How the Alexander Technique can help with Physical and Emotional Healing

Ingrid Bacci tells Robert Rickover: “All of this work revolves around — how am I? Tension is about self-punitive behavior, which originates from feeling that I am not OK. I am dependent and I have to work to make myself OK. So then we try to control [and tense up].”

“Everybody knows that we have better mastery when we are relaxed than when we are agitated.”

Robert: “We live in a culture where if something is not working out, the impulse is to do something to fix the situation. A basic Alexander principle is that before you start doing some new thing, it would be good idea to find out what you are doing now and it is more than likely that some of what you are doing now is not helping you.”

Ingrid: “When we flow freely, we flow best.”

“If you learn to stop the mental chatter, then real information comes through. You don’t pay attention to your mind, you pay attention to your sensations and to letting go of tensions in your body and then your mind quiets. We associate mental chatter with what do I have to do? Do I have to buy magnesium? Do I need to do more exercise? Do I need to call this person? In Alexander Technique, you let go of lists of to do, you get quiet, and real understanding of what you need to do emerges.

“You can use Alexander Technique to teach intuition to people. Intuition is nothing more than being more present to your non-conscious mind.”

“You can help people to do regressions where you help people get in contact with past traumas that might inhibit their functioning and create emotional conflict. If we learn to let go, everything functions better.”

About Luke Ford

I've written five books (see My work has been covered in the New York Times, the Los Angeles Times, and on 60 Minutes. I teach Alexander Technique in Beverly Hills (
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