Steve Sailer: FBI: Top Ten Most Wanted of America’s White Collar Criminals Not Too White American

Comments to Steve Sailer:

* Immigrants are doing the white collar crimes that Americans are simply too lazy to do anymore. Even the Black guy on that list has a Nigerian or other West African sounding name and not a homegrown African American name like Jamal Andre Jackson.

* Russians have been slandered a long time by New York media especially. New York media are quick to point out the knavery of Russian immigrants when indicted for crime but stop short of noting that most Russian criminals are in fact Jewish.

* Violent criminals or white collar criminals? Because there is no way most violent Russian thugs are Jewish. Jews are not responsible for why Russia has the highest per capita murder rate in all of Europe. Russian Gentiles as a group have always been a very violent people. Also bat shit crazy Chechen Muslims help drive up the murder rate in Russia.

If Jews were the main ones responsible for violent street crimes in Russia, than Israel would have a similar per capita murder as Russia but they don’t. The per capita murder rate in Israel is way closer to Western European levels than they are to Slavic Russian levels.

Russian Gentiles are not as law abiding as Vermont and North Dakota Whites for example, that’s just a fact.

About Luke Ford

I've written five books (see My work has been covered in the New York Times, the Los Angeles Times, and on 60 Minutes. I teach Alexander Technique in Beverly Hills (
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