Obama Reveals His Political Grand Strategy: The Hodgepodgization of America

Comments to Steve Sailer:

* Sometimes, not always, but sometimes, in rare moments of despair, I wonder whether there is any longer space for an old-style assimilationist that I am. I feel caught between the dominant and suffocating paradigm of “hodge-podge” multiculturalists who are constructing a world without a center on the one hand and on the other the increasingly embittered minority, but possibly growing number, of white nationalists who advocate a purist white ethno-state.

I know that does not capture the reality in its totality. I can see that from interacting with my family-by-marriage, my friends, my neighbors, and other community members. But on the ether of the internet and the blogosphere, there seems to this binary, Manichean construct of either hodge-podgism or racial fundamentalism.

So I find Mr. Sailer’s “citizenism” refreshing in a “retro” sort of way, founded upon an HBD/race realist foundation but also gentlemanly and hopeful at the same time. May it be the future again.

* I wonder what hodgepodgidized milk would taste like — and if it would be kosher enough to drink in Postville.

* Before I heard of Steve or citizenism, I was already thinking along the thought process. More of a patriotic: America, yeehaw, love it or leave it mentality. If immigrants can find the gumption to leave their own for a new one, then they should also be able to adopt their new homes cultural ways. First generation immigrants see it that way because they want to make a better life for their children (or so we are told by Authorities on the subject).

America doesn’t work that way. Not on the ground level of 2nd-3rd generation immigrants hitting their IQ levels and flat-lining against the other ethnic groups, or the clannish us-against-the-world types, or the lost-identity types who merge into the vacuum of multicultural excess encouraged by college campuses across the nation. Besides, it’s cool to “just be yourself” which is code for be Black and Proud, or Mexican and Proud, or… yadda, yadda, yadda. Why conform? Every opportunity and hand up is given to you just because you aren’t white. Who wouldn’t take that deal? (besides most blacks)

Now asking those people above to agree with Steve’s citizenism, the idea that we can all be in on an immigration restriction platform together because we are already here, is a reach. Especially when the main point of coming to the US is to get settled… and then bring in the rest of the family on technicalities and “reuniting” the family tropes. They’re in, and they want to bring Mom, Dad, Sis, Bro, Auntie, Uncle, Gramma, 2nd cousin once removed, and….

My ideal state would be a 90% majority white country, with a healthy paternal tolerance towards the 10% minority. That is about as stable as a nation can get without being 100% homogeneous.

But since we slipping down from 90… to 80… to the 77% white we are at now… then it will be 60… then 50%. Obama can expect that folks are just becoming more tolerant, but he admitted that people aren’t able to express those views as openly as they were just 10 years ago. So is the tolerance going up or is the megaphone against dissent getting louder? And if you look at the political opinions of most whites are most “conservative” they are usually located to heavy minority areas. One expects that as whites become a smaller share of the population and their daily encounters with minorities increases from 1 in 4 to 1 in 2, then what? Does the megaphone go full blast if they start to speak out against the Latin Americanization of their country (which from the standpoint of a White Westerner, is a step down, not a step up, the ladder of politics)?

Citizenism might have worked if the immigrant population was stabilized in 1990. Now? Not a chance. Immigration and birth rates have already inexorably altered the demographic trajectory towards a white plurality, decline. White Nationalism seems like the only viable option left on the table, that is if you’re not willing to SNL skit-it-up and “hand it on over to Mexicans”.

* The POTUS is setting the stage for purges, but he forgets that the tribe of northern Europeans possess the most complete skills sets for organization, adaptation, and fulfillment. All they require is a cause. All things being equal, the tribe with plurality wins, but all things are not equal.

About Luke Ford

I've written five books (see Amazon.com). My work has been covered in the New York Times, the Los Angeles Times, and on 60 Minutes. I teach Alexander Technique in Beverly Hills (Alexander90210.com).
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