The Benefits Of Mexican Immigration

From comments to Steve Sailer:

* A native Texan’s observations:

All the things Steve’s pointed out over the years about Mexicans using public parks and green spaces are absolutely right-on. One thing I noticed in recent years is that the beautiful green belts in Austin, once populated by trustafarian SWPL hikers and townies drinking beer and smoking weed, are thickly crowded with Mexican families picnicking, building fire pits to roast meat, and insouciantly allowing toddlers and off-leash dogs to run about peeing in the sacred creek. These things are moral sins to honkies but of course criticism cannot be expressed aloud, so the good liberals simply drive further out into the Hill Country to get their Gaia on.

There is a world of difference between illegal immigrants who haven’t been here long and second-generation Mexican Americans and Tejanos whose families have been here for six or more generations. The first group aren’t political at all and they’re possibly the least p.c. people on earth. They take sex roles Very Seriously. They grow up into men and women around 16. They follow the Mexican custom of nicknaming people according to their physical characteristics. If you’re fat or black, you’re gonna be referred to, to your face, as Gordo or Negro. If you’re even slightly weird or socially awkward you are Maricon. They are Not Supportive of eccentricity. If you demand to be referred to differently they will amiably say “OK, Negro!” At my workplace I deal daily with people from around the world and I believe Mexicans are the politest people around.

The second and third groups have learned that resentment against white people brings cash and prizes. These are your Dem voters.

If some Texans seem squishy on immigration, it’s because for as long as there have been Anglo settlers in Texas, there have been Mexican settlers right alongside us. Contrary to liberal myth, Mexicans haven’t been here forever–Texas was Commanche country for a long time and they were terrifying predators on farming people. Larry McMurtry’s books aren’t wild exaggerations. Next to the land where I grew up there was a cemetery containing gravestones of people killed by Indians in the mid-to-late 1800s. Until the Spanish and later the settlers who came with Stephen F. Austin established a military presence this wasn’t a safe place for families. But Texas has never been exclusively Anglo.

* In Texas we have an easy way to tell if someone was raised in Mexico or here… just watch them finish a beer.

If they go over to the waste basket and put the beer can in it, they were raised in Texas.

If they drop the can straight to the ground and walk off… Mexico.

Not a joke.

* Incidentally, male Hispanics went Republican in the last TX gubernatorial election.

I think Texas does a better job of civilizing recent mexican immigrants than many of the other states do, because Texas *was* part of Mexico and has always had a substantial Mexican population. So if you make it out of the Valley and into Houston or San Antonio or whatever, there’s an already-installed base of Spanish-speaking, Mexican-heritage individuals who have middle class habits and family structure for you to assimilate to.

At least in the Houston area, I find the lower middle class latino neighborhoods to be more pleasant than the lower middle class white ones. The mexicans tend to decorate their front yards with a lot of gardening and lawn art, while the lower-middle whites just have the same green lawn that the house had when it was new in 1955. Likewise, streets in mexican districts are lively places, with ice cream trucks, chicharonne carts, and children’s pickup soccer games with minimal adult supervision. White neighborhoods are ghost towns as everyone’s inside on the computer or being shuttled off to extracurricular activity #3. Kids can’t play outside… there’s predators, don’tcha know. Someone might call CPS.

* Though Charles Murray is a punk for signing onto ‘gay marriage’, the theme of ‘coming apart’ may be the defining characteristic of our times.
Indeed, white folks are coming apart in so many ways. There was a time when rich whites, middle class whites, working class whites, and poor whites might have shared something in common in being Christians, believing in family values, remembering ancestors of humbler lineage down on the farm, reading columnists like Breslin and Royko and listening to Sinatra and watching Walter Cronkite.
Also, though there was always rich and poor, the standard family restaurant was a common thing among most white Americans. If you visited NY, Chicago, or some other big city in the 1970s, there were regular places where people of all stripes went to eat at.
When GRAPES OF WRATH came out, even rich white folks could, on so many levels, identify with the Joads. Joads were poor simple folks, but their core values weren’t so far from the values of rich Anglos and the like. Today, the holiest moral cause among urban gentry is ‘gay marriage’. A super-Lib like Chris Hughes feels more kinship with billionaire Tim Cook than with a hardworking journalist digging dirt about Apple, the biggest company in the whole wide world. Meanwhile, such folks look down on working class and poor white folks as ‘trash’. They sneer as bakeries are sued and shut down by a government that forces ‘gay marriage’ favored by homo and Jewish billionaires.
And Jewish and homo elites want to favor and promote the rise of homo elites in all other nations, so that there will be like a globo-homo-fringe-elite-rule all over the world. They want Russia and Japan to be ruled by homo elites who feel closer to the likes of Hughes and Cook than with their own peoples.

