What Do Russians & Democrats Have In Common?

What does Russian TV and America TV have in common?

Comments to Steve Sailer:

* … stoking minority & immigrant anger is Standard Operating Procedure for the USSR stooge news outlet RT, which I occasionally watch for the same perspective our media gives. I’d like to say RT gives a different perspective than say Faux news or MSNBC, unfortunately, its more of the same with the constant attempts to rile up minorities.

Objectively watch for yourself for an hour or two: “rile up minorities” is on their daily “to do list”, (on fox it’s a constant whine about them- which angers minorities toward conservatives for some strange reason) …

The Democratic party platform has the same platform of the Old USSR (as if that 70 year social experiment criminal mafia train wreck collapse never happened).

“Wreck America as fast as possible through any means”

* Dominicans booing the Mayor of NYC because of his support for Haitians in the Dominican Republic.

* What the Russians don’t seem to realize is that their potential allies in 2015 USA, conservatives and traditionalists, have no use for pandering to minorities after 50 years of the so-called Great Society. At a time where we are disillusioned by our own elites who seem hellbent on destroying our culture, both demographically and morally, we might see a potential friend in a re-Christianizing Russia.

But Russia is so ticked off over the way our elites have treated her that she jumps on any chance to show them up as hypocrites. Hence, RT focuses on Ferguson and takes a stand somewhat similar to the NY Times and MSNBC.

The irony of course is this. While Russia thinks she is pointing out the hypocrisy of our ruling elite, she is really just giving them the ammunition to continue with their destructive policies. Instead of being embarrassed about being hypocrites in the way we treat our minorities, the elite can point to the fact that even Putin’s Russia thinks we treat our blacks poorly so you cuckservatives better shut up and let us double down on the Great Society. This only confirms what our foremost public intellectual preaches about reparations. If anything, we haven’t done enough.

Somebody needs to explain to the Russians this ain’t 1965, and that if they ever intend to get any sympathetic souls in the West, they should play up to the people who are opposed to what is happening in our countries. After all the elites of the USA and Western Europe are a common enemy of both Russia and Western/USA conservatives and traditionalists.

* I’ve seen pro-Kremlin media in Russia praise Trump. The Kremlin will support any opposition movement in the US for the same reason that it supports Marine Le Pen in France. If someone with Pat Buchanan’s views mounted a credible campaign for the White House again, RT’s coverage of race in America would flip by 180 degrees.

The Russian liberal opposition is entirely paid for by the US State Department (the neocons) and Sorosite NGOs. Responding in kind would be a dream come true for the Kremlin.

* RT’s job is to point out the deficiencies of American society along with covering various news stories. It’s not totally objective and neither are any other news sources; viewers have to read between the lines. That RT and the NYT might converge on certain issues is probably just coincidental, in this case since both are only willing to recognize nurture and reject any hint of nature then of course all coverage of black dysfunction is going to be similar. RT is worth watching, along with some of the other foreign news outlets, as long as one keeps in mind what they’re trying to do.

* Comments on Reddit are running heavily against BlackLivesMatter. This is a useful barometer of informed, left-leaning, white opinion.

An example of the comments at Reddit:

“Isn’t this the place where the officer was vindicated by evidence, to include autopsies performed by people appointed by Mr. Brown’s family? And where “witnesses” were caught lying about what they witnessed?

Yup. There are many cases where police shootings are unjustified but I can’t for the life of me figure out how people think this one was.

The media ran with a narrative and refused to back down as the facts came out. They played it as a national tragedy and by God they were sticking to it!”

The BLM women at Bernie’s rally are being seen as a summary of BLM insanity by the Reddit crowd:

“It’s just sickening. The #BLM movement forced Bernie off stage and demanded a 4 1/2 minute moment of silence for Michael Brown. Of all people?! He is the martyr? Really?! Someone that, on video, had just committed a robbery 1! He then charged an officer and was justifiably shot and killed by an officer, as proven by the non-indictment of the officer involved. I just don’t get it. Then his supporters start shooting and looting in honor of the anniversary of his death?! There’s a reason people quickly dismiss the whole #BlackLivesMatter thing. If they don’t give a shit about killing one another; how do they expect people to respect the message they claim to project?”

The video of the Sanders rally is a superbly concise summary of BLM insanity.

* I think it more likely that he [Putin] is trying to undermine America’s owners’ attempts to meddle in his country. After all, the political instability right on his border is worrying and that large slide in oil prices does not help Russia very much and efforts to prevent the South Stream gas pipeline were pretty successful.

* As someone who actually pays the taxes that pay the police, I would very much enjoy more patrols in my neighborhood. More people would go out strolling at night, more people would let their kids out to play.

Believe it or not, I’m not at all worried that a policeman will gun down my son.

* “Seriously, why do blacks have to act this way?”

Well, I think that William Lind would say that it’s a form of low-intensity Fourth Generation War by which irregular combatants drive foreigners (i.e., whites), including the foreign army (i.e., police) from their territory, while exacting economic costs upon the enemy, including ransom monies (i.e., welfare, affirmative action, etc.).

About Luke Ford

I've written five books (see Amazon.com). My work has been covered in the New York Times, the Los Angeles Times, and on 60 Minutes. I teach Alexander Technique in Beverly Hills (Alexander90210.com).
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