Another Woman Complains About Lack Of Female Directors In Hollywood

Comments to Steve Sailer:

* You don’t understand Leah at all.

All she is saying is ‘it’s not fair!’

Which really means that she feels that it’s not fair.

Which is an entirely different argument from one about equality.

It is pure emotional reasoning. It is ‘I want this.’ A fact obscured by her wanting to benefit from it partly vicariously, partly because she really believes that she might get it (pure magical thinking), and, in large part, because she thinks that if people recognise her major feelz then they will reward her to balance out her feeling of ‘it’s not fair.’

She wants something, she doesn’t have it, so she’s having a tantrum to try and get her way.

The fact that Jurassic World was a mega-success is why she wants it. Why would she have a tantrum to direct a flop?

The male journalist is just doing what men mostly do. Accepting a woman’s feelz as legitimate to try and ingratiate himself with her or other women, maybe for sex, but probably just for his own narcissistic validation.

Western culture is this writ large, right now – fluttering on the whims of some girls who were treated so obsequiosly that they have never had to grow up.

‘It’s not fair’ equals ‘I want it’ equals ‘I am woman, hear me feelz!’

Many, many women have grown up and don’t do this. Feminism is a problem because it causes so many of these sensible, emotionally mature women to ignore this issue – the tantrums – out of solidarity or correcting historic imbalances or whatever.

Only women can shut these little girls up. In the same way that only men can arrest rapists. To frame the great extremes of the now, IS are rapists enabled by male solidarity and SJWs are emotional rapists enabled by female solidarity.

If I was forced to make a choice, which is how conflicts between extremes tend to end up as mimetic crisis gets out of hand, I’d probably choose IS.

I hope that all of the emotional mature women recognise this fact and start explaining to these cognitive infants the errors of their ways.

The point is Steve, you don’t get it, there’s no real reasoning involved. It is the way she feels and that’s it.

* Serious, mature men in the West work hard to reign in other, immature, men’s physical violence against women. They don’t indulge their worst instincts and they don’t use their far superior capacity for physical violence to get ahead.

Serious, mature women in the West are not trying to reign in other, emotionally undeveloped, women’s emotional violence against men. They even sometimes indulge their worst instincts and use their far superior capacity for emotional violenece to get ahead.

Steve, you can’t fight this war, anymore than a woman can compete in a male boxing match. You’re hopelessly outmatched in a bout of emotional violence. In fact, you don’t even understand the rules.

If you had grown up being subjected to immense emotional violence then it’d be easier for you to see this.

You would also feel extremely let down by the fact that so many women can see all of this clearly and yet choose to ignore it.

* There’s a lot a resentment among young female comedians that their male counterparts don’t consider them very funny. Their reaction is to share their grievances among themselves, complain publicly, and demand more inclusion. Bizarre. The only meaningful way to respond to an accusation that you’re not very funny is to be very funny.

About Luke Ford

I've written five books (see My work has been covered in the New York Times, the Los Angeles Times, and on 60 Minutes. I teach Alexander Technique in Beverly Hills (
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