The Date Rape Epidemic

From comments to Steve Sailer:

* Then there was that roofie incident with the guy ending up becoming a slave for 12 years.

* My experience with alcohol indicates that (1) heavy intoxication can cause you to fall asleep in locations that are pretty surprising when you wake up, (2) You or a partner may be enthusiastic about whatever is on your minds at the time but may not remember any of it the next morning.

Without alcohol in the equation, I predict date rape and rufie accusations would plummet. People have to start being honest about the effects of alcohol. They can be pretty drastic.

I’m too old and too married to have a dog in this fight, and I also like a drink here and there, so I am just passing along some common sense information.

* I recall a Jewish-Canadian music journalist writing in the 90s about carrying around a GHB-laced water bottle at raves. As memory serves, this was something she reported warmly embracing as an alternative to Ecstasy when that became too much, until (as these things happen) GHB proved to be too much too.

* One would think that the number of women being drugged by stranger sexual predators has been in decline for decades as almost all bars and clubs have been required by law, their local liquor licensing boards or their insurers to install surveillance cameras inside establishments.

In fact, over the years numerous sexual predators have been identified by video using drugs like GHB to incapacitate their female victims and convicted.

It is worth noting that gay bars have fought for decades against requirements to install cameras in order protect their patrons from being drugged. They have argued that their customers demand that their privacy be protected at all cost. So much for being out and proud.

Jeffery Dahmer was notorious for years for drugging bar patrons and taking them to the back rooms where he raped them. Numerous complaints were filed with police concerning Dahmer’s activities but he was never identified due to lack of solid evidence. But flyers were posted with Dahmer’s general description in gay bars and neighbourhoods, so Dahmer would travel to several states to continue his predations. Eventually things got too hot for Dahmer, motivating his serial killing spree.

Indiana’s own homosexual mass murder Herb Baumeister followed a very similar pattern to Dahmer.

Bill Kurtis productions did excellent documentaries on both Dahmer and Baumeister. Kurtis made a strong point that in both cases law enforcement was very much hindered in attempts to catch them over long periods of time because gay bars were able to convince politicians that video cameras required in straight bars would not be accepted by gays.

Last, obviously if cameras were required in the gay bars of Laramie, Wy the entire myth making surrounding the murder of Matthew Shepard would never have occurred. Video would have shown that Shepard was a drug dealer and was engaging in “rough trade” over a long period of time with his eventual killers.

But hey calling for the installation of video cameras in gay bars to cut down on violence against gays will only get you labelled a raging homophobe. So fuhgeddaboudit.

Fighting the phantom war against cisgendered redneck anti-gay violence = good.
Stopping real violence by gays against gays = bad.

* This is like the rash of Big Foot sightings in the 70′s and a lot less interesting. The notion of large, strange, hairy creatures who roamed through the back woods and rural districts of American always had a certain charm to it.

This doesn’t. It’s simply intellectual bankruptcy going full tilt boogie.

It’s also a advertisement as to why young white adults ought to eschew college altogether and either focus on trade school or self-education. Look colleges are becoming centers of endarkenment and low grade Stalinesque thuggishness that cost a lot of money and can ruin a young man for life for simply dating a young woman.

* In her memoir? . . . autobiography? . . romance novel? . . . Lena Dunham describes herself as having consumed alcohol, Xanax, and cocaine prior to inviting her attacker? . . . rapist? . . . hooker-upper . . . back to her room. Of course, the whole accusation is now unravelling, and it’s doubtful that even this much happened. In fact, it’s doubtful that anything happened, which may be what she’s trying to conceal.

This is some new version of criminal procedure which would leave King Solomon scratching his head. A woman accuses an ambiguously identifed (first name only) rapist of an ambiguously defined offense (which actually isn’t rape), not in a police sation or court room, but in a book. The offender isn’t entirely identified, but enough clues are dropped along the way that those who were on campus at the time or who choose to dig into the story later can figure who “the offender” surely must be.

It then turns out that this “narrative” is at best ambiguously “true” in some post-structuralist way in which everything sort of is and sort of isn’t true, depending on the narrator’s critque of political dynamics, social norms, gender roles, varities of “seeing”, the alignment of the planets, the music of the spheres, the welfare of Gaia, the Heisenberg Uncertainty Principle . . . and whatever.

