I Met Some Girls On OKCupid

* One girl says: “I have live all my life in California ..studied Midwifery also a hair stylist. am now in Ghana /west of Africa to visit my sick mum .I will return to the state very soon”

* Met a girl on OKCupid who wrote: “First of all, I’m polyamorous and pretty picky about who’s a likely potential partner, but I’m always happy to meet interesting people in the area to chat with and socialize with. I am new to living on the Westside and it would be nice to meet some friends. And well, the more I like you, the more likely I am eventually to want to date you. Shocking, that!
As for more about me, I’m interested in academic study of history, legal systems and religion, especially Judaism…”

* Met a girl on OKCupid who described herself as a “down to earth and humble educated Mexican.”

* Another girl: My self-summary
I have a stellar Star Trek paper mâché collection and I do believe in dinosaurs
What I’m doing with my life
I work the streets trying to pay that rent
I’m really good at
Making farting noises. I can make a farting noise with any of my body parts & i take my great pride in it.

* I met a girl on OKCupid who wrote: The most private thing I’m willing to admit:
I think I once slept with a retarded person

* If some guy would go out and deliver a final solution to all the hookers mucking up my Tinder feed, he’d be doing a mitzvah.

* It’s not fair. Every woman on OKCupid who’s looking for casual sex, she’s already reached her message limit.

* “I coach people around their sexuality, desire, and orgasm through a practice called Orgasmic Meditation (OM), and I absolutely love my work.” Damn, her message box is full.

About Luke Ford

I've written five books (see Amazon.com). My work has been covered in the New York Times, the Los Angeles Times, and on 60 Minutes. I teach Alexander Technique in Beverly Hills (Alexander90210.com).
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