Steve Sailer: How’d the Last German Experiment with Importing Muslim Workers Turn Out?

Comments to Steve Sailer:

* Universities and open borders crowd argue that mass immigration is supposed to deliver an economic boon and reduce crime. But we often see the opposite. The open borders types don’t even believe they are telling the truth, they know they are being dishonest, they are just so committed to arguing and winning that the ends justify the means.

The immigrant banlieues in France are very high crime, poverty stricken, social service sponges. They were supposed to reduce crime and provide economic benefit and seem to do the exact opposite. Will the open borders crowd admit that this isn’t working.

US is supposed to be the success story of multi-racial integration, but it really doesn’t feel that way.

* It takes a lot of work to shift the zietgeist. The guys causing the problems love it when you can try something without the modern social mob at your back. You are isolated, ridiculed, and squashed like a grape. Obviously just another crazy fool. Nothing to see here.

An import part of the solution is to actually prove your case. To illustrate your point. To show, not tell. And not just once, but every time. Every time you hear some PC BS, call them on it. Show the whole story. Every time you see something idiotic, point it out. Dwell on it. Rub everyone’s collective faces in it. When they attempt to shout you down, just keep on doing it. Don’t even bother addressing them. Address the rest of the world. Every time one of their thought-leaders makes happy-happy silly-silly, remind everyone that there’s more to the world than the sound bite. Tell the back story. Yeah, a lot won’t get it. But some will. And all this build up over time. Especially today, when everything lives forever on computers.

Slow, steady, smooth. A lot of lies have to be killed first.

* Sailer is wildly entertaining, he’s anything but boring, he’s extremely insightful, he has built a devoted following, but he’s just a fringe writer. He doesn’t have any influence beyond that.

Your action ideas are agitate for policy.

My favorite action ideas:

– Humor and entertainment. No one listens to angry miserable people no matter how strong their logical arguments are. People listen to those that entertain.

– Genetics. Develop better understanding of human genetics and what traits/genes we want and which we don’t. We often think that politicians change the world, but often major structural social changes come from technology. Better human genetics understanding would help this crowd’s goals.

* I think you underestimate the hold that politically correct thinking and the religion of diversity has on the West. Many of the opinions expressed on iSteve are Orwellian Thoughtcrimes against the prevailing approved beliefs in the infinite malleability of all peoples, the notion that freedom requires absolute uniformity and the jest that nothing really important happened prior to today.

Steve and others provide a space where ideas that are considered perfectly reasonable in most of the world but are often considered literally unthinkable in the West can be raised. Liberalism’s quasi-religious death-grip (cf. James Burnham) cannot be shaken off until more people realize that its shibboleths are chimera. The first thing step towards release is to realize that liberal rule is neither inevitable nor normative.

* Before the events of this summer there were less than 1/10 as many Arabs in Germany compared to Turks. Yet in criminal gangs, street crime etc. there are more Arabs than Turks. Also the Hip Hop culture is dominated by Arabs, which shows that Arabs are seen as the toughest. Arabs are clearly the most problematic group in Germany. Now that Arabs rise from a tiny minority to a substantial fraction of the population funny times are coming

About Luke Ford

I've written five books (see My work has been covered in the New York Times, the Los Angeles Times, and on 60 Minutes. I teach Alexander Technique in Beverly Hills (
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