I’ve Been Talking To A Singer About Kol Isha

Judaism prohibits men from listening to a woman sing in public.

A hottie asks me: “I wonder if guys look at me while I’m performing and think dirty thoughts.”

I replied, “The question is if they think anything else.”

Girl: “I have never been hit on at my shows except for by black guys.”

Perhaps the purity of your intentions shine through?

“I would never give up singing. If i couldn’t sing anymore I would be really really sad.”

The day you stop singing, it would be like the sun dying out.

“Even if it arouses you?”

Baruch Hashem, your singing does not arouse me.

“It’s interesting that it’s men who are thought to be aroused by women’s singing when there is really no such thing as male groupies whereas men who sing have tons and tons of female attention. I think men are much less likely to approach a woman who they heard sing in comparison to the throngs of young girls who chase male singers. So who is it that’s more easily turned on and less able to control themselves?”

Wait, there are thousands of men chasing Barbara Streisand.

Jewish laws of modesty are not about proving which sex is superior but about maintaining a certain sense of community and propriety.

About Luke Ford

I've written five books (see Amazon.com). My work has been covered in the New York Times, the Los Angeles Times, and on 60 Minutes. I teach Alexander Technique in Beverly Hills (Alexander90210.com).
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