The MSM’s Ho Hum Reaction To Demographic Displacement

Comments to Steve Sailer:

* I love the New Yorker’s cartoons, but I’ve long had the impression when reading its articles that I’m spying on some Upper West Side conversation that wasn’t meant for me. I get the strange feeling that I’m eavesdropping.

One off-putting characteristic of media coverage of immigration-related issues in general is the passive attitude toward demographics. The displacement of natives by millions of foreigners with strange customs is just something that kind of happens, the way a thunderstorm happens. To the extent the issue is discussed, it’s always in feckless, reactive terms. “Have the French adapted their secular values to the needs of Muslim youth?” “Have you made sure your gutters are clear of leaf clutter?”

Every article about immigration-related problems should have stamped across the top, “Why did we even allow this to become an issue?!”

* So alienation causes Immigrants in France to start hating Jews? Also why does this article not get specific and name which Immigrant communities in France hate the Jews? Is it France’s Japanese Immigrant community? Is it France’s Icelandic Immigrant community?

* When those blacks and Muslims hate whites, Jews cheer it on as ‘anti-racism’.

When blacks and Muslims eventually notice that Jews are even more powerful in proportional terms than white gentiles, that is ‘antisemitism’.

* Three good Jewish atheist/agnostic British-American lawyer friends pointed this article out to me a few days ago. Several things to note:

– The article’s general survey of France and of the French banlieue is quite accurate. When I step into one of these neighborhoods I have the vague feeling of having walked into a creepy foreign movie with no subtitles. Even when the people around me speak French at least 80% of them do not think or reflect or respond to the same instinctive “cues” we and most of the people we know do – including most of the people of color we encounter in what we would consider “normal” quarters.

– The article is also correct that the most passionate jihadists seem to come from more “educated” backgrounds. This belies the common notion that the ISIL nutbags “don’t know their religion” – on the contrary, they know it better than most, which is why they follow the lead of the Prophet (insulting whom would be punishable by death, a sentence any Muslim in good standing is competent to carry out) – and also belies the notion that education and opportunity will result in better integration of disaffected (mostly Muslim by confession) communities.

– The article is however quite facetious in portraying Ben Ahmed as a hometown hero worthy of civic respect. Were he at all integrated or even desirous of integration he would have left those quarters as soon as he could…

As the example of the United States shows, no one can do more damage than an uppity ghetto community organizer, especially when the media covers for him. Brace yourselves if anyone ever starts murmuring about a Président Ben Ahmed of France.

About Luke Ford

I've written five books (see My work has been covered in the New York Times, the Los Angeles Times, and on 60 Minutes. I teach Alexander Technique in Beverly Hills (
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