheck for the sake of his own political ideology? His political ideology is about oppressing others, not himself.

To see the demographics of Colbert’s writing staff or Barack Obama’s campaign staff is to see how little these leftist a-holes are truly willing to sacrifice when it’s something important to them, no matter how trivial it seems by comparison. Colbert and Obama have no problem with hundreds and hundreds of more Americans being murdered as a result of BlackLivesMatter, and have no problem with putting the lives of tens of thousands of American soldiers at risk by installing more black generals in America’s military than all previous presidents combined, but how dare how expect Colbert to take a small hit to his paycheck or expect Obama to risk electoral defeat?

* I just had a vivid mental image of some still newsroom type place, lots of desks with computer monitors and keyboards on them. The room strangely quiet despite having 30-40 people seated at the desks. Exactly half the people are women (or appear to be) and half men (or appear to be). There are muted female voices but all rather shrill sounding. I can hear words like, “patriarchy” and “discrimination.” The men (or those who appear to be men), all of them white, are all completely silent and look as though they are desperately trying to disappear. Their shoulders are rounded and heads bowed. Suddenly, a chubby man with an enormous grin on his black face comes strutting into the room virtually shouting, “All right you hoes, which one a you cracka hoes been drinking my sodas from da refridgamater? Ima rape yo cracka ass when I catch you!” Immediately, all the women in the room beam with barely contained excitement while the men (or those who appear to be men) seem to busy themselves looking for a pencil eraser in the back of their bottom desk drawers.

And that is our news media. Demoralized. Deracinated. Abused and dominated. Filled with racial self-hate. Waiting and hoping for their own demise.

* Back in the early 90′s, a white writer named Richard Price came out with a very good, critically acclaimed novel, “Clockers,” which portrayed young, black inner city drug dealers. It was a terrific novel. When they set out to make a movie of the book, they got the same white writer, Price, to write the screen play (he was later to write several of the episodes of that excellent HBO series “The Wire”), and they lined up Martin Scorsese to direct the film and Robert DeNiro to play the lead role. Then, as I recall, Spike Lee started “mau mauing the flack catcher” and engaged in a public relations battle challenging the right of a white director (even the far superior Martin Scorsese) to direct a movie that portrayed black inner city life. So Scorsese bowed out, as did DeNiro, and the producers hired Spike Lee to direct the screen play written by a white screen writer based on the same white writer’s first-rate novel. Spike Lee turned out a movie that was not nearly as good as the novel and probably not as good as the movie Scorsese would have made. (I hedge the previous comment because Scorsese’s work seems to fall short of his very high standards when he deals with social milieus that are other than Italian. I am thinking specifically of “Gangs of New York” dealing with Civil War era Irish in NYC, but then I thought he did an excellent job on “The Departed” based loosely on Boston Irish Whitey Bulger.) I guess nobody ever thought to ask Spike Lee why, if no white director could accurately portray black inner-city life, a white writer was able to do such a good job in the novel, which formed the basis of the movie.

* Every time I hear this “under-representation” complaint I can’t help thinking: isn’t it really that “women and minorities” (at least in these cases) are not contributing their fair share? In the case of Colbert, it’s even worse: he’s advocating on behalf of these people better than they can or will themselves. And isn’t it just that the white-cis-males are being extremely generous with their efforts and very polite in not mentioning (or even noticing)? Who’s shame is this? Time to flip this script.

About Luke Ford

I've written five books (see My work has been covered in the New York Times, the Los Angeles Times, and on 60 Minutes. I teach Alexander Technique in Beverly Hills (
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