White Americans have come apart economically, culturally, morally, consumer-preference-ly, and etc. Like Murray said, even preference of beer says much about different classes and the like.
The truly odd thing is that there is one particular ethnic group that plays on and inflames these divisions, though to be sure, even that group, the Jews, is sort of coming apart as Lib Jews and Orthodox Jews(who have more kids) disagree on many things. Also, a crack is forming between total Zionist-supporting Jews and other kinds of Jews who, though supportive of Israel, are embarrassed that the increasing unity between Israel and the reviled GOP(mainly reviled by Jewish media) makes Jews look bad among the Democratic non-white coalition that isn’t too keen on Israel.
Anyway, though Jews play on white divisions, if white folks of various stripes are united on one thing, it is in their unconditional and mindless devotion to Jews and Israel. White Lib will say to White Con, “I hate you!”, and white Con will say to White Lib, “I hate you too”, and Jews will clap with joy at such hate and manipulate them to fight even more. Sam Fuller made a film called ‘white dog’, but maybe someone should make a movie called ‘white dogfighting’ as an allegory of how Jews encourage whites to hate and fight other whites. But both White Libs and White Cons are crazily devoted to Jews. It’s like the sinister general in Paths of Glory plays on all sides, but each side is fooled into believing that the general is its best friend and ally. We saw this with Russia and Ukraine too. Russians to Jews: “We love you Jews and we are trying to save you from Nazi Ukrainians.” Ukrainians to Jews: “We love you Jews and we are trying to save you from Nazi Russians.” Jews are surely loving this. They act as wedge but pretend to be the bridge among peoples.

Anyway, the Coming Apart scenario is true enough, and it’s happening on a global scale. Yet, the world is paradoxically ‘coming apart’ because it is ‘coming together’. The thing is the ‘coming together’ is highly selective than undiscriminating. If indeed the world were truly coming together, all groups, both sexes(or fifty sexes according to facebook), all nations, all ethnic groups, all religious groups, and etc. should be merging into one blobby mass of mankind.

Instead, certain elements of a particular group come apart from rest of their own group and merge with certain elements of other groups(than with the entirety of that group). Consider Turkey. Under Ataturk, there arose a kind of collective modern nationalism based on secular western values. So, despite the ethnic and religious divisions, there was an emphasis on unity among all Turks. But in recent times, as Turkey became more free and democratic, Turkey has been coming apart along religious and secular lines. There are some religious folks in Turkey who now feel nothing in common with secular Turks and feel closer to devout Muslims outside Turkey. And there are secular Turks who are turned off by the rise of new religiosity and feel closer to secular whites in Europe.
It’s been noted by Murray, an IQ expert, that the rise of meritocracy has led to the coming apart based on skills. As science and technology becomes ever more advanced, it’s not good enough to be smart. You gotta be very smart. And as globalism has made cheap labor available all over the world, the smart and rich can hire people in other nations. Also, as women have equality to pursue academics and careers, many very smart women go to top schools and marry very smart men.
There is, of course, a coming together of high-IQ people. Smart Jews, smart whites, smart yellows, smart Hindus, smart blacks(or mulattos), and etc are marrying one another. But smart whites are coming apart from other whites. Smart yellows are coming apart from other yellows. Smart Hispanics are coming apart from other Hispanics. For every ‘coming together’, there is a ‘coming apart’. So, if successful black men come together with white women, they come apart from black women. When yellow women come together with white/Jewish men, they come apart from yellow men. When white women with limited brains but great looks go with rich men(of any stripe), they come apart from white men of their class origin. When Mexican chicks go with Anglo men, they come apart from Mexican men. And there are imbalances in these ‘coming together’ scenarios.

Globally, there is much coming together but this also entails much coming apart. The elites of Britain come together with the elites of Israel, Qatar, Hong Kong, and Nairobi, but they are coming apart from non-elite white Britons. There was a time when even a rich powerful Briton would have felt a common national bond with his fellow countrymen. We don’t see that today. British elites promote ‘diversity’ and excoriate & even punish any lowly Briton who says anything about racial and national survival of Britain. When Lawrence(of Arabia) came together with Arabs, he came apart from Britons, and in the end, he couldn’t handle the contradictions and returned to being a Britain and went back home. Today, the Muslim world is spreading all over UK.
As for the British underclasses they(like the French underclasses)seem to be coming apart from their own history, heritage, and tradition and ‘coming together’ with Hollywood fantasies and rap music/culture.

