Whither Danielle Berrin?

She writes on FB: “I am going on a four month sabbatical [mid-March thru mid-July] — Vietnam, Cambodia, Laos, Myanmar and Thailand!”

Danielle has been at the Journal for eight years. I keep expecting to see her on TV and other glamorous places.


Two of her exes are Conservative rabbis.

After her Mel Brooks interview published a few weeks ago, Danielle posted to FB:

I actually called my grandmother a little after the interview to ask, “What’s stuffed cabbage?” Apparently it has meat in it. I am currently in the process of inventing a vegetarian version and then I will invite Mel to come over for Shabbat and watch “Wild Tales.” And thanks for the nice words, everybody; it is always a joy to hear reactions to what I write (especially from friends near and far) since writing is so very solitary and dreary — until it’s finished. Thank you for reading!!

I knew Neal Dublinsky from my arrival in Los Angeles in 1994 until his death in 2010. Perhaps the last time I saw him was at Starbucks circa 2009. We ran into each other by accident and had a brief chat. It ended with him putting a $20 bill in my pocket and telling me, “Take Danielle Berrin out for drinks.”

So I raise my caffeine-free Diet Pepsi to you, Danielle, and godspeed on your travels.

About Luke Ford

I've written five books (see Amazon.com). My work has been covered in the New York Times, the Los Angeles Times, and on 60 Minutes. I teach Alexander Technique in Beverly Hills (Alexander90210.com).
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