‘Beer Talk’ From Blowhards: Pat Buchanan On Iran Hysteria

Ilana Mercer writes:

“Are we going to be frightened by words from an Iranian blowhard?” Pat Buchanan tries to school Sean Hannity on the insignificance of Iran’s military as compared to American and Israeli might (and Bibi’s 200 plus atom bombs). It has not dawned on Mr. Hannity that the Arab alliance forming in the Middle East against ISIS, our mortal enemy, is exactly what the US needs if she is to get the hell out of the business of meddling where we are hated.
I like Pat’s description of Britain ending up on US food stamps because of WWII.
What is so disconcerting is the blowhards of cable. In Pat Buchanan you have a learned man who partook in successive American administration, at crucial times in our history; who has so much too impart. And rather than let him teach you something, you scream him down.

A friend says:

Is a Jew a paleo, a liberal, or a Neocon?

Many in-between have come around to view Buchanan with the respect he deserves. Certainly I have friends and family who may be somewhat liberal or neocon but who still quietly admit they hold him in high esteem.

So I don’t think you have to be a paleo or a realist to like Buchanan like you did in the late 90s.

Rather, I would argue that Jews who seeks to dismiss Buchanan for politically incorrect views, Israel, minority, or otherwise, are firmly in the Israel-first (tribal Right) or Minorities-first (tribal Left) camp.

Of course, this barometer only works for the exceptionally well-informed. Your average co-ed doesn’t know anything about Buchanan except that Rachel Maddow and Jezebel disapprove.

About Luke Ford

I've written five books (see Amazon.com). My work has been covered in the New York Times, the Los Angeles Times, and on 60 Minutes. I teach Alexander Technique in Beverly Hills (Alexander90210.com).
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