* OT, or rather back on the topic of “Jackie” from UVA, GotNews has now posted an alleged screen capture of her Facebook page. Apparently her favorite TV show is Law and Order. Interesting as there is an L&O episode remarkably like her story:

Synopsis: A young woman pledging a sorority is raped on a college campus, and the investigation is hindered by a campus community that turns a blind eye toward such incidents.


The original complaining victim, Lindsey, withdraws her complaint, wanting to get on with her life, but the detectives find multiple victims from the fraternity that raped her and discover that the fraternity is known as The Rape Factory for all the rapes that have occurred there. SVU takes the school to the grand jury to charge them with their complicit actions, but before the case is resolved, Lindsey commits suicide. This causes one of the fraternity brothers, who had participated in a different rape and felt guilty about it, to reveal that Lindsey was telling the truth about the rape and turn over a cell phone video where the rapists brag that they gang-raped her. They are arrested while the school Dean and chief security officer are arrested for accessory to rape for their roles in the cover-up with the help of statements from the school counselor and a security officer who both felt guilty as well with Lindsey’s suicide.

* Once was out with a friend and a 5’10″, 100lb soaking wet model he was trying to get with. I was drinking hard stuff, and she decided she wanted to keep up; she had two hard alcohols (vodka or whiskey, I forget) and was staggering on the street. She went from silly drunk to angry drunk, and started yelling that we’d roofied her.

Or…she’s a stick-thin young female who doesn’t normally drink hard alcohol.

Spin, hamster, spin!

* A narrative is not a statistic but I know of at least one case where a very serious, close to abstemious young woman was ‘roofied by a male apartment mate during a group date. She was knowledgeable enough to realize what was happening and immediately got a girl friend to take her to the ER. Her father had hospital privileges and demanded a blood screen. It came back positive for Rohypnol. She cut a deal with the guy involved that he immediately leave the apartment and pay rent until an alternate apartment mate was found or she would press charges. This was probably a more severe punishment than the criminal justice system would have meted out.

I wonder if a lot of Jordan Kisner’s male informants might not have been the victims of homosexual rape while they were under. Chances are they’d never know for sure and might recoil from any little evidence that they’d been orally or anally penetrated; a pretty disgusting thought for any normal male. Predatory homosexuals are capable of even more appalling behavior than their heterosexual counterparts.

* The widespread anxieties that young women have about being drugged and gang raped are just a symptom of more general social fears. Women are profoundly ambivalent about being strong and independent versus being weak and protected. As their personal insecurities rise (job, marriage, children, older parents) the insecurity “leaks out” in weird ways.

Other societies experience similar sex-related hysterias. For Africans, witches and witchcraft provide a convenient channel. Several times a year, one can read in African newspapers and websites of witches causing penises/breasts/vaginas to disappear.

The roofie/gang rape hysteria is merely the American middle- to upper-class white female version of the same phenomenon.

* The date-drug rape obsession in the media reflects an innate drive in the female homo sapiens to be forcefully taken. This desire expresses itself in fantasies, especially in more … mature women.

This innate drive is an evolutionary vestige from hundreds of thousands of years ago, millions of years ago, when at some point or points in our evolutionary history, forced sex was not uncommon. Heck, you don’t even have to go back that far.

The current date-drug rape media obsession is simply a reflection of that innate female drive, one that is suppressed in our society, in part because that biological fact conflicts with parts of The Narrative. Specifically, in order to optimize the supply of american labor and consumption, females must become pseudo-males in many ways. This is how our corporate overlords grow in wealth.

Thus, this innate desire of females to be forcefully taken is suppressed. It’s not a conspiracy; it’s an ecosystem. Although suppressed, that biological fact will squirm its way to the surface from our subconscious.

* You won’t get women to agree to drink less. They simply like alcohol too much. Both the dopamine surge and the lowered inhibitions – it’s a magic elixir.

About Luke Ford

I've written five books (see My work has been covered in the New York Times, the Los Angeles Times, and on 60 Minutes. I teach Alexander Technique in Beverly Hills (
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