Covering Iranian Jews in L.A. is not a piece of halvah

The Jewish Journal is getting promiscuous with its blogs. I count six at Jewish

Karmel Melamed blogs:

"What are doing reporting on us? You should find yourself a real job, a nice Jewish girl and get married!" said a prominent Los Angeles Iranian Rabbi to me when I approached him for an interview several months ago. Immediately he tried to convince me that my coverage of the local Iranian Jewish community was futile because I was not getting rich doing it. I tried to explain to him that my work as a freelance journalist wasn’t necessarily based on any desire to earn a living, but rather to bring about change for the better in the greater Jewish community. As is the tradition among most Middle Eastern Jews, I was then bombarded with the rabbi’s generous hospitality to enjoy food, libations and even in the…blind dates he and his wife would set up personally for me!

About Luke Ford

I've written five books (see My work has been covered in the New York Times, the Los Angeles Times, and on 60 Minutes. I teach Alexander Technique in Beverly Hills (
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