In the 1970s, there were rich parts in any city, but if you walked around, you still felt the city-as-a-whole was a working class, middle class, and family place to be. Today, many urban areas are like glittering bejeweled paradises for lawyers in love. They are glass palaces. Eateries are fancy pantsy.
The ‘high rise man’ of the 70s and early 80s are nothing compared to high-rise man of today.
The class/cultural/economic differences back then were downright ‘communist’ compared to the brazen, shameless, narcissistic, and sky-is-the-limit look and feel of today’s rich urban areas. Back then, even if you lived well in a fancy place, you were reminded of REAL PEOPLE and REAL PLACES that were all around you. And even fancy places weren’t all that fancy. It’s like Taki keeps complaining about how yachts used to be made tastefully, but today the bigass palatial yachts of billionaire(such as the Oracle guy) has no limits.
When Royko wrote a column about the high rise man, readers(even rich folks) could nod their head in agreement about the class pretensions of the hip and well-to-do:

The High-Rise Man described by Royko would be considered backward and crude by today’s standards of urban liberal gentry privilege. He would be like Gordon Gekko’s bigass portable phone.
Today, when ‘gay pride parades’ in the richest hearts of the city is the main celebration of the year(bigger than St. Patrick’s Day and Christmas), no one will even get the joke.
Despite all the conceit of ‘victory of the left’ in the culture war, it’s really victory of elite Jewish-homo privilege that hides behind ‘progressive’ symbol-puppets like Obama whose main priorities have been serving Jews, homos, and Wall Street.

When I was a kid and walked or biked around rich areas, I thought Wow. But I didn’t see them as being separate from the rest of the city. Just much better off. Today, when I see some areas in NY and Chicago, by golly, I don’t know if I’m in the world of reality. If you live in such a place or esp was raised in such a place, why would you feel any cultural connection with people outside it? You will be filled with class privilege/snobbery. But since US values are still officially ‘egalitarian’, you will pretend that your disdain for other Americans is due to issues of politics, ethics, or agendas.
YOU voted for Obama. You are friends or friends of a friend of the Rolling Stone writer who exposed ‘rape culture’. You attended a cocktail party about ‘climate change’. But it’s really snobbery draped in trendy causes. It’s like Hughes and Cook are united cuz both are homo and rich, but Hughes tries to turn his class-homo solidarity into an issue of social justice, what with Cook being so ‘heroic’ to come out. (Funny, but it took more courage for him to remain in the closet as the homo community was yelling at him to come out, dammit).
Even the language is snobby, even downright contemptuous. If you not on the ‘gay marriage’ bandwagon, you are said to be ‘less evolved’. Ooh-ooh ah-ah, does that make me an ape?

Given the way things are going, the dominant theme among whites must be COMING TOGETHER. This is why Jewish elites are especially after Richard Spencer. Though Spencer is powerless, he has the right idea, and if his idea takes hold, it can spread like wildfire. Spencer is saying whites should all unite in common interest, from US to Europe to Russia. He organized a meeting in Hungary—midpoint between western europe and eastern europe—where all whites would be welcome from US, Europe, Russia, etc. Even Dugin was planned to appear. Jews freaked out and exerted great pressure to have him arrested and humiliated. Jews, who have the power to drive a wedge between Russia and US/EU, treated Spencer like a little toy. But they were afraid of his ideas. And Jews are now going after him in his own homebase in Montana. As Montana is mostly white, if Spencer can win over whites in Montana, there is a possibility that white consciousness may spread to other places. A forest fire, after all, starts in one single area. It later spreads. So, Jews are trying to snuff even his little fire in Montana because they fear his idea of COMING TOGETHER of whites.

White Right should also be mindful of cumming together as a race is only as good if the men and women of the race cum together and produce babies of the same race. After all, suppose Norway had been having kids with non-Norwegians on a huge scale for 1000 yrs. Norway as we know it today wouldn’t even exist. It would have genetically vanished long ago.
To promote and encourage the cumming together, maybe we need to create a new kind of spiritual idea. Jews have the thing with the covenant with God where Jewish men gotta have their foreskins cut off.
Suppose the covenant concept of white folks is that a white man and white woman is only truly blessed by the god of white power/race when they have sex. The covenant is fulfilled with white penis meets white vagina, especially to produce a white child.
When white men and white women continue to cum apart, their race will unravel and die off.

Imagine if Norway were drift off to Africa and became physically adjoined to Nigeria with a much bigger population. Suppose Norwegian women run off with Negro men and have mulatto kids. Suppose Norwegian men have fewer white women to have kids with and have kids with black women. What will happen to Norway in the long run? It will disappear as a people, race, and culture. It will disappear in a few generations. Who wants that?

Of course, with massive migrations from Africa, Europe may indeed disappear. All those ships carrying blacks, esp black men, are like Afro-Shaft Carriers, in some ways more dangerous than Air Craft Carriers. Invasion forces are arriving.

About Luke Ford

I've written five books (see My work has been covered in the New York Times, the Los Angeles Times, and on 60 Minutes. I teach Alexander Technique in Beverly Hills (
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