WP: Black America has been playing by white America’s rules. If we want reconciliation, it’s time white America shared the burden.

Comments to the WP:

Thank God for the Washington Post and their courageous non-stop efforts to give the hateful lily white monolith of pure evil the dressing down that it so rightly deserves. Without their brave efforts it will be impossible for every single white person in this country to confess their own guilt and accept the guilt of every white person that preceded them and beg for the severe punishment they so rightly deserve. Without this complete and total surrender of the evil ones we will never be able to achieve racial harmony in this country.

* At the risk of sounding racist (although I’m sure others have expressed this sentiment), “white America” works — “black America” doesn’t.
Perhaps “black America” ought to join what works rather than attempting to drag “white America” down to its level.

“Black America”, consisting of only about 14% of the population, is responsible for nearly HALF of all murders, and a large majority of violent crimes. “Black America” shuns English is favor of its own ignorant dialect that is rejected in all higher levels of society. “Black America” uses ONE HUNDRED-YEAR-OLD grievances as an excuse for wallowing in poverty and idleness when they have men like Dr. Ben Carson to look to as proof that the ghetto can be escaped if one works to do so.

* Hmm, last time I checked, hundreds of thousands of white Union soldiers DIED freeing blacks from slavery. Where are the reparations for their families?

* When foreigners come to the US (even the ones from Africa), they learn the rules, the language, the customs, start businesses, and a generation later, their kids are in the top Universities studying engineering or medicine. Perhaps it is time for black Americans to learn from these people, and that speaking good English, dressing well, doing well in school, and showing some respect to those willing to offer you a job is not “acting white.”

* This author’s article could have been even more compelling if he had shared a few heart wrenching stories about his childhood experiences of being a slave. Maybe even some of the vast number of lynchings he witnessed while at Harvard.

* Almost every one of these cases of a cop killing a young black person has a basis of the black refusing to obey the lawful orders of a cop, of resisting arrest, of fighting with the cop. Too often the cry is “Equal Justice” when the person being referred to didn’t obey the laws to start with.

* If a potential employer has an instinctive negative reaction to a job applicant with a “black sounding name,” the reason may be that the applicant’s name is associated with a group identified with high crime and educational underachievement. I suspect, if the interests of their business or family are involved, many of our black citizens may have a similar reaction to members of this group. From my perspective as a senior citizen, the “white” community has made much more progress towards agreeing that black citizens should have an equal opportunity for education and economic advancement (including a willingness to support programs that give blacks favored treatment I this regard) than our black community has made in showing that they are able to take advantage of these opportunities.

* So, since 1965 roughly $12.5T of “reparations” have been made by “White” Taxpayers that has been transferred to “Black” Americans (about half of all welfare transfers in the last 50 years, as estimated by the CBO). That does not seem to have done the trick.

* I posted a link to the 2006 shooting at a Louisiana church by a black man who murdered 4 parishioners, kidnapped his wife and murdered her. This story got little to no media or civil rights activist’s attention, why? It was a black-on-black crime.

Yet when some moron white kid does no differently, regardless of the intent (motive), the entire history of the Confederate States is blamed along with white racism.

* I’ve been around the block a few times, too. All my life, I’ve taken people as I find them. I’ve owned companies, hired and fired, but at no time that I know of have I made any decisions in my life based on racial or other prejudice. Among my friends are people of all races and life style persuasions.

As a former member of the military during the 60’s and 70’s, I lost track of the number of hours of racial sensitivity training I went through, the racial sensitivity texts I had as required reading during professional and leadership development. I’m like you — what I’ve tried to do in my life now seems to matter not at all. The problem is in my race, I’m told. I can’t do anything about that. I’m tired too. I’m done.

* Since white people treat Blacks so badly and we’re so evil and racist and according to you Blacks are non racist and so kind and forgiving, why can’t I take my (white) children to W st in Anacostia to show them my childhood home? Or my schools? Or all the places I’ve told them about from my childhood. We would be robbed, raped and probably murdered within moments of arriving. However you and your children could come to my neighborhood anytime without the slightest bit of discomfort. And BTW thanks for trashing a once lovely and safe neighborhood (Anacostia).

* The US is the only country in the world where a Harvard educated, presumably very financially comfortable individual can whine about the injustice of the very country that has provided him with those comforts. Yes, there are still problems such as in the criminal justice system, but compared to the era in which the author was raised, we are light years ahead. I worked for 26 years in the civil rights field and got along with most people regardless of race. This current constant airing of supposed grievances is really leading me to question the motivations of the people who make up the organized black lobby. By the way, there are many more whites killed by blacks than vice versa.

* This OpEd is racist and dishonest from top to bottom. And I have news for you slick, there is virtually universal hatred of whites among blacks. That’s why gangs of young blacks regularly go around targeting whites for assault, rape, and murder. Whites don’t do those kinds of things to blacks, regardless of your Hollywood inspired fantasies of racial abuse from whites. Blacks regularly blame whites for dysfunction in they own lives.

Reverse the races in this garbage tome, and it would read like some drivel off of a white supremacist web site.

* Welcome to the daily whiny WaPo article about how tough it is to be black in America. The President is black, the AG is black. 25% of Federal Government employees are black. Seems to me African Americans have gotten their share and then some.

Try living in a place where blacks are in charge if you think the USA is tough. Move to Haiti or anywhere in Africa.

Stop having babies you cannot support. Stop having babies out of wedlock. Spend your day at the library instead of smoking pot and drinking malt liquor. There comes a point at which blacks have to take responsibility for their own welfare – and this is it.

* There is no doubt that America has a long and sorry history of racism against black people.

But there is also no doubt that there is racism against black people in nearly every other country on earth, and that black Americans are the richest major black community in the world.

Every year, white Americans pay a large amount of taxes, and bear a substantial regulatory burder, to provide for black people, who receive a sizeable governmental transfer of wealth and substantial regulatory action in their favor. And there is significant black-on-white violent crime, significantly more common than the reverse. And over time, the governmental burden is growing, not shrinking, due to the birth rate differential. I would be careful about assuming that even greater expense to be born by white Americans and other Americans would be well-received. At some point, black Americans must accept that in this world, there is not perfect fairness, and that black Americans should try to make their own conditions better through their own actions, over which they have far more control, and which are far more important to their own success and well-being. 50 years after the ending of segregation, using other people’s imperfection or past failures as reasons for one’s own failure is not an acceptable excuse.

About Luke Ford

I've written five books (see Amazon.com). My work has been covered in the New York Times, the Los Angeles Times, and on 60 Minutes. I teach Alexander Technique in Beverly Hills (Alexander90210.com).
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